Commack Schools

Name__________________________________________________Period______Date_______________________Directions: Read and ANNOTATE about each innovation from the Industrial Era and complete the accompanying task on the back.Inventions of the Industrial Revolution 52387503302000The Water FrameThe water frame was developed by a man called Richard Arkwright in 1769. Arkwright was born in 1732 and he became a very important man in the early years of the industrial revolution in England. The spinning frame was the first machine that could spin cotton threads. The spinning frame was also an invention that produced stronger threads. The early models were powered by waterwheels. That is why it became known as the water frame. Because it used water power, it meant that factories near rivers needed to be built. This meant manufacturing cloth moved from cottages (homes) to factories.The Cotton Gin50533301333500In 1793, the textile industry was made even more efficient by the cotton gin, invented by American Eli Whitney. This machine used metal spikes on a revolving cylinder to separate cotton from its seeds. This allowed the workers to pick and clean ten times as much cotton as they had before. The increased productivity from the cotton gin fueled further advances in automating the production of cotton and other cloths. This greatly increased the production of textiles, needed to support the population boom of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. 405119010830900The Steam EngineSoon factories were making cotton goods in greater quantities than ever before. But there was a problem. Not all factories could be located near a source of water to run the machines. Factory owners needed a new way to power their machinery. Steam engines used heated coal to produce steam as energy. James Watt of Scotland is largely credited with making major improvements to existing versions of the steam engine (ca 1769). Watt’s steam engine became widely used in factories. It enabled more factories to be built in more locations, not just near waterways. Operating spinning wheels with steam power increased textile production and made it more efficient. The steam engine also provided a new source of energy that could allow major forms of transportation to grow and prosper. 43624503302000The Steam LocomotiveBefore the steam locomotive, horses pulled wagons at two to three miles per hour. In 1829, George Stephenson, a mining engineer in England, developed a locomotive called “The Rocket.” It ran on iron rails at an amazing speed of 36 miles per hour! The further development of the railroad would revolutionize transportation in Europe and the United States. The steam locomotive allowed for the quicker transportation of workers and raw materials that could be used to produce finished goods. Modern Roads and MaterialsBefore the Industrial Revolution, the quality of Britain's roads was less than great. During the?1700's, turnpike trusts were set up to charge tolls (make money) in an attempt to improve maintenance and the general quality of the country's transport system. Improved roads helped foster transportation of goods and people.Before the Industrial Revolution, building materials had been restricted to a few manmade materials along with those available in nature: timber, stone, timber, lime mortar, and concrete. Metals were not available in sufficient quantity. The introduction of the factory system led to mass production of all sorts of goods but also materials needed for buildings, roads, bridges, railroads, etc. Below are some of the materials that were mass produced or extracted during the Industrial Era:IronSteel (Bessemer Process)CementCoal (natural resource)The Factory SystemIn order to have an Industrial Revolution and change how goods were produced, Europeans needed to find a way to harness energy more efficiently. Before the Industrial Revolution, goods were made by hand. This process of was known as the domestic system, since goods were mostly made in the home. This all began to change during the Industrial Revolution as goods started to be produced by machines in factories rather than by hand. The first means of powering machines and factories came from water mills or wheels. However, James Watt improved a new method of producing energy with the invention of the steam engine. These new engines ran on heated coal (natural resource) and could produce the power needed to run the large machines of the industrial revolution. England was very rich in coal and iron ore, which enabled the country to be the first country to industrialize.67586195939Task: Read the descriptions of four of the that helped the Industrial Revolution to expand. Choose the invention that you think had the greatest impact on the Industrial Revolution and the modern world. Create a supporting argument for the invention of your choice. You must include the following components: Immediate impact of the invention that you choseLong term impact of this inventionInvention/Innovation: _________________________________Your Thesis Statement (Claim):Explanation (At least 5 sentences)00Task: Read the descriptions of four of the that helped the Industrial Revolution to expand. Choose the invention that you think had the greatest impact on the Industrial Revolution and the modern world. Create a supporting argument for the invention of your choice. You must include the following components: Immediate impact of the invention that you choseLong term impact of this inventionInvention/Innovation: _________________________________Your Thesis Statement (Claim):Explanation (At least 5 sentences) ................

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