Course Syllabus Introduction to Soil Science

Course Syllabus

Introduction to Soil Science

PLSC 204 - Fall 2019


Dr. Jeff Fuhrmann, Professor of Soil Microbiology

164 Townsend Hall, Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences

Phone: 302-831-1371

Cell: 484-886-7692

Course Description:

This course will examine the fundamentals of soils including origin, composition, classification, physical, chemical, and biological properties and processes. We will also discuss the significance of soil properties to agricultural use and environmental management. Prerequisite: CHEM101 (or other basic college chemistry)

Course Goals:

? To develop a concept of soil and its importance to the welfare of society. ? To understand how soils form and gain experience in the interpretation of basic soil

properties. ? To gain knowledge about the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological

properties of soils, their relationships to one another and their effect on plant growth, environmental quality, and land use. ? To develop skills in using such information to make sound management decisions for both agricultural and nonagricultural uses of soils.


Lecture (PLSC204): 9:30-10:45 Tues & Thur Gore Hall 104

Textbook (strongly recommended):

Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils, N.C. Brady and R.R. Weil, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. 2018 (4th Ed.)

? Older editions are quite acceptable, including those of the expanded textbook "The Nature and Properties of Soils" by the same authors.

? I suggest that you use the textbook as a reference to help clarify concepts. ? Exams will be based on the information presented during class times, i.e., you don't

have to know all of the details given in the textbook but reading the textbook will probably help you understand the course material.

iClickers are required if you desire extra credit points. iClickers will be used to promote learning in this class. Bring your clicker to class every day to obtain credit for the activities that use them. Register your clicker as soon as possible using the iClicker tool on Canvas.

How the course will be structured: (subject to evolution during the semester)

? In general, the course will be in traditional lecture format. ? Recordings of in-classroom presentations/discussions will be available

on UDCapture for your review as needed. (link to be announced) ? At various points during the class meeting, there will be questions on that day's

material that you will answer using iClickers (iClickers are required for the course in order to obtain extra credit points). These will help me gauge your understanding of the material ("rough" areas will be followed up on in the discussion period) and will also allow me to take attendance. This record will be used as described below to potentially provide you with extra credit. ? Recorded lectures (from the online version of the course) will be available to you on Canvas. You can use these if you miss a lecture. However, attendance is strongly encouraged because what is presented in lecture might differ somewhat from what is in the recorded lectures; plus, you will not get extra credit by answering iClicker questions. Note that you will need to download the lecture files in order to hear the audio portion (listen to them in PowerPoint's presentation mode).


? The course exams will be taken online at the UD testing center located on Library Avenue (Route 72) in Newark (across from PepBoys and behind Newark High School) (link1 link2). See additional information (bus routes, etc.) posted on Canvas.

? Each midterm exam will be available to you for three days (Wednesday through Friday of test weeks; T/H 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; F 10a.m.-5:00p.m.). The final exam will be available Monday (9:00-5:00) and Tuesday-Wednesday (9:00-8:00) of final exam week (12/9-12/11).

? Please note that you need to schedule your exam time to guarantee a seat. Also, you need to schedule your exam early enough to allow sufficient time to complete it by testing center closing time.

? Lecture will not meet the Thursday when exams are held.


There will be three lecture midterm examinations and a comprehensive final exam. A few extra credit opportunities will be made available; one of these will be your attendance and participation as recorded using your iClickers.

Mid-term exams (3 @ 25%)


Final Exam


Participation grading (percentage of total questions answered in class [iClickers]):

50% = 1 grade point, 70% = 2 pts, 90% = 3 pts

The point values will be added to your final overall course percentage grade. Please note that I will not be recording whether or not you answer the questions correctly, only whether you selected an answer with your iClicker. However, coming to class prepared (and better able to answer the iClicker questions correctly) will enhance your learning experience.

Final Grades will be assigned on the following scale:

Percent Grade Percent Grade

93-100 A

73-76.9 C

90-92.9 A-

70-72.9 C-

87-89.9 B+

67-69.9 D+

83-86.9 B

63-66.9 D

80-82.9 B-

60-62.9 D-

77-79.9 C+


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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