Code book Rosetta - NKI

Code book Rosetta


Name Label Type Size

barcode (from rosetta) Number (Long) 4

rosnr number given by NKI Number (Long) 4

rosetta series series number Number (Byte) 1

1= no metastases

2= metastases

3= BRCA1

AGE age at diagnosis in years Number (Double) 8

BIRTHyr year of birth Date/Time 8

DIAGN diagnosis (ICD-0= 174*=breast carcinoma) Text 50

DIAGyr year of diagnosis Date/Time 8

CHIR 1=breast conserving therapy Text 50


RT radiotherapy (yes=internal or external / no) Text 50

chemo chemotherapy yes/no Text 50

hormonal hormonal therapy yes/no Text 50

PT post-operative T/TNM Text 50

PN post-operative N/TNM Text 50

PM post-operative M/TNM Text 50

cNODEPOS number of positive nodes (update with pathology reports) Text 50

cNODETOT total number of nodes examined (update with pa. reports) Text 50

pDIAMETER post-operative tumor diameter (mm) Text 50

tumor type 3=IDC, invasive ductal carcinoma Text 50

5=ILC, invasive lobulair carcinoma

12= other …

grade 1=well differentiated Text 50


3=poorly differentiated

ERp estrogen receptor positivity yes/no Text 50

PRp progestogen receptor positivity yes/no Text 50

followup date of first treatment minus Number (Double) 8

1. date of diagnosis metastasis (rosetta series=2 or 3)

2. date of death (rosetta series=1,2,or 3)

3. date of last follow-up (rosetta series=1,2,or 3)

in years

METAyr year of diagnosis metastasis Date/Time 8

LRyr year of diagnosis local recurrence Date/Time 8

REGIOyr year of diagnosis regional recurrence Date/Time 8

DEATHyr year of death Date/Time 8

lastfolyr year of last follow-up Date/Time 8

FUPSTATE status by last follow-up Text 50

First position



5=discharged, with followup

6,7,8,9=discharged, no followup

Second position

1=with tumor

2=without tumor

3=tumor status unknown

BRCA1 genotype BRCA1 mutation confirmed=yes Text 50

Other, BRCA2, no BRCA1 or field is empty


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