Industrial Revolution Newspaper Project

Industrial Revolution Newspaper Project

DUE: Monday, December 2nd, 2013

[pic] [pic] [pic]

You are an investigative reporter working for a British newspaper in the 19th century that has decided to publish a special edition on the Industrial Revolution. You have been selected, with three other journalists, to lead this assignment. It will be up to you to research, write, and design the newspaper.

Your boss has tasked the four of you to create a newspaper that includes articles and editorials that describe both the problems and benefits for the various social classes living in Britain. It is your responsibility to provide readers with the facts regarding the success and failures of the country’s shift towards mass production.


The focus of your special edition is to demonstrate the ways in which industrialization changed the life of the society of Great Britain. Your newspaper will examine and cover most of the following topics:

❖ the major inventions and their impact on people and society

❖ the type of work and working conditions in factories for workers

❖ the living condition of people in terms of housing, food, clothing, life expectancy

❖ child labor during the Industrial Revolution

❖ the changing role of women during the Industrial Revolution

❖ the impact of the growth of cities and urbanization on health, sanitation, and the economy

❖ income and wealth accumulations and class conflicts

❖ role of labor unions


Your newspaper must contain the following

• 2 News Stories on the above topics. You must use a primary source as well as two other sources for each story.

• 1 Story on an Invention. The story must contain biographical information on the inventor, an overview of the major invention, and commentary on the importance of the invention. You must use three sources for this story.

• 2 Letters to the Editor. One letter must be strongly opposed to child labor, one letter must be strongly supportive of child labor. You must use a primary source for each letter plus an additional source for each letter as evidence for your opinion.

• 2 Images with captions that should relate to your stories

• 1 Advertisement for a product that would have been used during this time period

• 1 Editorial: (Group effort) You must pick a side and answer the following question: Ultimately, did the Industrial Revolution contribute positively or negatively to society? Defend your editorial with evidence from your research. Address the following questions in the editorial:

o How did daily life change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

o How did family life change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

o Did the benefits outweigh the problems generated by these societal shifts?

o Did living conditions improve (or not) as technological changes swept through England and the rest of Europe?


Your newspaper will be evaluated on the content, accuracy, creativity, and usage of multiple sources (at least one primary source for each story),

The images or graphics should work well together with the text. The appearance of the newspaper will also be evaluated. To receive full marks, the newspaper should have an effective title, the stories should be in columns, and it should be well organized. You will be assessed as a group and your ability to work together.

This is a GROUP Assignment, EVERY student will receive the SAME grade, therefore choose your group wisely!!!


1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________


Ms. Richard

Name: ______________________________

Phone: _____________________________


Name: ______________________________

Phone: _____________________________


Name: ______________________________

Phone: _____________________________



Industrial Revolution Newspaper Rubric

| |4 = Advanced |3 = Proficient |2 = Basic |1 = Below Basic |

|Part 1A - News Story |• general and specific info |• general and specific info |• information focuses on one or two|• information focuses on one or two|

|(15 Points) |provided on topic |provided on topic |general or specific aspects |general or specific aspects |

| |• quotes or info specific to |• quotes or info specific to |• quotes or specific info may be |• few, if any, quotes or specific |

| |individuals included, i.e. primary |individuals included, i.e. primary |included, i.e. primary source |info included; no primary source |

| |source |source |• Information from only 2 sources |• Information from only one source |

| |• Information from 3-4 sources |• Information from 2-3 sources |• several grammar or spelling |• many grammar and spelling errors |

| |• no grammar or spelling errors |• limited grammar or spelling |errors | |

| | |errors | | |

|Part 1B - News Story |• general and specific info |• general and specific info |• information focuses on one or two| |

|(15 Points) |provided on topic |provided on topic |general or specific aspects |• information focuses on one or two|

| |• quotes or info specific to |• quotes or info specific to |• quotes or specific info may be |general or specific aspects |

| |individuals included, i.e. primary |individuals included, i.e. primary |included, i.e. primary source |• few, if any, quotes or specific |

| |source |source |• Information from only 2 sources |info included; no primary source |

| |• Information from 3-4 sources |• Information from 2-3 sources |• several grammar or spelling |• Information from only one source |

| |• no grammar or spelling errors |• limited grammar or spelling |errors |• many grammar and spelling errors |

| | |errors | | |

|Part 2 - Inventor |• includes important biographical |• includes important biographical |• includes some biographical |• includes some biographical |

|(15 Points) |info |info |information |information |

| |• overview of major invention or |• overview of major invention or |• includes info on inventions; not |• includes little info on |

| |inventions |inventions |necessarily most important |inventions and importance |

| |• commentary on importance included|• commentary on importance included|• commentary on importance not |• commentary on importance not |

| |• Information from 3-4 sources |• Information from 2-3 sources |included • Information from only 2 |included |

| |• no grammar or spelling errors |• limited grammar or spelling |sources |• Information from 1 or 0 sources |

| | |errors |• several grammar or spelling |• many grammar or spelling errors |

| | | |errors | |

|Part 3 – Letters to the |• includes both support & |• includes both support & |• includes both support & |• includes both support & |

|Editor |opposition to child labor |opposition to child labor |opposition to child labor |opposition to child labor |

|(15 Points) |• general and specific info |• general and specific info |• general and specific info |• general info provided on topic |

