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CSCE 101 Lab 1App Inventor Tutorial: Magic 8-Ball, and Magic 8-ball ModifiedAcademic HonestyThe work you turn in is to be your work, not copied from someone else, from the web, or generated by a program.Never allow anyone access to your files.Never give anyone your password.Never share your USB memory or email your files to anyone else.Never give anyone a printed copy of your file or an electronic copy.Never allow anyone to copy your work.StartupRead the entire assignment before you start.To work in App Inventor you need a Google Account. If you already have one then you may use that. Otherwise, you need to make one. Visit to set one up. If you are working on your own computer, there is also an installation guide available to help you set up App Inventor on your personal computer in case you would like to work from elsewhere.The link for this is: Inventor is a web application, meaning your work on one computer is saved with your account online so it will be available to you wherever you login with your account. You will save the completed Project in your 101Labs folder. If this folder does not exist in your X drive, create it now. The X drive is the drive beginning with “X:” and containing your username in My Computer.It is important that you name your files exactly the name given because this is what is looked for during grading.You will need to know how to use the Snipping Tool provided in Windows. You can find a simple how-to guide on this website: StatementPart 1: Magic 8-Ball Tutorial (50%)This part must be completed in the lab. The files you will upload in steps 6-8 must appear on your X drive during the time slot allotted for your lab. Your instructor will be checking the “Date modified” fields for these files.You are going to be following a tutorial. The purpose of doing the tutorial is to get you accustomed to working with App Inventor so, while it is possible to run through the tutorials quickly, taking the time to understand what you’re doing will almost certainly save you time on later labs because they will be much less “step-by-step” and you will have to build things given what you should learn from this tutorial. Do the Magic 8-Ball Tutorial. The only changes from the tutorial will be to name the project “Magic8BallXY”, where XY are your initials. Use Google chrome to open link: . You must add your initials or your lab instructor may deduct 5% from your score. Stop the online tutorial after Part Two is done since you have no way to shake the emulator. Be sure to continue with the rest of this assignment (as in, this document you’re reading).As soon as you have started working on the App, please load the Emulator byMaking sure aiStarter is running. You will know if it is running by looking in the lower left of your monitor and seeing the following (raise your hand if it is not):Clicking Connect->Emulator in App Inventor.Continuing your work. The initial connection to the Emulator, which is what AiStarter loads, is slow but allows you to test your code If it says you need to install an update, then install it. If it crashes, try to figure out why – some bad code will cause crashes. If you cannot figure out why, ask your lab instructor. Either way, once the code issue is resolved, reload the emulator immediately. Raise your hand if there is an error you cannot figure out.After completing the tutorial, go to Designer view in your project and select “Screen1” in the Components section. Under Properties, change the text in the Title to show your name instead of “Screen1.”Use the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot of the user interface of your Magic 8-Ball app. That is, use the “Rectangular snip” tool within Snipping Tool to capture the Viewer section in your project’s Designer view. Ensure that your name is present in this screenshot.Name this screenshot “Lab1UI-XY” where XY are your initials. The file should be in either PNG or JPEG format.Use the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot of your blocks code. That is, use the “Rectangular snip” tool within Snipping Tool to capture the Viewer section along with your email address (at the top right of the page, next to your language selection) in your project’s Blocks view.Ensure that your email address is present in this screenshot.Name this screenshot “Lab1Blocks-XY” where XY are your initials. The file should be in either PNG or JPEG format.205740060896500Here are examples of what your screenshots should look like (though yours will and should vary from this). Note the things circled in red, as they must be included in your screenshots (though they need not be circled). Place these screenshots in a folder titled “Screenshots” within your “101Labs” folder in your X drive. If this folder does not exist, create it.Part 2: Magic 8-Ball Modification (50%)This part must be completed before the lab’s due date. The file you upload must appear on your X drive before the due date and time specified on your instructor’s website. Your instructor will be checking the “Date modified” fields for these files.You will now do a modification of the Magic 8-Ball app, making an app that randomly generates a lyric by your favorite artist (provided that the lyrics are clean).In order to do this modification, you should modify your existing project file in App Inventor (with the name “Magic8BallXY” where XY are your initials).Before modifying your app, ensure you have completed steps 6 -8 in Part 1.Change the image of the 8-Ball to something that makes sense for your task from step 1.Test your App one last time (recall the steps from Part 1). Proceed to the next section on submitting your final project file for grading.Submitting Your File?Open "My Projects" in upper right of the App Inventor WebpagePut a check next to the project you want to download (you can only download one at a time). Download the modified version of your app, if you have multiple copies.Project->"Export selected project (.aia) to my computer"The file will download so go, in Chrome, to the download location by clicking the?arrow next to the file name?at the bottom of the screen and selecting "Show in folder".Move the _______________.aia file to your X:\101Labs directory for grading (or upload). ................

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