
Grade 2-4 Mona Lisa Parodies (Renaissance-Shape/Line)Lesson 3Name: Miss SusannaGrade level and subject: 2-4 ArtTime: 12:05-12:50 PMInstructional Objectives:The student will be able to…Demonstrate understanding of a parody by drawing one of the Mona Lisa.Name one Renaissance man and one famous painting from the Renaissance art period by participating in the end of class discussion..Materials NeededMona Lisa hands and faceWhite paperPencilsScissorsGlueCrayonsSlide show of RenaissanceScope and Sequence of LessonReview / Drill:Art History: Cave drawings, Egyptian art, Greek/Roman art, Medieval art (Stained glass windows)Line, Shape (Geometric & organic) Today we will use both lines and shapes to draw a picture.Hook / Anticipatory Set:(Show picture of Mona Lisa.)Today we are going to learn about the Renaissance. (Show title slide. Say it twice.)The Renaissance means rebirth. People were starting to live better lives after they had experienced some crop failures, a bad disease called the Black Death, and a war. Now things were better in Europe and men like Leonardo Da Vinci helped to make it better than it was before. (Show slide 2.)Now the artists liked to draw people that looked real (Human realism). They also started thinking about how they could invent things to make life easier.Leonardo da Vinci was one of these Renaissance men who was talented in many ways. We often remember him as an artist and a painter, but he was also an architect, a scientist, and an inventor. (Show slide 3-6.)LessonIntroduction:Today you get to be an artist. You are going to take part of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Mona Lisa and turn it into your work of art. We will use Mona Lisa’s hands and face to make a parody. (Show remaining slides)Explain that a parody is a funny version of a famous picture, story or song.Discussion questions:What ideas can we think of to make a parody of Mona Lisa? It is helpful if we think of her as an actress. What could you show her doing? What kind of a person or animal could she be acting like? (Write these on board.)Assignment:Cut out hands and face of Mona Lisa.Glue onto white construction paper in desired position.Draw and color parody.Closure:What was the name of one Renaissance man? Leonardo da Vinci (One answer, but then whole class says it twice.)What was the name of one famous painting during the Renaissance? Mona Lisa (Whole class twice.)Who can tell me what a parody is? a funny version of a famous picture, story or song.For more pictures and information about teaching this lesson visit: ................

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