| |provided on topic |provided on topic |provided on topic |• no quotes or info specific to |

| |• 3-4 quotes or info specific to |• 2-3 quotes or info specific to |• limited quotes or info specific |individuals included, i.e. primary |

| |individuals included, i.e. primary |individuals included, i.e. primary |to individuals included, i.e. |& secondary source |

| |& secondary source |& secondary source |primary & secondary source |• many grammar or spelling errors |

| |• thoroughly covers positive and |• covers positive and negative |• several grammar or spelling | |

| |negative views |views |errors | |

| |• no grammar or spelling errors |• limited grammar or spelling | | |

| | |errors | | |

|Part 4 - Editorial |• intro is an overview of IR |• intro is an overview of IR |• intro partial overview of IR |• intro not an overview of IR |

|(20 Points) |• takes a position on the IR |• takes a position on the IR |• does not take a position |• does not take a position |

| |• thoroughly covers positive, |• covers positive, negative, and |• does not cover positive, |• does not cover positive, |

| |negative, and how to fix the |how to fix the negative |negative, or how to fix negative |negative, or how to fix negative |

| |negative |• Info from 2-3 sources |• Info from 2 sources • |• Info from 0-1 sources • many |

| |• Info from 3-4 sources |• limited grammar or spelling |several grammar or spelling errors |grammar or spelling errors |

| |• no grammar or spelling errors |errors | | |

|Part 5 – Appearance, |• looks like a newspaper |• looks like a newspaper |• stories stapled together |• stories stapled together |

|Images, Advertisement, & |• more than two images, one |• two images, one cartoon, & one |• one or two images, one cartoon, |• one or no images, one or no |

|Cartoon |cartoon, & one advertisement |advertisement |one advertisement |cartoon, one or no advertisement |

|NEWSPAPER MUST BE TYPED!! |• masthead |• masthead |• masthead |• stories not in columns |

| |• stories in three columns |• stories in three columns |• stories in three columns |• pages have empty spaces |

| |• neatly put together,pages filled |• neatly put together |• all pages not necessarily filled |• messy |

| | | |• poorly put together |• poorly put together |

No Late Projects will be Accepted!!!

Total Score = ________/100 pts.


Additional Comments:


A. You may use Microsoft Publisher if you know how to use it! Choose “Publications for Print”, “Newsletters”, and a simple design like “Frames” or “Kids Stuff” or “Quadrant”.

1. Choose one-sided printing and none for customer address

2. Apply three columns to each page

3. Apply a font and color scheme that does not detract from your project

B. You may also manually format your newspaper using Microsoft Word.

1. Only one side of each page must be used…it is up to you if you want to use the front and back.

2. 8½” W X 11” H for each page

3. Margins:

• ½” on the outside edge; ¼” between columns

• MS Word use “File”, “Page Setup”, fill in top 1” left 0.5” bottom 1” right 0.5”, & push OK

4. Columns:

• 3 columns per page running from top to bottom.

• 2” W columns (Ms Word use, “Format,” “Columns,” then 3 for writing, then OK)

5. Fonts: Use Times New Roman or Arial

• Newspaper Masthead: 48 point font

• Titles and heading: 28 to 24 point fonts

• Copy for articles: 11 to 10 point font

6. Picture Sizes:

• Large (lead stories) 7 ½” W X 8”+ H (3 column)

• Medium (secondary) 4” W X 5”+ H (2 column)

• Small 2” W X 1” H (1 column)

7. Advertising/ Cartoons:

• No larger than 4” W X 4” H; including captions/dialogue


Helpful Hints:

1. Each article must sound like a news article. Write to get the readers attention!

2. Except for the Editorial column and the Letters to the Editor, all articles should present balanced accounts of events. Cite your sources in the article.

3. Journalistic writing requires that the most important information comes first in an article. The end of an article can be cropped if spaced is needed.

4. A newspaper will not be accepted with “open” space. Copy more pictures, cartoons, and advertising than you think you’ll need.

General Information on the Industrial Revolution

Child Labor

Listed below are some helpful links to begin your research.


Listed below are some helpful links to begin your research.

Living/Working Conditions

Listed below are some helpful links to begin your research.

Textile Advertisements


Even though the photos in this link are from the early 20th century, they might be great to feature in your newspaper alongside one of the stories.

What was the Industrial Revolution?

• The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England

• International World History Project: Industrial Revolution

Domestic System vs. Factory System

• Factory System

• Factory System


• The Industrial Revolution: Technology and Effects

• Cotton Times: Understanding the Revolution

• Modern History Sourcebook:Friederich Engels:Industrial Manchester, 1844

• Chadwick's Report on Sanitary Conditions

 Labor and Labor Unions (Strikes)

• Labor Law

• Industrial Revolution: Strikes

• Trades Union Congress

• Mines Act of 1842

• The 1842 Mines Act


• Immigration 1800-1900

• History of International Migration: Industrial Revolution

• The Ship List

 Children (Child Labor)

• Child Labor

• Child Labor Activity

• Child Labor in Factories

• Children in Victorian Britain

• The Sadler Committee Report on Textile Factories

 Adam Smith and Karl Marx

• Adam Smith 

• Adam Smith

• Karl Marx, 1818-1883

• Karl Marx

 Technology (Inventions)

• The European Enlightenment: The Industrial Revolution

• Great Inventors of the Industrial Revolution



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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