
|Self-Assessment |Tool |Results |Comments |

|Interests |Self-Discovery Map |Subjects: Interests: | |

| | |● Drama ● Dance | |

| | |● Math ● Drama | |

| | |● Gym ● Reading | |

| |Matchmaker Quiz |Actor |Out of the 40 careers on my list, these were the |

| | |Dancer |only four that I would consider. This is probably|

| | |Political Aid |because I have a pretty unique personality: I am |

| | |Special Effects Technician |an introvert, but I love performing and that is |

| | | |definitely what I want my future career to |

| | | |include. I also enjoy learning and following |

| | | |politics, I have been quite exposed to Canadian |

| | | |politics because my Grandfather is an MP. I also |

| | | |was a spotlight operator for the Mayfield musical|

| | | |last year and I have developed an interest in the|

| | | |technical side of theatre. |

| |My Personal Traits |Creative |These traits highlight that although I am an |

| | |Independent |introvert, I am able to be friendly and pleasant |

| | |Withdrawn |in social situations. I agree that these are my |

| | |Friendly |most dominant traits because they describe how I |

| | |Sometimes unsure |see myself and how I think others see me. |

| |My Personal Skills |Independent worker |Personally, I am skilled at being realistic and |

| | |Practical |working alone. I agree with this test result |

| | |Ambitious |because I do have a easier time concentrating |

| | |Realistic |when I am alone and while I do believe in being |

| | |Self-Disciplined |ambitious, I also believe that keeping your goals|

| | | |realistic is important too. |

| |Who Am I? |Creator-Persuader |A lot of the sample occupations in the Persuader |

| | |-Actor |category lined up with what I am interested in. |

| | |-Stage Manager |For example: politician, travel agent, and real |

| | |Creator-Organizer |estate agent. I also display many of the |

| | |-Production Assistant |characteristics in the Creator category. I have a|

| | |-Script Assistant |passion for the performing arts, I’m creative and|

| | |Persuader-Creator |Imaginative, and I am good at expression my |

| | |-Radio Announcer |feelings in artistic ways. One of the sample |

| | |-Broadcaster |occupations in the creator category is an actor, |

| | |Persuader-Organizer |which I have wanted to be for a long time. The |

| | |-Travel Agent |third highest scoring category for me was |

| | |-Television Producer |Organizer, which I agree with because I am quite |

| | |Organizer-Creator |organized and precise. |

| | |-Wardrobe Attendant | |

| | |-Props Person | |

| | |Organizer-Persuader | |

| | |-Event Planner | |

| | |-Production Scheduler | |

|Personality |Introvert/Extrovert |Introvert (28/29) |Twenty-eight out of the Twenty-nine statements on|

| | | |the test were true for me, making me a true |

| | | |introvert. Although I do have difficulty |

| | | |communicating in social situations, I try to make|

| | | |an effort to be friendly and kind to the people |

| | | |around me. |

| |Personality Type |Inquiring Green Student |I have always been curious, I enjoy answering |

| | | |questions and inquiring into situations. I am |

| | | |sometimes quite critical of myself, when I don’t |

| | | |do well at a dance competition or in a drama |

| | | |presentation, but I always tell myself that |

| | | |everyone makes mistakes and they’ll always be a |

| | | |next time. |

|Values |What Do You Care About Most? |Working Alone |These values are all about me feeling comfortable|

| | |Fun |in my work environment. I understand that the |

| | |Serenity |setting of a work place cannot be tailored to |

| | |Health |each employee’s needs, but I strongly believe |

| | |Variety |that I would be less stress and more concentrated|

| | | |if my work environment does not make me feel |

| | | |uncomfortable |

|Learning Preferences |What is Your Learning Style? |Visual Learner |I’ve always had a visual memory as well as being |

| | | |a visual learner. I have to be careful when |

| | | |watching scary movies because the images can stay|

| | | |in my head for weeks. On the test, I scored twice|

| | | |as high in the visual category than I did in |

| | | |either Audio or Kinaesthetic; and I strongly |

| | | |agree with the result because I display so many |

| | | |characteristics: I remember things better if I |

| | | |read them, I have a hard time remembering audio |

| | | |messages, and I am very quiet and organized. |

| |Left-Brain/Right-Brained |Balanced |This is one of the few results I don’t agree |

| | | |with. Although I do display a few traits of being|

| | | |left-brained: like being good at math and |

| | | |enjoying reading; I have always been much more |

| | | |creative, musical and artistic. I am much better |

| | | |at so-called ‘right-brained activities’ like |

| | | |acting, dancing and music but I understand that I|

| | | |might have a few left-brained traits. |


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