Name _____________________________________ Date __________________ Per ____________

Introduction to Genetics- PART 1

Watch the following Bozeman Videos and answer the questions associated with each video. Go at your own pace; feel free to pause the videos, stop, and restart them.

Bozeman Mendelian Genetics

1. What plant did Mendel work with?

2. What is the P cross?

3. What is the F1 cross?

4. Describe the incorrect idea of “Blending”.

5. The F1 was a “hybrid” – what does that mean?

6. Explain how a white flower could come from two purple flowers.

7. Mendel’s Laws:

a. Law of Segregation: like a _________________ flip. It is a _______________________

of those two alleles. Random ______________________

b. Law of Independent Assortment: Traits on different chromosomes don’t

___________________each other. Sometimes things do travel together, but that is

because those two genes are found on the same _________________________.

As you watch the sample problems feel free to pause the video and work them out. See how many you can get correct.

8. Heterozygous means:

9. Homozygous means:

10. What is an organism’s genotype?

11. What is an organism’s phenotype?

12. In problem #4, what is the probability of homozygous recessive (rr)?

13. In problem #5 why was there a greater chance of green seeds than the chance of wrinkled seeds (rr) in problem #4.

14. Would you want to know if you had Huntington’s Disease? __________Explain Why?

If you still have problems understanding Punnett Squares watch the following video:

What are Chromosomes?

1. What is a chromosome? Give details/examples

Diploid vs Haploid Cells

1. What is the Central Dogma?

2. What is the difference between a Diploid and a Haploid cell?

3. Are Humans haploid or diploid creatures? ______________________________

4. What example does Paul Anderson use to explain this?

5. Which cells in humans are diploid? _______________________________________________

6. Which cells in humans are haploid? ________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________ Date __________________ Per ____________

Introduction to Genetics- PART 2

Watch the following Bozeman Videos and answer the questions associated with each video. Go at your own pace; feel free to pause the videos, stop, and restart them.

Beginners Guide to Punnett squares

View the first 4:38 only

1. What do the two sides of a punnett square represent?

2. What do the boxes on a punnett square represent?

3. What does a monohybrid cross look at?

4. In a monohybrid cross, a homozygous purple plant is crossed with a homozygous recessive white plant. What are the gametes of each parent?

_____ ______ x _______ ______

Show the possible outcomes of the punnett square. ( -(

5. What are the possible outcomes of crossing two heterozygous purple flowered pea plants?

a. Give phenotypic and genotypic ratios.

6. What do genotypic and phenotypic ratios tell us?

7. When there are two different alleles for a genotype, which allele gets written first, the dominant allele or recessive allele?

Next page ( (

Chromosomal Genetics

1. What is incomplete dominance?

a. Give an example of an organism that shows incomplete dominance.

2. Show with a punnett square the results of

crossing two pink snapdragons.

a. Give phenotype and genotype ratios.

3. How is codominance different from incomplete dominance.

a. Give an example of an organism showing codominance.

4. What is an example of a trait with multiple alleles?

5. Why does the inheritance of red hair and freckles often flow together?

6. Thomas Hunt Morgan worked with fruit flies. When Morgan crossed fruit flies that were

VvBb x vv bb, what would be the expected phenotypic ratios in the offspring? (parental phenotypes vs. recombinants)

7. What did Morgan actually get when he did the cross stated above?

8. What did Morgan and his student figure out from these results about genes and the chromosomes that possess them?

9. What phenomenon split up the linked genes?

a. In meiosis, when would this have had to happen?

10. Give an example of a trait caused by multiple genes?

a. What is the phenotypic pattern that illustrates that multiple genes are at work?

11. In a hypothetical example shown by Mr. Anderson, height is controlled by three genes (A, B, C)

If a couple AaBbCc x AaBbCc had children, how would the numbers show a pattern of inheritance ranging from very tall to very short?

12. Describe what is meant by sex linkage.

a. Show by a punnett square, the cross between a

mother that is a carrier for colorblindness with a dad

who is normal for color vision.

b. What percentage of the sons is colorblind? ________

c. What percent of the daughters are colorblind? __________

13. Why is it unusual for girls to become colorblind?

14. Hemophilia is a sex linked trait. Look up this disorder. Describe what happens to those afflicted with this disease.

15. What is one possible reason that Mr. Anderson discusses as to why colorblindness can be adaptive to those in the military?

Genetics Vocabulary

Many of your Genetics Vocabulary terms are used in the series of videos you have watched. They have been bolded on your video note sheets as a way of reminding you that these terms are important to know and understand.

Write the definitions of the following vocabulary terms. You can use pictures, examples, references to the videos, or whatever else you may need to help you learn and understand these terms. It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT copy the definitions from the glossary of a text book or off of Google. Being able to define these terms using your own words is the best way to make sure you know them.








Homologous Chromosome 








Sex Chromosome


Somatic Cells



Punnett Square

Genotypic ratio

Phenotypic ratio

Monohybrid cross

Dihybrid cross

P generation (cross)

F1 generation (cross)

F2 generation (cross)

Mendel’s Law of Segregation

Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment

Rule of Dominance

Patterns of Inheritance to know:

Simple Mendelian Inheritance

Incomplete dominant



Multiple allele


A graphic organizer for your vocabulary words can be found by accessing:

• our class website at ahspjohnson.

• clicking the link to our class calendar

• The “Genetics Vocab Frayers” are attachments to 11/10


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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