Technology Inventory - Alice Christie

Technology Inventory

Goal: to develop your familiarity with the use of technology in your school for instructional (e.g., not management) purposes.

Your Name _________________________________________

School _____________________________________________

District _____________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________

Directions: List as completely as possible the technology resources that are available to you in your classroom, school, and district. Use these questions to create your Technology Inventory.

Technology Inventory - Part I

What technology is available in your classroom?


• How many computers/printers? What kind?

• Do you have a built in television? VCR? Laserdisc player?

• Do you have a connection from a computer to the television or other projection device?

• Do you have any cameras (WebCam, video, still, or digital)?

• Do you have word processors (i.e., AlphaSmarts or PC5's), graphing calculators or electronic microscopes?


• What applications are on the computers in your classroom?

• Do they all have the same applications/versions?

• What CD-ROMs and/or DVDs do you have?

• Do you have Internet access?

• Is there school-wide email?

What technology is available in your school outside your classroom?


• What is available for checkout from the media center?

• Are scanners, LCD projectors, or digital cameras available?

• Is there a computer lab? How many computers does it have?

• Are computers available in the media center?

• Are you on a network?

• Do you have access to a color and/or laser printer?

• Do you have cable or a satellite dish?

• Are you able to do video conferencing?


• What applications are common to every computer in the school?

• What applications are available by request?

• Do other teachers or the media center have CD-ROMs or DVDs that you can check out?

• Does your media center have a video/laserdisc collection?

• Do all computers have Internet access?

What is the process for obtaining access to the technology in your school?

• How often can you take students to the computer lab? How is the lab scheduled?

• Is the lab staffed? Do students have access to the lab before and after school, or during recess/lunch?

• Is there a system for checking out software/hardware from the media center? How long can you keep materials?

 Who are the technology resource people in your school?

• Is there a technology liaison?

• Computer teacher?

• Media center staff?

• Various teachers or students with technology expertise?

• A Technology Committee?

What technology is available in your district?


• What is available for checkout?

• Are scanners, LCD projectors, or digital cameras available?

• Do you have access to graphing calculators or lab equipment?


• Does your district have an IMC (Instructional Materials Center?) What kinds of resources are available?

What is the process for obtaining access to the technology in your district?

• How are items checked out of IMC? How long can you keep items?

• Who are the technology resource people in your district?

• Is there a technology liaison at the district? Curriculum specialist?

• Is there a hardware and/or network specialist?


Technology Inventory - Part II

Teachers' Uses of Technology 

| Percent of teachers who can do this |Can you do this? Y or N|

|Use email including attachments to communicate with teachers, students, or parents | |

|Use word processing to create instructional materials and student materials | |

|Use mail merge to communicate with teachers, students, or parents | |

|Use PowerPoint or other software to create presentations | |

|Use spreadsheets to keep grades or other teacher records | |

|Use spreadsheets to record, graph, or analyze data used in instruction | |

|Use databases from CD ROMs in classroom instruction | |

|Use Internet-based databases in classroom instruction | |

|Use Inspiration or other graphic organizer software for instruction | |

|Use the Internet to search for information for student instruction | |

|Use the Internet to search for lesson plans, suitable web sites, or other teaching materials | |

|Use the media center for locating instructional materials and information | |

|Use HyperStudio for instructional purposes | |

|Use iMovie or MovieMaker for instructional purposes | |

|Use digital cameras or camcorders for instructional purposes | |

|Use scanners for instructional purposes | |

|Use subject specific software (e.g., Accelerated Reader, Star Math) for instructional purposed | |

|Create and use launch pages | |

|Create and publish a web pages | |

|Save to and access files on a remote server | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

Technology Inventory - Part III

Teachers' Classroom Uses of Technology


| |% of class-rooms that: |

|Use email as a productivity tool | |

|Use word processing as a productivity tool | |

|Use PowerPoint or other software to create presentations | |

|Use spreadsheets to record, graph, or analyze data | |

|Use databases from CD ROMs for research | |

|Use Internet-based databases for research | |

|Use Inspiration or other graphic organizer software | |

|Use the Internet as a research tool | |

|Use the media center for locating instructional materials and information | |

|Use HyperStudio as a productivity tool | |

|Use iMovie or MovieMaker as a productivity tool | |

|Use digital cameras or camcorders as productivity tools | |

|Use scanners as a productivity tool | |

|Use subject specific software (e.g., Accelerated Reader, Star Math) | |

|Use launch pages | |

|Create and publish a web pages | |

|Save to and access files on a remote server | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

|Other ___________________________________ | |

Technology Inventory - Part IV

Teachers' Uses of Technology 

Use the following questions to guide your thinking as you consider technology use in your school.

Describe teachers' access to computers and printers.

Describe teachers' access to digital cameras, camcorders, and scanners.

Describe teachers' access to the school network.

Describe students' access to computers and printers.

Describe students' access to digital cameras, camcorders, and scanners.

Describe students' access to the school network.

What is the student to computer ratio in your school?

What measures are in place to teach teachers and students about ethical issues in technology use?

What security measures are in place to protect students' and teachers' privacy rights?

Who makes decisions about the school network?

Who makes decisions about software used in the school?

Who makes decisions about hardware used in the school?

How are technology purchases funded within your school or district?

Who are the leaders (e.g., teachers, principal, district personnel) at your school in terms of technology integration and issues surrounding technology use?

What proportion of teachers at your school regularly use technology outside of school?

What proportion of students at your school regularly use technology outside of school?

Other relevant issues?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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