Are the US/UK governments going to liberate Iraqis

Are the US/UK governments going to liberate Iraqis?

Let’s consider their record:

( After the First World War, Britain creates Iraq (and Kuwait).

( 1963/8, CIA-aided coups install Ba’ath party, replacing Kassem, who had overthrown the British-installed monarchy.

( 1979, in Iran, the Shah’s repressive US client regime is overthrown. 1980s, the US and UK back Iraq in a war against Iran, selling arms to both sides. Nearly 400,000 are killed.

( 1988, Iraqi government gases thousands at the Kurdish village of Halabja. US government claims Iran did it.

( After Kuwait doubles oil production, Saddam asks for permission to invade and is told by US Ambassador April Glaspie, “we have no interest in your Arab–Arab conflict” (July 1990). After invasion, Iraq offers to negotiate; US refuses. US claims that Iraqi troops are poised to invade Saudi Arabia; satellite photos later prove this to be false.

( US/UK attacks on Iraq kill 200,000. Munitions containing depleted uranium are used, causing cancer and birth defects.

( Bush calls for a popular uprising, but explicitly allows Iraq to fly military helicopters, allowing it to crush the rebellions.

( 1990s, economic sanctions continue, denying adequate food and medicines, preventing water purification plants from being rebuilt, etc. Following war and sanctions, 500,000 more children died than would have done at pre-Gulf War child mortality rates [source: Unicef; see .uk].

( 1998, US bombs Iraq, dropping more bombs in 2 nights than in the whole Gulf War, forcing weapons inspectors to leave.

Are the US/UK governments going to liberate Iraqis?

Let’s consider their record:

( After the First World War, Britain creates Iraq (and Kuwait).

( 1963/8, CIA-aided coups install Ba’ath party, replacing Kassem, who had overthrown the British-installed monarchy.

( 1979, in Iran, the Shah’s repressive US client regime is overthrown. 1980s, the US and UK back Iraq in a war against Iran, selling arms to both sides. Nearly 400,000 are killed.

( 1988, Iraqi government gases thousands at the Kurdish village of Halabja. US government claims Iran did it.

( After Kuwait doubles oil production, Saddam asks for permission to invade and is told by US Ambassador April Glaspie, “we have no interest in your Arab–Arab conflict” (July 1990). After invasion, Iraq offers to negotiate; US refuses. US claims that Iraqi troops are poised to invade Saudi Arabia; satellite photos later prove this to be false.

( US/UK attacks on Iraq kill 200,000. Munitions containing depleted uranium are used, causing cancer and birth defects.

( Bush calls for a popular uprising, but explicitly allows Iraq to fly military helicopters, allowing it to crush the rebellions.

( 1990s, economic sanctions continue, denying adequate food and medicines, preventing water purification plants from being rebuilt, etc. Following war and sanctions, 500,000 more children died than would have done at pre-Gulf War child mortality rates [source: Unicef; see .uk].

( 1998, US bombs Iraq, dropping more bombs in 2 nights than in the whole Gulf War, forcing weapons inspectors to leave.

Are the US/UK governments going to liberate Iraqis?

Let’s consider their record:

( After the First World War, Britain creates Iraq (and Kuwait).

( 1963/8, CIA-aided coups install Ba’ath party, replacing Kassem, who had overthrown the British-installed monarchy.

( 1979, in Iran, the Shah’s repressive US client regime is overthrown. 1980s, the US and UK back Iraq in a war against Iran, selling arms to both sides. Nearly 400,000 are killed.

( 1988, Iraqi government gases thousands at the Kurdish village of Halabja. US government claims Iran did it.

( After Kuwait doubles oil production, Saddam asks for permission to invade and is told by US Ambassador April Glaspie, “we have no interest in your Arab–Arab conflict” (July 1990). After invasion, Iraq offers to negotiate; US refuses. US claims that Iraqi troops are poised to invade Saudi Arabia; satellite photos later prove this to be false.

( US/UK attacks on Iraq kill 200,000. Munitions containing depleted uranium are used, causing cancer and birth defects.

( Bush calls for a popular uprising, but explicitly allows Iraq to fly military helicopters, allowing it to crush the rebellions.

( 1990s, economic sanctions continue, denying adequate food and medicines, preventing water purification plants from being rebuilt, etc. Following war and sanctions, 500,000 more children died than would have done at pre-Gulf War child mortality rates [source: Unicef; see .uk].

( 1998, US bombs Iraq, dropping more bombs in 2 nights than in the whole Gulf War, forcing weapons inspectors to leave.

Are the US/UK governments going to liberate Iraqis?

Let’s consider their record:

( After the First World War, Britain creates Iraq (and Kuwait).

( 1963/8, CIA-aided coups install Ba’ath party, replacing Kassem, who had overthrown the British-installed monarchy.

( 1979, in Iran, the Shah’s repressive US client regime is overthrown. 1980s, the US and UK back Iraq in a war against Iran, selling arms to both sides. Nearly 400,000 are killed.

( 1988, Iraqi government gases thousands at the Kurdish village of Halabja. US government claims Iran did it.

( After Kuwait doubles oil production, Saddam asks for permission to invade and is told by US Ambassador April Glaspie, “we have no interest in your Arab–Arab conflict” (July 1990). After invasion, Iraq offers to negotiate; US refuses. US claims that Iraqi troops are poised to invade Saudi Arabia; satellite photos later prove this to be false.

( US/UK attacks on Iraq kill 200,000. Munitions containing depleted uranium are used, causing cancer and birth defects.

( Bush calls for a popular uprising, but explicitly allows Iraq to fly military helicopters, allowing it to crush the rebellions.

( 1990s, economic sanctions continue, denying adequate food and medicines, preventing water purification plants from being rebuilt, etc. Following war and sanctions, 500,000 more children died than would have done at pre-Gulf War child mortality rates [source: Unicef; see .uk].

( 1998, US bombs Iraq, dropping more bombs in 2 nights than in the whole Gulf War, forcing weapons inspectors to leave.


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