Chapter 7, Section 1 The New Immigrants

Chapter 7, Section 1 The New Immigrants1. Through the “Golden Door”Many immigrants are lured by the _____________________; others temporary jobsEuropeans1870–1920, about ______________________Europeans arrive in U.S.Many flee ________________________ persecution: Jews driven from Russia by __________________.Population growth results in lack of farmland, industrial jobs Reform movements, revolts influence young who seek independent livesChinese and JapaneseAbout _____________ Chinese arrive; first attracted by gold rush- types of work performed by Chinese people during this time:-----Japanese work on ___________________ plantations, and then go to West Coast. - by 1920, more than 200,000 lived on West Coast, why?_________________________The West Indies and MexicoBetween 1880 and 1920 about 260,000 immigrants arrive from the West Indies. Why?__________________________________________________________Mexicans immigrate to the United States during this time also. Why?_____________________________________________________________How many come?__________________________________________________2. Life in the New LandA Difficult JourneyHow did most immigrants get to the United States?_____________________________How long did the journey take? __________________________________What was the cheapest way to travel?____________________________________Ellis Island?What is Ellis Island?___________________________________________________Where is it located?__________________________________________________?What were the legal requirements for entering the U.S. at Ellis Island?_____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________?Between 1892–1924, about _________________ immigrants processed at Ellis Island.Angel Island?What is Angel Island? ________________________________________________ Where is it located?__________________________________________?Between 1910 and 1940 about ___________________ Chinese immigrants entered the U.S. through Angel Island. Compare Angel Island to Ellis Island:Cooperation for SurvivalChallenges immigrants faced after moving to the U.S. ----Many seek people who share cultural values, religion, language- ethnic communities formFriction develops between “hyphenated” Americans, native-born3. Immigration RestrictionsThe Rise of Nativism?A mixture of people in the U.S. blended together by abandoning their native culture is thought of as a __________________________________________.-however, many new immigrants don’t want to give up cultural identity?_____________________________—is the overt favoritism toward native-born Americans.?Nativists believe that ________________ are superior to other ethnic groups.?Some people object to immigrants’ religion: many are Catholics, Jews. ?1897, Congress passes literacy bill for immigrants; President _____________________vetoes.- 1917, similar bill passes over President Wilson’s veto.Anti-Asian Sentiment?Nativism finds foothold in labor movement, especially in the ____________________.- fear Chinese immigrants who work for less?__________________ groups exert political pressure to restrict Asian immigration.?1882, the___________________________________________ bans entry to most Chinese.The Gentlemen’s Agreement?Nativist fears extend to Japanese, most Asians in early 1900s- San Francisco segregates _________________________ schoolchildren.?Gentlemen’s Agreement—Japan limits emigration /Why?_____________________________Chapter 7, Section 2 The Challenges of UrbanizationWho is Jacob Riis? ________________________________________________________________1. Urban OpportunitiesImmigrants Settle in Cities? Define urbanization- __________________________________________________? Why did most of the immigrants settle in cities? - -? The Americanization movement was designed to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.?Schools, voluntary groups teach immigrants skills needed for ___________________________, -name the 5 courses listed in your text that were used to help newcomers learn the ways of the native-born Americans.?Ethnic communities provide __________________________________ of other immigrants from the same country.Migration from Country to CityFarm technology decreases need for laborers; people move to cities-name the 2 inventions mentioned that made farming more efficient: - -Many African Americans in South lose their livelihood1890–1910, about ____________________ African Americans move to cities in North and the West to escape racial violence.Many find conditions only slightly better than what they left behind. They find that____________________ and___________________________ were often reality in Northern cities petition for jobs between blacks, white immigrants causes further racial tension.2. Urban ProblemsHousing?Housing options for working-class families - -?What is a row house? ____________________________________________________________?What is a tenement? ____________________________________________________________Transportation?What is mass transit? ____________________________________________________________?List examples of mass transit.______________________________________________________Links cities to the suburbs.Water1860s cities have inadequate or no piped water, indoor plumbing rare.Filtration introduced 1870s, chlorination in 1908.SanitationStreets: manure, open gutters, factory smoke, poor trash collectionContractors called ______________________ are hired to sweep streets, collect garbage, clean outhouses- often do not do job properlyBy 1900, cities develop sewer lines, create sanitation departmentsCrimeAs population grows, thieves flourishNew York organized the first full-time, salaried _____________________ in 1844, it was too small to be effective.FireLimited water supply contributed to another menace the _______________________________. Other fire hazards: wood houses, candles, kerosene heatersMost firefighters volunteers, not always available1900, most cities have full-time, __________________________________fire department.sFire sprinklers, non-flammable building materials make cities safer3. Reformers MobilizeThe Settlement House Movement?Social welfare reformers work to relieve urban poverty?An early reform program,_____________________________________—preaches salvation through service to poor.?What are Settlement houses?____________________________________________________?Who ran the settlement houses?__________________________________________________What types of services did the settlement houses provide?- - - ?_________________________________ founds Hull House with Ellen Gates Starr in 1889._________________________________founds the first settlement house for African Americans in 1890.Chapter 7, Section 3 Politics in the Gilded Age1. The Emergence of Political MachinesThe Political Machine?What is a political machine?____________________________________________ ?Give services to voters and businesses for political or financial support.?After Civil War, machines gain control of major cities?The machine was organized like a ________________________. Precinct captains, ward bosses, and the city boss worked together to elect their candidate and guarantee the success of the machine.The Role of the Political Boss?Whether or not the city boss serves as mayor, he still managed to get the job done. (list the jobs he was able to accomplish)- - - ? Bosses paid by ____________________________________, get voters’ loyalty, extend influence.Immigrants and the MachineMany precinct captains and political bosses were ____________________________________.Was is naturalization?___________________________________________________________2. Municipal Graft and ScandalElection Fraud and Graft?Some political machines used _________________________ to win elections.?What is Graft?—________________________________________________________________?What is a kickback?_____________________________________________________________How did the political bosses control the police?________________________________________The Tweed Ring Scandal?1868 William M. Tweed, aka ______________________________, heads Tammany Hall in NYCWhat is Tammany Hall?___________________________________________________________?What is Tweed’s job?_____________________________________________________________?Political Cartoonist, ______________________________________helps arouse public outrage- Tweed Ring broken in 18713. Civil Service Replaces PatronagePatronage Spurs Reform?What is Patronage?______________________________________________________________?What is Civil service?_____________________________________________________________What is the argument about civil service jobs?_________________________________________Reform Under Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur?Republican ____________________________________________ was elected president in 1876 -he could not convince Congress to support reform, so he used other means. Name some:- - - ?1880, Republican independent __________________________________________ wins election?Stalwart ___________________________________________________ is vice-president?____________________________________ gives patronage jobs to reformers; is shot and killed?As president, Arthur urges Congress to pass civil service law?What is the Pendleton Civil Service Act?_____________________________________________Business Buys InfluenceHarrison, Cleveland, and High Tariffs_____________________________wants high tariffs; _______________________ want low tariffs1884, Democrat ___________________________________________ wins; cannot lower tariffs1888, ________________________________________________ becomes president, supports higher tariffs- wins passage of McKinley Tariff Act1892, ______________________________________reelected, supports bill that lowers McKinley Tariff - rejects bill that also creates income tax- Wilson-Gorman Tariff becomes law 18941897, William McKinley becomes president, raises tariffs again ................

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