
Slavery and Westward Expansion WorksheetName: _____________________________________ Date: ________________ Grade: _______What invention greatly impacted the South as a result of innovation?How did this invention impact the South?What event greatly inspired future slave revolts in the US?Name 2 famous salve revolts in the US? Were they successful?What did abolitionists seek to end?Name 2 famous abolitionists that we discussed in class?“the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federaltive development of self government entrusted to us. It is right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth."What idea is the quote above supporting?What is Manifest Destiny?What major problem emerged as the US was expanding west?What did the Missouri Compromise establish? Who established it?What state broke away from Mexico in 1836?What started the Mexican-American War?“None can fail to see the dangers to our safety and future peace if Texas remains an independent state or becomes an ally or dependency of some foreign nation more powerful than herself. Is there one among our citizens who would not prefer perpetual peace with Texas to occasional wars, which so often occur between bordering independent nations?”-James K. Polk, Inaugural address 1845“Annexation and war with Mexico are identical. Now, for one, I certainly am not willing to involve this country in a foreign war for the object of acquiring Texas… I regard all wars as great calamities, to be avoided, if possible, and honorable peace as the wisest and truest policy of this country.-Henry Clay, “Raleigh Letter”, 1844Why did Polk believe that annexation would promote peace?Why did Clay believe that annexation would lead to war?What is the historical context of these two quotes? (What is happening at the time to influence what they are saying)?Why did many Americans support the war with Mexico?Why did many northerners oppose war with Mexico?What treaty ended the Mexican-American war? What did the US receive?What did the Wilmot Proviso propose? How did the South respond?What was proposed in the Compromise of 1850? ................

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