Advanced Data and File Structures (COMP 3160)

Internet Applications and Java Programming

COMP 4/6302

Summer 2003

Instructor Information

|Hongjun Song, Ph.D. |Time: Tuesday 5:30pm – 9:30pm |E-mail: |

|Office: Dunn Hall |Buld & Room: DH 118 |Phone: 263-6417 |

|Office Hours: By Appt. |Class Home Page: |

Course Description

This class consists of two parts: Internet Applications and Java Programming. This first half will introduce the essential topics of Internet structure, applications, and tools. Students will learn Internet Structure, protocols, client-server environments (n-tier), web servers and application servers, html and security issues. The second half will study Java Programming to develop Internet applications. The topics include Java applications development methodology, Java applets, JVM, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Java Servelet, Java Server Page (JSP), Java multithreading, Java GUI, Java Graphics, and the introduction to EJB. We will also discuss Java performance issues, CORBA, UML, and other advanced topics.

Students will design and develop Internet applications using Java and other programming languages, tools, and applications that introduced in the class. These projects will be close enough to solving the industrial problems.

Prerequisite: COMP 2150.

Course Objectives

The student who successfully completes the course will:

o Understand the Internet structure and the client-server environments.

o Be able to develop software that takes customers’ requests, accesses customer database, and manipulates and delivers the right solutions to customers in acceptable response time.

Text Books


"Java How to Program, 5th Edition", by H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-101621-0, 2003.


1. “Internet & World Wide Web How to Program,” 2/E H. M. Deitel, Deitel, P. J. Deitel, and T. Nieto, ISBN: 0-13-030897-8, Prentice Hall, 2002.

2. "Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program", by H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, and S. E. Santry, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-089560-1, 2002.

3. "Distributed Systems, Concepts and Design, 3rd Edition", by G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, and T. Kindberg, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201-61918-0, 2001.

4. "Programming the World Wide Web, 2/E," R. W. Sebesta, ISBN: 0-321-14945-9, Addison Wesley, 2003.

Class Home Page ()

The class home page is setup in the department website. It contains all of class information including lecture notes, schedules, assignments, announcements, syllabus, and etc. Please visit it from time to time to catch up the updates. This website will be available by the second week.


There are a total of 100 points you can earn toward your final grade in the course. There will be a midterm exam (20 points) concentrating on the material that has been covered up to and including the week before the test. In addition, there will be five assignments. These will typically be due before lecture on next Tuesday. The assignments worth 7 points each (35 points in total). Five points will be assigned to each student based on the daily class participation. The rest points, 40, will be assigned to a term-project, 7 point to the proposal and 33 to the final. Your letter grade will be determined by total course points. Plus/minus grading will be used. Your grades will be posted on-line on the school’s web site.


Make-up of exams and assignments will be allowed for students with excused absences. An excused absence is an absence due to illness or participation in university authorized activities. Students missing class due to illness or university-authorized activity must bring a note from their doctor or university official indicating the reason for the absence. Students missing class due to unexcused activities will not be allowed to make-up missed assignments or exams and will receive a grade of zero for the missed work.

Tentative Lecture Schedule

The following list is the tentative lecture schedule subjecting to changes when it becomes necessary.

|Date |Lecture Topics |Note |

|6/10 |Introduction to the Internet and the Web: Architecture and Models |  |

| |Introduction to Java Applications and Five Steps | |

|6/17 |Java Basic Programming Skills | Homework 1 |

| |Java Applets; HTML and JavaScript | |

|6/24 |Java Control1, Control2, | Homework 2 |

| |Java Methods | |

|7/1 |Java Arrays | Homework 3 |

| |Java String and Characters | |

|7/8 |Java Object-Oriented Programming: Encapsulation |Homework 4 |

| |Java Object-Oriented Programming Polymorphism | |

| |Java Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance | |

|7/15 |Java Files and Steams | Mid-term |

| |Java Exception Handling | |

|7/22 |Case study, an elevator simulator |Homework 5 |

| |Java Utilities Package and Bit Manipulation | |

|7/29 |Java Database Connectivity JDBC |Homework 6 |

| |Java Servlets | |

|8/5 |Java  Server Pages (JSP) | Homework 7 |

| |Java Graphics and Java2D | |

|8/12 |Java GUI | Course review |

| |Java Multithreading   | |

| |Java Networking, Protocols | |

|8/14 |Final Examination | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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