Study Guide – The Roaring 20s

Study Guide – The Roaring 20s

Chapter 20 & 21

Key Terms:

Nativism communism isolationism Ku Klux Klan

Birth of a Nation Palmer Raids quota system Teapot Dome

Urban Sprawl Fordney-McCumber Tariff Ohio Gang Kellogg-Briand Pact

Installment Plan Flapper double-standard Great Migration

Return to Normalcy Scopes-Monkey Trial

Key People:

Sacco and Vanzetti Calvin Coolidge Warren G. Harding Charles Lindbergh

Amelia Earhart Georgia O’Keefe F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway

Zora Neal Hurston Marcus Garvey Claude McKay Langston Hughes

Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Bessie Smith

Key Concepts:

1. What factors lead to the increasing isolationist and nativist sentiment in the United States following World War One? How did these sentiments manifest themselves in American society?

2. Explain the position taken by A. Mitchell Palmer in “The Case Against the Reds” and his justification for it.

3. Explain how the various inventions & commercial developments of the 1920s helped change daily life in the United States

a. Household appliances, automobiles, planes

b. Installment plan/credit system

4. Explain the development of consumerism and mass culture in American society and their respective impacts.

5. Describe the changing roles of women in American society during the 1920s

a. What new rights & benefits did they enjoy?

b. What aspects of life remained the same?

6. Explain the factors that contributed to the Harlem Renaissance.

a. Why NYC and not another city?

b. Describe the various forms of creative expression that develop

c. Provide examples of notable individuals that were contributors

d. Explain basic elements of Jazz music


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