Introduction - Administration for Community Living

Version: 3.0Date Created: 12/12/19Date Posted: 12/19/19The document contained herein is subject to change. Please check the Version Control update information in the Resources section on AGID to ensure that the most recent version is accessed (). Administration for Community Living Older Americans act performance system Title III SPR upload guide November 2019Version 3.0Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc23854331 \h 11.1 Overview PAGEREF _Toc23854332 \h 11.2 Purpose PAGEREF _Toc23854333 \h 12How to Upload Data PAGEREF _Toc23854335 \h 12.1 General Instructions PAGEREF _Toc23854336 \h 13Other/Supplemental Services: Adding Additional Rows PAGEREF _Toc23854337 \h 33.1 Older Adults: Other Services PAGEREF _Toc23854338 \h 33.2 Caregivers of Older Adults: Supplemental Services PAGEREF _Toc23854339 \h 103.3 Older Relative Caregivers: Supplemental Services PAGEREF _Toc23854340 \h 114Glossary of Terms PAGEREF _Toc23854345 \h 12Introduction1.1 OverviewThe Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS) allows users to upload data using an approved .xlsx, .csv, .xml template. Upload templates are available for download in the approved .xlsx, .csv, and .xml format on the OAAPS site. The Upload Template is a file structured for importing and/or uploading data into OAAPS. The file contains data elements at the most detailed level. All files uploaded into OAAPS undergo a check to ensure the correct format is used. If the format used is identical to the upload template, OAAPS will perform format validations to ensure the data uploaded adheres to the business rules defined for each data element. The upload sample file demonstrates how users can fill in the upload template by showing sample text and values. Once data has been uploaded, users have the option to manually update individual fields from within OAAPS or re-upload the data file. The Data Dictionary Worksheet Description provides definitions and information such as formatting rules and dependencies associated with each data element. It provides a detailed description of each of the columns in the Upload Template. 1.2 PurposeThe purpose of this Upload Guide is to explain how to use the Title III templates to upload data into OAAPS for the State Performance Report (SPR) and Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) data. How to Upload Data2.1 General InstructionsUsers generate and upload files in the appropriate format (e.g., CSV) using the template described below. The process for Other and Supplemental Services are different and are described in more detail in Section PAGEREF _Ref24449456 \h 3. The combination of the Component, Resource, and Field columns are used by the system to identify individual elements within OAAPS.? The ACL Ref # is a unique identifier assigned to each element to assist the user when identifying or searching for information across multiple reference documents. ?The ACL Ref # uses abbreviations to help identify which service or component type a data element pertains to. The upload template additionally includes a Section Name and Field Label column. The Section Name column includes the location within the system where the data element exists and the Field Label includes the exact label used on the screen to identify the data element. These columns allow users to identify the exact location within OAAPS where the data will be uploaded. All of the columns are described in more detail in the Data Dictionary Worksheet Descriptions document. The order of the column headers and the data in columns A through D, F and G in the upload template cannot be changed (with the exception of the Field column when adding additional Other/Supplemental Services as described in Section PAGEREF _Ref24449545 \h 3). Only the data in the Value column, column E, of the upload template should be changed. The following exhibit provides an example of the upload template. 01231265Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Screenshot of an Upload Template SampleOther/Supplemental Services: Adding Additional RowsWhen a user provides multiple Other/Supplemental Services, the user will need to modify the upload template in order to add the data to OAAPS using the upload feature. If the user is manually modifying the upload template or generating a pre-populated upload template from another database the same modification rules apply. It is recommended a user make use of the OAAPS application interface if manually entering data associated with Other or Supplemental Services rather than modifying the template to upload additional services. In the case of Other/Supplemental Services the same ACL Ref # may be used if multiple services are provided, in which case the Field column text is modified to differentiate individual Other/Supplemental Services and their elements from one another.3.1 Older Adults: Other ServicesThe user will need to add additional rows and populate them with the appropriate values for the seven columns (A-G) in the upload template and change the nomenclature of the text located in the Field column. The user will adjust the Field column text using a numbering schema prefix (e.g. 1#Services#serviceName, 2#Services#serviceName, 3#Services#serviceName, etc...) to differentiate each service from one another. The number at the beginning of the Field column text is used to associate the nine data fields containing values for a particular Other Service.In the examples below the user will be uploading three different services to the Older Adults - Other Services section of OAAPS.1. REF _Ref23854764 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 2 below demonstrates new rows added below each field.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 - Adding Rows - Other Services Example2. REF _Ref23939177 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 3 below shows the duplicated text from columns A-C and F-G added under each field row. