INSTRUCTOR: Ramiro Fontes website:

COURSE: 10023- 002 Core Mathematics III

OFFICE: Room 203 MSB (Math & Computer Science Building)

Phone: 330-672-9026 E-mail address:

Office hours: Mon,Tues,Wed 1:15-2:15 pm (please let me know in advance)

TEXT: Math 10023 Core Mathematics III eBook

All the eBooks can be found at:

Please purchase a print copy at the Campus Copy Connection on the third floor of the library. You will need to bring the text everyday to class.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Core Mathematics is a sequence of 4, 2-credit courses designed to prepare students for college level mathematics and science courses. Each course in the sequence lasts for 7.5 weeks, allowing students to complete a maximum of two courses during fall, spring or summer semester. Students are placed into one or more courses, and proceed until they have completed the required sequence, which is determined by their major.

Students in Core Mathematics I, II, III, or IV who earn a final grade of C or better (73%) will progress to the next course. Students who earn C-, D, F, NF or SF will repeat the course. Freshman Forgiveness (Recalculation of first-year grade point average) will apply according to the provisions listed in the Undergraduate Catalog.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Regular attendance is necessary and expected. Class will begin and end promptly. Students may leave only when class is dismissed. Leaving early will result in a zero quiz score for the day.

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: (20 points) Written homework will be assigned daily. Homework will be collected weekly.

LAB ASSIGNMENTS: (60 points) There will be at least four MATHPASS labs for 10023 given on Fridays in our lab room 108 MSB. Attendance is required. One lab will be a home assignment. The other days will be lecture. To receive full credit you must get a 90% or higher. If you get 80%-89% your score will be deducted by one point. Otherwise you will not receive any credit below 80%. You may redo any MATHPASS assignments until the due date.

QUIZZES: (120 points) There will be at least 14 quizzes—10 points each. Your 12 best quiz scores will be kept.

MIDTERM EXAM (100 points) will be given during the third or fourth week, see schedule.

FINAL EXAM: (100 points) A final exam will be given during the seventh week, see schedule.

GRADING POLICY: 50% of grade will be the midterm exam and final exam. The other 50% will be on hw, quizzes and the lab assignments.

GRADING SCALE: A 93-100 % A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 % B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79%

(400 possible points) C 73-76% C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 % D 60-66% F 0 - 59%

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: No calculators. Please put all cell phones away during class and leave phone on SILENT.

Statement on Academic Dishonesty is posted on my website.


University policy 3342-3-18 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Accessibility Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).


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