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Benchmark Test Review Study Guide I: USII.2a-4e TEST DATE: 4/17/15

USII.2a: The Great Plains

1. Complete the Graph:

2. Technological ____________________ allowed people to live in more challenging environments.

3. Because of new ____________________, people saw the Great Plains not as a “____________________________”, but as a vast area to be settled.

4. List 8 inventions/adaptations of the Great Plains:

a. e.

b. f.

c. g.

d. h.

USII.2b: Advances in Transportation

5. Advances in transportation linked resources, products, and markets by:

a. moving natural resources such as __________ and _______ to eastern factories

b. moving iron ore deposits to sites of steel mills in ______________.

c. transporting finished products to national _______________.

6. Three examples of manufacturing areas that were located near centers of population included:

a. textile industry located in ____________________ (region:_________________)

b. automobile industry located in ________________ (region:_________________)

c. steel industry located in _____________________ (region:_________________)

USII.2c: Review found on the last page (

USII.3a Reconstruction

14. Reconstruction took place after the __________ War.


|Amendment: |13th |14th |15th |

|Grants: | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

18. The 14th Amendment guarantees ____________ ___________________

under the law for _______ citizens.

USII.3b Reconstruction Policies and Problems

19. Reconstruction policies were ________ and created ________ in the South.

20. Reconstruction attempted to give meaning to the __________ that the former enslaved African Americans had achieved.

21. Reconstruction policies and problems included:

a. Southern military _________ could ______ hold office.

b. African Americans ______________ hold public office.

c. African Americans gained ___________ __________ as a result of the Civil Rights Act of __________, which authorized the use of federal troops for its enforcement.

d. ________________ soldiers supervised the South.

e. ______________ _____________ was established to aid former enslaved African Americans in the South.

f. Southerners resented northern “_____________________”, who took advantage of the South during __________________.

22. Reconstruction ended with the Election of ___________.

a. _______________ troops were removed.

b. Rights that African Americans gained were lost through _____________ codes.

USII.3c: The Legacy of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglass

23. The actions of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglass created lasting __________.


Abraham Lincoln Robert E. Lee Frederick Douglass

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

USII.4a Westward Expansion

24. New opportunities and technological advances led to westward migration following the ___________ War.

25. List the 5 reasons for westward expansion:

Opportunities for ____________ownership

Technological advances, including the __________________ Railroad

Possibility of wealth created by the discovery of __________ and __________


A new beginning for former slaves, also called ____________________

26. The Impact on American Indians:

a. Opposition by American Indians to westward expansion (Battle of __________ Big Horn, Sitting _________, and _________________).

b. Forced ______________________ from traditional lands to __________________.

(Chief Joseph, Nez ____________)

c. Reduced _________________________ through warfare and disease (Battle of ________________ Knee).

d. Assimilation attempts and lifestyle __________________, e.g., reduction of ________________________ population.

e. Reduced their homeland trough ___________ that were broken.

f. American Indians were not considered citizens until ________________.

g. Indian policies and wars:

-land set aside for Native Americans is called: ______________________

-last victory for the Native Americans: ______________________________________

-led his people to Canada to escape living on reservations:_______________________

USII.4b Immigration

27. Reasons for increased immigration were:





28. The 3 reasons why cities developed:

1. Specialized industries including: ______________ (Pittsburgh)

and ________________(Chicago)

2. ___________________ from other countries

3. Movement of Americans from ___________ to ____________ areas for jobs.

33. What inventions created great change and industrial growth in the United States?

1. Lighting and mechanical uses of _________________ by ___________________

2. __________________ service by __________________________

34. Population changes, growth of cities, and new __________________ produced interaction and often conflict between different _________________ groups.

USII.4b Immigration (continued)

35. Population changes, growth of ___________, and new inventions produced problems in urban areas.

36. Inventions had both positive and negative effects on society.

37. Rapid _______________________ and __________________________ led to overcrowded immigrant neighborhoods and __________________________.

38. Efforts to solve immigration problems included:

*Settlement houses such as __________ House, founded by ___________ _____________

*Political machines (politicians) that gained power by attending to the needs of new ________________

(politicians promising immigrants jobs and housing)

39. Challenges faced by cities:

*Overcrowded and run-down neighborhoods called ____________________ and _______________

*Political corruption by ___________________ _______________________

40. *Discrimination against immigrants:



USII.4c Jim Crow

41. Discrimination against African Americans continued after _________________________.

42. What is racial segregation?

*Based upon _________________

*Directed primarily against __________________ Americans, but other groups were also

kept segregated

43. "Jim Crow" laws were passed to discriminate against ___________________________. Although these laws were legal in many communities and states, they were enforced primarily in the ___________________ region.

44."Jim Crow" laws were characterized by unequal opportunities in __________________, _____________________, _____________________, and _________________________.

45. African American responses included:


Believed equality could be achieved through vocational education;

accepted social separation


Believed in full political, civil, and social rights for African Americans

USII.4d Big Business

46. Between the _________ War and ___________, the United States was transformed from an _________________________ nation to an _______________________ nation.

47. List the 4 Reasons for the Rise and Prosperity of Big Business:

*National markets created by ________________________ advances

*Captains of Industry:

_____________________, Oil

_____________________, Steel

_____________________, Automobile

_____________________, Shipping and Railroads


*Lower-cost _____________________

48. The 4 Factors resulting in the growth of industry:

*Access to ___________ materials and _______________

*Availability of the _____________ ________________ due to _____________________.


*Financial ______________ provided by the _____________________________

49. Examples of Big Business:

*________________________ *__________________ *_________________

50. Industrialization and the rise in big business influenced life on American farms by:

*Mechanization (the ____________________) which reduced farm ______________ needs

and increased _______________________.

*Industrial development in _____________ created increased ______________ needs

*Industrialization provided access to consumer goods, such as ____________________

USII.4e Progressive Movement

51. Negative effects of industrialization

• _____________________________

• _____________________________

• _____________________________

52. Rise of organized labor

• ________________________________: Growth of American Federation of Labor

• Strikes: _____________________________________

53. Progressive Movement workplace reforms

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

54. Women’s suffrage

• Increased _______________________ opportunities

• Attained ________________________ rights

*Women gained the right to _______________________ with passage of the _______________________ to the Constitution of the United States of America.

*_____________________________ and ____________________________worked for women’s suffrage.

55. Temperance movement

• Composed of groups _________________ to the ________________________,

________________________and _______________ of alcoholic beverages.

• Supported the ______________________________ to the Constitution of the United States, prohibiting the ___________________________,______________________ and ____________________ of alcoholic beverages.

USII.2c Review Directions:

Place a red STAR on the following cities of industry on the map below BEFORE you start coloring:

• Detroit

• Chicago

• Pittsburgh

• New England NOTE: You should have 4 cities with a STAR

Place a red DOT on the following significant cities on the map below BEFORE you start coloring:

• Boston Seattle

• Philadelphia San Francisco

• New York Los Angeles

• Washington D.C. Juneau

• Atlanta Honolulu

• New Orleans

• St. Louis

• San Antonio NOTE: You should have 16 cities with a DOT

• Santa Fe

• Denver

• Salt Lake City

Map Directions: Color the Pacific ORANGE, the Southwest RED, and the Noncontiguous states BLUE. Then, color the Western/Rocky Mountain Region GREEN, the Midwest Region YELLOW, the Northeast PINK, & the Southeast PURPLE. Label the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.


Physical features and climate of the Great Plains


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