TES - Use of Administrative Sources for Statistical Purposes

Use of Administrative Sources for Statistical Purposes

References and Further Reading

(References marked ** are particularly recommended as pre-course reading)

Introduction to Administrative Sources

Brackstone G; Statistical Issues of Administrative Data: Issues and Challenges, Statistical Uses of Administrative Data - An International Symposium, Statistics Canada, November 1987

(Proceedings published by Statistics Canada, Ottawa, December 1988).

Eurostat; Report of the Task Force on Administrative Sources, October 1997

Eurostat; Quality assessment of administrative data for statistical purposes

International Organization for Standardization; ISO 9000:2005 Quality Management Systems - Fundamentals and Vocabulary

**Vale S; The Use of Administrative Sources for Economic Statistics – An Overview, Regional Workshop on Use of Administrative Data in Economic Statistics, Moscow, October 2006,

Frameworks for the Access and Use of Administrative Data

Eurostat; Use of Administrative Sources for Business Statistics Purposes - Handbook on Good Practices, 1999,

Also available in French and German:

Eurostat; European Statistics Code of Practice, 2005,

Also available in French and German

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe; The Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in the Region of the Economic Commission for Europe, 1992 (Since adopted by the United Nations as a global standard),

Also available in French and Russian

Vale S; Frameworks for the Access and Use of Administrative Data, With the Example of Current Practice in the United Kingdom, Regional Workshop on Use of Administrative Data in Economic Statistics, Moscow, October 2006,

Common Problems and Solutions

Herczog A, H van Hooff and A Willeboordse (Statistics Netherlands); The Impact of Diverging Interpretations of the Enterprise Concept - A Comparison of Enterprise Profiling Views and Practices in Denmark, The Netherlands and United Kingdom, Prepared for Eurostat, 1998

Vale S; How Real are the Barriers to the Use of Administrative Sources for Statistical Purposes, 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Lisbon, August 2007, (available from the author steven.vale@)

Introduction to Matching

Gill, L; Methods for Automatic Record Matching and Linking and their use in National Statistics, National Statistics Methodology Series No. 25, Office for National Statistics, 2001. ISBN 1 85774 420 9 or

(Note - 8.72MB PDF file)

Identity Systems; The Math, Myth and Magic of Name Search and Matching, (available in English, French, German and Turkish),

Vale, S and J Hughes, Improved register data matching and its impact on survey population estimates, International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames, Beijing, October 2004,

Vale, S and M Villars; Matching Records without a Common Identifier - The UK Experience, Research in Official Statistics (1/2000), Eurostat, 2001. Also available on the Internet:

Winkler W, various papers on matching from the leading expert in the field,

Administrative Sources and Statistical Registers

Blom, E and F Carlsson; Registers in Official Statistics: A Swedish Perspective, UNECE Work session on registers and administrative records in social and demographic statistics, Geneva, 1999

Eurostat; Business Register Recommendations Manual (particularly chapter 20) -

Also available in French and German

The Use of Administrative Sources in Finland

Myrskylä, P; New Statistics Made Possible by the Use of Registers, UNECE Work session on registers and administrative records in social and demographic statistics, Geneva, 1999,

Statistics Finland; Census 2000 pages on the Statistics Finland Internet site,

Statistics Finland; Quality Guidelines – Administrative and Statistical Registers,

**Statistics Finland, Use of Registers and Administrative Data Sources for Statistical Purposes – Best Practices of Statistics Finland, 2004, (Note: 1.89MB PDF File)

International Legislation, Projects and Resources

Eurostat; EU Legal Acts relating to Statistics (ESTAT-LEGIS),

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe; Register Based Statistics in the Nordic Countries – Review of best Practices With Focus on Population and Social Statistics, (due to be published during 2007).


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