An introduction to probability and statistics by

ST. JOSEPH’S DEGREE & PG COLLEGE(Autonomous), Affiliated to Osmania UniversityAccredited by NAAC with A Grade with a CGPA of 3.49King Koti Road, Hyderabad B.Sc. (MSCs)II Year / III SemesterTHEORY PAPER -IIISubject: STATISTICAL METHODSw.e.f 2018 -19 AYSCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONSCHEME OF EXAMINATIONHours per Week: 4Maximum Marks: 100Credits: 4Internal Assessment: 40Instruction Mode: LectureExternal Examination : 60Course Code:BS.06.205.12.TExternal Exam Duration : 3 Hrs--------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Objective:.This course gives the knowledge of dependent and independent variables, Computation and interpretation of correlation coefficient variables, linear regression models, exact sampling distributions, methods of estimations and confidence intervals of parameters.Course Outcome:By the end of the course the student would be able toCO 1:Acquire the knowledge of Correlation and Regression analysis their properties and limitations, differences between them.CO 2: Get acquainted with analysis of categorical data and independence of attributes.CO 3: Acquire the knowledge of exact sampling techniques like t, F and chi square and relationship between them.CO 4: learn the skills to compute the confidence interval for various parameters by using Pivot method.Unit-I:(15 Hrs.)Bi-variate data, scattered diagram, Population correlation coefficient and its properties, sample correlation coefficient, computation of correlation coefficient for grouped data, Correlation ratio, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and its properties, Principle of least squares, fitting of Linear, Quadratic and Power curves. Unit- II:(15 Hrs.)Simple linear regression, correlation verses regression, properties of regression coefficients, Concepts of partial and multiple correlation coefficients (only for three variables), Analysis of categorical data, independence of attributes, various measures of association (Yule’s) for two way data and Coefficient of contingency (Pearson and Tcherprow), coefficient of colligation. Unit- III:(15Hrs.)Concepts of population, parameter, random sample, statistic, sampling distribution and standard error, Standard error of sample mean(s) and sample proportion(s). Exact sampling distributions- Statement and properties of 2, t and F distributions and their interrelationships. Independence of sample mean and variance in random sampling from normal distributions Unit- IV:(15 Hrs.)Point estimation of a parameter, concept of bias and mean square error of an estimate.Criteria of good estimator- consistency, unbiasedness, efficiency and sufficiency with examples, Statement of Neyman’s Factorization theorem, derivations of sufficient statistics in case of Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential (one parameter only) distributions. Concept of interval estimation. Confidence intervals of the parameters of normal population by Pivot method (mean, variance, difference of means and ratio of variations).List of Text books:V.K.Kapoor and S.C.Gupta: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand&Sons, New DelhiDr. A. Mohan Rao, Dr. N. SrinivasaRao, Dr. R. Sudhakar Reddy, Dr. T.C Ravichandra Kumar: B.A / B.Sc second Year, Statitiscs (Statistical Methods and Inference)List of Reference Books:Hoel P.G: Introduction to mathematical statistics, Asia Publishing house.Sanjay Arora and BansiLal: New Mathematical Statistics SatyaPrakasham , New DelhiParimalMukhopadhyay: Mathematical Statistics. New Central Book agency,Hogg, Tanis,RaoProbability and Statistical Inference, 7th edition, Pearson Publication.GoonAM, Gupta MK. Das Gupta B : Fundamentals of Statistics , Vol-I&II, the World Press Pvt.Ltd.Kolakota.An introduction to probability and statistics by V. K. Rohatgi,?A. K. Md. EhsanesSalehWiley, 2001 edition ................

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