TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan

Focus Plan

Texarkana Independent School District

|GRADING PERIOD: |4th Six Weeks |PLAN CODE: |SS10.4.6 |

|writer: |Bates |Course/subject: |World History |

|Grade(s): |10 |Time allotted for instruction: |2 days |


|Title: |Working 9 to 5 |

|Lesson TOPIC: |Create political cartoons of inventions and/or inventors of the Industrial Revolution |

|TAKS Objective: |Objective 2 Demonstrate an understanding of geographic influences |

| |on historical issues and events. |

| |Objective 3 Demonstrate an understanding of economic and social |

| |influences on historical issues and events. |

|FoCUS TEKS and Student Expectation: |WH 23 The student understands how major scientific and |

| |mathematical discoveries and technological innovations have |

| |affected societies throughout history. The student is expected |

| |to: |

| |(A) give examples of major …discoveries and technological |

| |innovations that occurred at different periods in history and |

| |describe the changes produced by these discoveries and |

| |innovations. |

|Supporting TEKS and Student Expectations: |G 18 The students understands the ways in which cultures change and |

| |maintain continuity. The student is expected to: |

| |(A) describe the impact of general processes such as migration, |

| |war, trade, independent inventions, and diffusion of ideas |

| |and motivations on cultural change. |


|Concepts |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles |

| |The student will understand that |

|Political cartoons |Using political cartoons helps develop both factual knowledge and interpretive skills. |

| | independent inventions and technological innovations of the 17th and 18th centuries greatly impacted |

|Cultural Change |cultures around the world. |

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[pic]I. Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies)

A. Focus/connections/anticipatory set

The teacher will: show a clip of Dolly Parton’s movie: Workin’ 9 – 5


Play a portion of the theme song from the movie

B. Instructional activities

(demonstrations, lectures, examples, hands-on experiences, role play, active learning experience, art, music, modeling, discussion, reading, listening, viewing, etc.)

1. Objective: Long-term affects of the Industrial Revolution

2. Procedure: Students will work independently and create a political cartoon illustrating

cultural changes resulting from the Industrial Revolution around the


3. Modeling: The teacher will state, “The movie 9 – 5 glamorized working conditions. Although 9 to 5 is the ideal working day, many inventions and discoveries of the Industrial Revolution helped make the working place what it is today. The Industrial Revolution actually began in the 1600s in Britain. Today we will focus on some of the inventors/developers and the invention or development each contributed. Afterwards each of you will create a political cartoon illustrating an inventor or an invention of your choice.”

C. Guided activity or strategy

Students will be given an index card with an inventor/developer or an invention/discovery

listed on it.

Students will mix and mingle throughout the classroom to find a match. Example:

Alessandro Volta – battery

Allow time for all cards to be correctly matched. The teacher will collect the index cards.

Next, the teacher will refer to Teacher’s Note – Industrial Revolution Outline. Allow for

any input or questions students may have.

D. Accommodations/modifications

E. Enrichment


A. Description

Students have previously drawn political cartoons of historical events or issues

working in assigned groups. Today’s task will be completed as students work

independently. The teacher may need to briefly review the class on the elements in a

political cartoon.

B. Accommodations/modifications

C. Enrichment

iii. Assessment of Activities

A. Description

B. Rubrics/grading criteria

The teacher will distribute Handout #1 -Political Cartoon Rubric and explain the

criteria for points earned.

C. Accommodations/modifications

D. Enrichment

E. Sample discussion questions

1. Where did the Industrial Revolution originate? (Britain)

2. Name three key factors that allowed Britain to lead the way?

(Resources, New Technology and Economic Conditions)

3. What caused people to migrate from farms to cities?

(changes in farming, population growth, demand for workers)

4. Why did employers prefer to hire women workers rather than men?

(They thought women could adapt more easily to machines and were easier

To manage than men)

5. Was the Industrial Revolution a blessing or a curse? In what ways?

(Responses may vary)

IV. TAKS Preparation

A. Transition to TAKS context

The focus of today’s lesson has been on inventors/inventions of the Industrial

Revolution and the impact these had on cultural changes around the world.

B. Sample TAKS questions

1. 2003 TAKS, Objective 02 TEKS W23 (A)

Since the late 1700s, the technological innovations such

as the steam engine have affected daily life by –

A increasing industrial efficiency

B guaranteeing workers’ wages

C causing mass migration to rural areas

D decreasing agricultural production

Correct Answer: A

2. 2006 TAKS, Objective 03 TEKS G.18 (A)

Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social

studies to answer the following question.

• Population boom

• New inventions

• Investment funds

• Natural resources

• Business leadership

In the late 1700s, the factors listed above contributed

to the development of –

A industrialization

B a stock exchange

C a common currency

D agricultural cooperatives

Correct Answer: A

3. 2004 TAKS Objective 3, TEKS G 18 (A)

Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social

studies to answer the following question.

• Steam power

• Available labor supply

• Abundance of raw materials

Which of the following would be the best title for this list?

A Factors Leading to the French Revolution

B Increased Agricultural Output

C Factors Leading to the Industrial Revolution

D Decreased Urban Population

Correct Answer: C

4. 2004 TAKS Objective 2 TEKS WH 23 (A)

Use the graphs and your knowledge of social studies

to answer the following question.

Cut and paste graphs – page 92 (#32)

The changes reflected in the bar graph above were a direct result of –

A the introduction of assembly-line production

B increases in the federal minimum wage

C government subsidies to the steel industry

D increases in labor union membership

Correct Answer: A

5. 2004 TAKS Objective 2 TEKS WH 23 (A)

Use the photograph and your knowledge of social

studies to answer the following question.

Cut and paste photograph, page 102 (# 48)

What effect have automated assembly lines, such as the one

pictures above, had on industry?

A They have resulted in the overproduction of

consumer goods.

B They have eliminated the need for safety

standards in factories.

C They have decreased the need for human workers.

D They have greatly increased the need for unskilled


Correct Answer: C

V. Key Vocabulary

Interchangeable parts, assembly line, capital, factories, labor unions

VI. Resources

A. Textbook

B. Supplementary materials

Video: Dolly Parton’s clip

CD: Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5

Teacher’s Notes - Industrial Revolution Outline

Handout #1 - Political Cartoon Rubric

Inventors and inventions (cards 1-4)

Index cards or card stock

Answer Key – Inventors and Inventions

C. Technology

CD player


Overhead Projector

VII. follow up activities

(reteaching, cross-curricular support, technology activities, next lesson in sequence, etc.)

VIII. Teacher Notes

All sample TAKS questions can be introduced or used at the discretion of the


Reproduce inventors/inventions on index cards or card stock

Day 2: Class presentation of political cartoons.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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