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Time Capsules

A repository to safekeep your thoughts for future discovery. Fill in and save for the New Millennium. Date them and sign your name.

These are the things that I hope will go on forever and ever in our world, no matter what change lies ahead:

Here’s my prediction for a key scientific or medical discovery to be made in the twenty-first century:

Here’s my greatest hope for the new century:

Here’s my biggest fear about the future:

Here’s how I think we’ll be entertained in the New Millennium:

These are the kinds of jobs people will be doing by the middle of the century:

How do you want to be known to future generations?

In the new century, what do you hope to accomplish?

What has been the most important event in your own lifetime?

What problems do you think will still be around 75 years from now? Which ones will we have been able to solve by then?

This is what I think we will have discovered about our universe by the year 2065:

What great new invention do you foresee being created in the next 50 years?

You’re the editor of a major newspaper in the year 2060. What’s the top headline of the day?

Here’s my wildest, craziest prediction for the new century:

If you could have changed some important even in history over the past 1,000 years, what would that have been, and how would you have changed it?

Excerpted from How to Tape Instant Oral Biographies, copyright 1999 by Bill Zimmerman. Used with permission of Betterway Books, a division of F&W Publications, Cincinnati, Ohio.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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