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lynching 1865-1950Lost Cause Myth Compromise of 1877 13th Amendment14th Amendment 15th Amendment 16th Amendment17th Amendment18th Amendment19th Amendment20th Amendment21st AmendmentMajor Native American battles verses the US Army: Sand Creek; Rocky Flats; Wounded Knee; Greasy GrassDestruction of the western buffalo herds by technology and western expansion.Homestead ActDawes Actmajor concern for inhabitants of the region west of the Mississippi River Biggest draw for migrants moving to the westernAlexander G. Bell inventionsindustrial development 1860 and 1900 growth of U.S. railroads from 30,000 miles in 1860-1900 Second Industrial Revolutioncorporations in the Gilded Agecommercial farmingVertically integrated corporationsHorizonal integrated corporationsimmigrants and transportation to the US Push and Pull factors for immigrants Describe the settlement of immigrants Chinese Exclusion Act Tenements houses Immigrants native-language newspapers, the conviviality of saloons, and the assistance of mutual-aid societiesExplain the experiences of newly arrived immigrants going through U.S. Customs in the late 19th and early 20th centuriesExplain the 1882 Exclusion Act and who it affectedExplain the phrase “Gilded Age” John D. RockefellerJ. P. MorganAndrew CarnegieCornelius VanderbiltExplain the support, geographic locations, and policies of the Republican Party after the Civil War Explain the support, geographic locations, and policies of the Democratic Party after the Civil War Explain the 19th century “city machines” in large cities political party of small-scale farmers political party of urban industrial workers.the People’s Party presidential candidate 1892 the People’s PartyWilliam Jennings BryanSilver StandardGold Standard.The White Man’s Burden Alfred T. Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power Upon HistoryUSS Maine the Yellow Press.Explain the Navy’s effort during the Spanish-American WarExplain the Army’s effort during the Spanish-American WarThe Battle of Manila BayExplain the main problem with the soldiers who volunteered for the Spanish-American War.Explain the Philippine Insurrection and the US response. The Roosevelt Corollarythe Monroe Doctrine Explain Jacob Riis and “How the Other Half Lives” Explain the Settlement House movement Explain women and their professions during the progressive periodPurpose of women’s club movement during the progressive era:Purposes of progressive era reforms Booker T. Washington’s policies for African American advancement W.E.B. Du Bois policies for African American advancementlegislation during Theodore Roosevelt presidencythe Meat Inspection Actthe Pure Food and Drug Actthe Hepburn Railroad Regulation ActNew technologies used in the Great Warimpact of the Treaty of Versailles Purpose of The League of Nationspurpose of Liberty Bonds United States government policies to support its entrance into the First World WarThe immediate cause of the outbreak of the First World WarArchduke Franz Ferdinandthe United States entrance into the Great War purpose of the Alliance systemEconomic policies and its affect on farmers in the 1920sAdvertising in the 1920sHarlem Renaissance F. Scott Fitzgerald and the The Great GatsbyWarren Harding and Calvin Coolidge take on the on presidencyEqual Rights AmendmentPublic response to Prohibition Ernest Hemingway and The phrase "lost generation" ................

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