

Secretariat of the Future Creation Fair

Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (JIII)

International Exhibition for Young Inventors

Prior Enrollment Form

On behalf of ________________________________________________(organization name), I,_______________________________, will hereby submit the Prior Enrollment form to take part in the International Exhibition for Young Inventors of August 2004 to be held in Tokyo, Japan.

|Name of Organization | |

|Name of Organization Representative |(As stated in passport) |

|Country and Address of Organization | |

|Person in Charge of Submissions | |

|Name |(As stated in passport) |

|Employment Position | |

|TEL/FAX | |

|E-Mail | |

|Planned Number of Submissions to the International | |

|Exhibition for Young Inventors |(must be under 10) |

|Please briefly explain the means in which you have chosen| |

|the recommended works you plan to submit. | |

|6.Attendees at Events in Japan |・Please check one. |

| |( □ will attend □ will not attend ) |

|・If “will attend ” was checked, Please indicate the |Number of Supervisors ______________ |

|number of attendees for each category. |Number of Youth ______________ |

| |Total _____________________ |

|7.General Outline of Your Organization (Main activities, budget scale, etc.) |

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|Note: In the case that your organization sponsors its own invention contests or participates in an invention contest sponsored by |

|another, please outline the main points (targeted participants, participants’ age, theme, etc.) below. |

Note: If the above space is not sufficient, please continue on as many sheets of paper as necessary.



Secretariat of the Future Creation Fair

Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (JIII)

International Exhibition for Young Inventors

Formal Application Form

On behalf of ________________________________________________(organization name), I,______________________________________, will hereby submit the Formal Application form to take part in the International Exhibition for Young Inventors of August 2004 to be held in Tokyo Japan.

|Name of Organization | |

|Name of Organization Representative |(As stated in passport) |

|Country and Address of Organization | |

|Person in Charge of Submissions | |

|Name | |

|Employment Position |(As stated in passport) |

|TEL/FAX | |

|E-Mail | |

|Total Number of Submissions | |

〈Information Concerning Selected Inventions / Devices〉

|Submission Number |Title of the Invention and/or Device |Name of the Inventor (Please limit to |Date of Birth |Designation for |

| | |one name, even in the case of multiple | |Special Award Yes |

| | |inventors.) | |/ No |

|NO1 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO2 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO3 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO4 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO5 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO6 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO7 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO8 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO9 | | | |YES / NO |

|NO10 | | | |YES / NO |

Note: Please give details for each submission in Exhibition Submission Form 2-2.

〈Information Concerning Attendance at Events in Japan〉

|Number of Attendees (Planned) |Number of Supervisors _______________ |

| |Number of Youth _______________ |

| | |

| |Total ________________ |

|Name of the Representative for the |(As stated in passport) |

|Attendees | |

|Contact Address for the | |

|Representative | |

| | |

|TEL/FAX | |

| | |

|E-Mail | |

Note: Please give detailed information on each attendee in Attendance Form 2-3.


Exhibition Submission Form

Please indicate one invention/device per form.

Submission Number

|Name of Organi-| |Country | |

|zation | | | |

|Name of | |

|Submis-sion | |

|Piece | |

| | |

| | |

|Name of |(As stated in passport) |

|Inventor |Family Name: First Name: |

| | |

| |(In case of multiple inventors, please give additional names below.) |

|SEX |Male □ |Age | |Name of School | |Year in School | |

| |Female□ | | | | | | |

| | |Date of Birth | | | | | |

|Collective Inventor(s) |

|(In the case of multiple inventors, please give information on the additional inventors below.) |

|Name of |(As stated in passport) |

|Collective |Family Name: First Name: |

|Inventor | |

|SEX |Male □ |Age | |Name of | |Year in School | |

| |Female□ | | |School | | | |

| | |Date of Birth | | | | | |

|Name of |(As stated in passport) |

|Collective |Family Name: First Name: |

|Inventor | |

|SEX |Male □ |Age | |Name of | |Year in School | |

| |Female□ | | |School | | | |

| | |Date of Birth | | | | | |

|Size of the Submission |

|Please give a detailed explanation of the submission piece. |

|Outstanding characteristics of the invention or device (what sets it apart from previous creations) |

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|Effects of the invention or device |

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|Other points or aspects that should be considered (ex. Operation method) |

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|Necessities for the display(electrical wiring, communication circuits, etc) |

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|Please explain your organization’s reasons for selecting the submissions. |

|(ex. History of any awards received, planned entry in a contest within your country, etc.) |

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|Information on patents or other industrial property rights| |

|of this submission (If any). | |

|Please check here if you want exhibition items for this submission returned. | |

| |YES □ NO □ |

|Photograph of the exhibition piece |

|(Please show the internal structure of the work by illustration, if necessary.) |

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Attendance Form

Please indicate one attendee per form.

Submission Number

|Name of Organization | |Country | |

|Name of Attendee |(As stated in passport) |

|SEX |Male □ Female□ |Age | |Name of School / year | |

| | | | |in School | |

| | | | |(Supervisor see Note) | |

| | |Date of | | | |

| | |Birth | | | |

|Contact Information | |

|(Home and/ or other) | |

| | |

| |TEL |

| |FAX |

| |E-MAIL |

|Photograph of attendee | |

|(Passport Style Photo | |

|3×3cm) | |

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Note: If you are a member of invention related organization, please indicate organization name and position. If you are a guardian, please indicate your relationship to the youth.


Place Photo here

Place Photo here


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