Focus- Copy this chart on page 90 in ISN

|Life in the North |Life in the South |

|Urban |Rural |

|Economy based on |Economy based on |

|industry |agriculture |

|Railroads increased commerce within the U.S. |Cotton Kingdom: |

| |Cotton most profitable cash crop |

|Yankee clipper ships |Dependent on North and Europe |

|increased foreign trade |for manufactured goods |

|New machines helped |Invention of cotton gin |

|produce more goods |increased planters’ profits |

|Artisans(craftsman) formed trade unions |Limited industry as money |

|to improve working conditions |invested in land and slaves |

|Wave of European immigrants supplied factory labor |Slave codes place restrictions |

| |on African Americans |

|Slavery outlawed, but African Americans faced discrimination |About 94% of region’s |

| |African Americans enslaved |

|Inventions: telegraph, steamboat, factory system, Bessemer Process, interchangeable parts, steel |Inventions: cotton gin, steel plow |

|plow, reaper (used in northwest) | |


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