Social Studies Study Guide: Cowboys, Inventions, Immigration

Social Studies Study Guide: Cowboys, Inventions, Immigration 1.What are supply and demand?Supply is the amount of something that people want to sell at a certain price; Demand is the amount of something that people want to buy at a certain price2.Why did cattle ranchers have cowboys herd cattle to distant towns?So they could be loaded on trains and sent to the East, where ranchers could get the highest prices for the cattle. 3.Why did cattle drives come to an end?Barbed wire; the growth of railroads; conflicts with sheep ranchers; freezing temperatures that killed thousands of cattle4.About how many years did cowboys herd cattle on long cattle drives? 20 years5.Were the only cowboys in the later 1800’s only white males?No. There were African Americans, women, and Mexican cowboys.6. What impact did the inventions of these inventors have on American life?The Wright Brothers – (flight) After 4 years of experiments, in 1903, they achieved the first successful airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.George Washington Carver – (science) He discovered 300 uses for the peanut and hundreds of uses for soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes. He changed the South from being a one-crop land of cotton, to giving farmers hundreds of profitable uses for several crops. Carver did not patent or profit from most of his products. He gave his discoveries to mankind. “God gave them to me” he would say about his ideas.Alexander Graham Bell – (communication) In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. In 1877, he formed the Bell Telephone Company. Both Bell’s mother and wife were deaf. His research on hearing and speech led him to experiment with hearing devices which led to the invention of the telephone. Alexander was also interested in flight and was one of the founders of the National Geographic Society.Thomas Edison – (electricity) Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. Edison is considered one of the greatest inventors in history having 1093 U.S. patents in his name. Edison also developed the idea of an electric generator that could send power to homes, businesses, and factories.7. About how many immigrants moved to the United States between 1880 and 1924? Where were they from?25 million; Southern and Eastern Europe (Italy, Russia, Hungary, Greece, and Poland)8. Why did they come to the United States?Looking for work; to escape war or persecution 9. What is persecution?unfair treatment or punishment; For example, many Jews in Eastern Europe were hurt or killed because of their religion10. Where did immigrants settle when they arrived in the United States?Most settled near family and friends; They settled in cities in order to work in the factories; Immigrant populations were largest in New York, Boston, Pittsburg, and Chicago.11.Label these States, Cities, and Cattle Trails on the United States Map:States: Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Georgia, North Carolina, PennsylvaniaCities: Savannah, GA; Pittsburg, PA; Gettysburg, PA; Kitty Hawk, NCCattle Trails: Chisholm Trail, Great Western TrailSocial Studies Study Guide: Cowboys, Inventions, Immigration 1.What are supply and demand?________________ is the amount of something that people want to __________ at a certain price; _______________is the amount of something that people want to __________ at a certain price2.Why did cattle ranchers have cowboys herd cattle to distant towns?So they could be loaded on _____________ and sent to the _____________, where ranchers could get the ________________ prices for the cattle. 3.Why did cattle drives come to an end?_____________ wire; the growth of ____________________; conflicts with _______________ ranchers; freezing temperatures that killed _________________of cattle4.About how many years did cowboys herd cattle on long cattle drives? _______ years5.Were the only cowboys in the later 1800’s only white males?No. There were African Americans, ______________, and _______________ cowboys.6. What impact did the inventions of these inventors have on American life?The Wright Brothers – (flight) After 4 years of experiments, in 1903, they achieved the first successful _____________________ flight at ______________ _______________, North Carolina.George Washington Carver – (science) He discovered 300 uses for the ______________ and hundreds of uses for soybeans, ____________________, and sweet potatoes. He changed the South from being a one-crop land of _____________________, to giving farmers hundreds of profitable uses for several ________________. Carver did not patent or profit from most of his products. He gave his discoveries to mankind. “God gave them to me” he would say about his ideas, “How can I sell them to someone else?”Alexander Graham Bell – (communication) -In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the _________________________. In 1877, he formed the Bell Telephone ___________________. Both Bell’s mother and wife were _________________. His research on hearing and ______________________ led him to experiment with hearing devices which led to the invention of the telephone. Alexander was also interested in _____________________ and was one of the founders of the National Geographic Society.Thomas Edison – (electricity) Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, _______________________ and ______________________________ who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the ___________________, including the phonograph, the motion picture ________________________, and a long-lasting, practical electric________________ ___________. Edison is considered one of the greatest inventors in history having _______________ U.S. patents in his name. Edison also developed the idea of an electric generator that could send power to ___________________, businesses, and _____________________________.7. About how many immigrants moved to the United States between 1880 and 1924? Where were they from?__________ million; Southern and Eastern ___________________ (Italy, Russia, Hungary, Greece, and Poland)8. Why did they come to the United States?Looking for __________________; to escape __________ or persecution 9. What is persecution?______________ treatment or punishment; For example, many Jews in Eastern Europe were hurt or killed because of their ____________________________10. Where did immigrants settle when they arrived in the United States?Most settled near ___________________ and friends; They settled in ____________________ in order to work in the factories; Immigrant populations were largest in ________________ ____________, Boston, Pittsburg, and _______________.11.Label these States, Cities, and Cattle Trails on the United States Map: States: Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania; Cities: Savannah, GA; Pittsburg, PA; Gettysburg, PA; Kitty Hawk, NC; Cattle Trails: Chisholm Trail, Great Western Trail ................

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