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3 - Populating Rows - Other Services Example3. REF _Ref23939187 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 4 below shows the Field column text added and modified using the appropriate sequential number prefix corresponding to each new service to be uploaded. The example below is using the Field values 1#Services#serviceName, 2#Services#serviceName, 3#Services#serviceName.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4 - Modifying Field Text - Other Services Example4. REF _Ref23939196 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 5 below shows the Value (Column E) entered for each individual service field. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 - Adding Values - Other Services Example REF _Ref23854684 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 6 below is an example of a modified upload template for the three different Other Services (In-Home Emergency Response, Home Access, and Durable Medical Equipment). Each field associated with the sample service "In-Home Emergency Response" program is matched together using the Field value "1#Services#serviceName," Home Access is matched together using the Field value "2#Services#serviceName," and the Durable Medical Equipment program is matched together using the Field value "3#Services#serviceName." The Component, ACL Ref #, Resource, Section Name, and Field Label column will use the same text for each respective service field.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6 - Populated Upload Template - Other Services ExampleFigure 7 below is an example of the Other Services examples displayed in OAAPS after a successful upload.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7 - OAAPS - Other Services screenshot3.2 Caregivers of Older Adults: Supplemental ServicesThe same procedure used in section REF _Ref23939233 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.1 Older Adults: Other Services will apply to Supplemental Services for Caregivers of Older Adults (please refer to Other Services example for upload template modification procedure). The user will need to add additional rows and populate them with the appropriate values for the seven columns (A-G) in the upload template and change the nomenclature of the text located in the "Field" column. The user will adjust the "Field" column text using a prefix numbering schema (e.g. 1#Services#serviceName, 2#Services#serviceName, 3#Services#serviceName, etc...) to differentiate each service from one another. The number at the beginning of the Field column value is used to associate the nine data fields containing values for a particular service. REF _Ref23854994 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 8 below is an example of a modified template for the Caregivers of Older Adults: Supplemental Services.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8 - Populated Upload Template - Caregiver of Older Adults: Supplemental Services Example3.3 Older Relative Caregivers: Supplemental ServicesThe same procedure used in section REF _Ref23939233 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.1 Older Adults: Other Services will apply to Supplemental Services for Older Relative Caregivers (please refer to Other Services example for upload template modification procedure). The user will need to add additional rows and populate them with the appropriate values for the seven columns (A-G) in the upload template and change the nomenclature of the text located in the "Field" column. The user will adjust the "Field" column text using a prefix numbering schema (e.g. 1#Services#serviceName, 2#Services#serviceName, 3#Services#serviceName, etc...) to differentiate each service from one another. The number at the beginning of the Field column value is used to associate the nine data fields containing values for a particular service. REF _Ref23854908 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 9 below is an example of a modified template for the Older Relative Caregivers: Supplemental Services..Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9 - Populated Upload Template - Older Relative Caregiver: Supplemental Services ExampleGlossary of TermsTermDefinitionACL Ref#Reference number that links to Title III Data Architecture spreadsheetACMAssistance: Case ManagementADAdult Day Care/HealthAIAAssistance: Information and AssistanceANAging NetworkATAssisted TransportationBPBelow PovertyBpRange1-5Total Below Poverty Age RangesC1Cluster 1C12Cluster 1 & 2CGCaregiver of Older Adults Demographics/Characteristics for Select Services (Title III-E) subcomponentCHChoreCMGCase ManagementCNCongregate NutritionCOCounselingComponentComponent or Section nameEXExpenditures (Title III B/C/D/E) subcomponentFieldField name. Not necessarily the Screen Label in OAAPS.Field LabelHDNHome Delivered NutritionHPEHealth Promotion: Evidence-BasedHPNHealth Promotion: Non Evidence-BasedIAInformation and AssistanceISInformation Services (public)LALegal Assistance (Title III-B) subcomponentNCNutrition CounselingNENutrition EducationNSNutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) subcomponentNSIPNutrition Services Incentive Program OAOlder Adults Demographics/Characteristics for Select Services (Title III-B/C/D) subcomponentOROlder Relative Caregivers Demographics/Characteristics for Select Services (Title III-E) subcomponentOREOther RespiteOSOther ServicesRERespite (all types)ResourceAPI resource nameRIIn-Home RespiteRODOut-of-Home Respite (day)ROOOut-of-Home Respite (overnight)RVRespite Vouchers (Title III-E) subcomponentSDSelf-Directed (Title III B/E) subcomponentSFSenior Centers/Focal Points subcomponentSection NameSGSupport GroupsSPService Providers subcomponentSPRState Performance ReportSCGSupplemental services for CaregiversSORSupplemental services for Older AdultsSUService Units (Title III B/C/D/E) subcomponentSVStaff/Volunteers subcomponentSysSystem Generated TotalRange1-5Total Age Ranges TRATrainingTRPTransportationValueData field that contains the editable values in upload template or sample file. Entered by UserVIITitle VII Expenditures (Chapters 3 & 4) subcomponent ................

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