Evidence Inventory Tracking System

Evidence Inventory Tracking System

Prototype System Layout



Boone Police Department


Dr. Thomas Daniels

Team Members:

Eric Hand

Daniel Pruckler

Thomas Brezinski

Vignesh Vijayakumar

Version 1.1

|Table of Contents |

| |

|System Login Page 2 |

|Home Page 3 |

|Search Database 4 |

|Quick Item Custody Transfer 5 |

|Add New Case 6 |

|Edit Current Case 7 |

|Add New Evidence / Property 8 |

|Edit Evidence / Property 9 |

|Add File to Case 10 |

|Reports System 11 |

|Chain of Custody Report 12 |

|Inventory Report 13 |

|Administration 14 |

|Add Officer 15 |

|Edit Officer 16 |

|Backup Database 17 |

|Restore Database 18 |

| |

|Disclaimer: |

|These screenshots are provided for overview purposes only. Final layout and content is subject to change and approval. |

|[pic] |Version History |

|Figure 1. System Flow Diagram | |

| |Version |

| |Date |

| |Author |

| |Change |

| | |

| |1.0 |

| |03/10/2005 |

| |Thomas |

| |Initial Document. |

| | |

| |1.1 |

| |03/23/2005 |

| |Thomas |

| |Revised / Added Missing Screens |

| | |

|[pic] |System Login Page |

|Figure 2. Login Page | |

| |This will be the first screen seen by all officers. Officers may login to the system using their three digit ID number and password. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Home Page |

|Figure 3. Home Page | |

| |This is a prototype of the main homepage for the system. From here the officer can choose what task they would like to do. |

| | |

| |The administration selection will be hidden from officers who do not have access to that section. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Search Database |

|Figure 4. Search Database | |

| |From this form the officer can search the case and evidence inventory by many different criteria. When search by “Date of Recovery” is selected the criteria |

| |section will change to the second one shown. When “Recovered By” is selected the criteria will change to a dropdown box as shown in the third one. |

| | |

| |Note: Searching by time was removed since it did not seem necessary. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Quick Item Custody Transfer |

|Figure 5. Quick Item Custody Transfer | |

| |This page will be most useful if the officer has the physical evidence tag with them. If the case number and item number are known, a custody transfer can be |

| |quickly recorded with this screen. The date and time will be automatically populated with the current date and time. |

| | |

| |A possible enhancement would be to automatically fill the “From” section after a case number and item number are entered. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Add New Case |

|Figure 6. Add New Case | |

| |From here the officer can add a new case to the system. The agency field will default to “Boone Police Department” but will be editable. After this screen the |

| |edit case screen will be displayed so that evidence and files can be added to the case. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Edit Current Case |

|Figure 7. Edit Current Case | |

| |This page is the main interface for a case. All items will be populated with the information currently in the database. It allows changes to all the items |

| |specified when the case was added. It also provides a listing of evidence and files attached to the case. The evidence list will display the date the item was |

| |recovered and the file list will display the date the file was posted. The description fields will be truncated to fit on one line in the space allowed. By |

| |clicking on a piece of evidence the user can bring up the screen to edit the evidence entry. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

| | |

| |Should removal of files be allowed? |

|[pic] |Add New Evidence / Property |

|Figure 8. Add New Evidence / Property | |

| |From this screen the officer can add a new piece of evidence to a case. The “Item No” will automatically populate with the next available item number. The date |

| |and time will auto populate with the current date and time. The dropdown box for “Recovered By” is populated with a list of officers provided in the |

| |administration site. |

| | |

| |Evidence Types Are: |

| |ALC – AUTO – DRUG – GUN – SEX – WPN – B&E – DOM – OTHER |

| | |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Edit Evidence / Property |

|Figure 9. Edit Evidence / Property | |

| |After evidence has been entered the officer can edit it via this screen. Unlike the add evidence screen this one will allow the addition of a chain of custody |

| |entry and disposition. Date and time fields on the change custody and disposition will automatically populate with the current date and time. To see reasons for|

| |transfers the officer will need to create a chain of custody report by clicking the “Create Report” button. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Add File to Case |

|Figure 10. Add File To Case | |

| |Using this screen the officer can add a file to a case. Simply click the browse button and select your file, enter a description, and click submit. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Reports System |

|Figure 11. Reports System | |

| |Using this screen an officer can generate a chain of custody or inventory report. For the chain of custody report both fields are required. For the inventory |

| |report the officer may enter any combination of the criteria options, however at least one will be required. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Chain of Custody Report |

|Figure 12. Chain of Custody Report | |

| |This is the printable chain of custody report which can be generated for an item. It contains all the information located on the Evidence/Property tag. The |

| |disposition will be displayed if it exists. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Inventory Report |

|Figure 13. Inventory Report | |

| |This screen will give an inventory report based on the criteria specified. The report may be resorted by clicking on any of the headers in the table. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Administration |

|Figure 14. Administration | |

| |This is the system administration menu that will be available to administrators. From here the officer will be able to add or edit officers in the system and |

| |change system settings. Also the database can be backed up or restored. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Add Officer |

|Figure 15. Add Officer | |

| |From this screen an officer may be added to the system. The ID No. field will be the department assigned three digit ID number. There will be four access levels|

| |which are: |

| | |

| |Administrator – Full access officer who has access to all administration options and system content. |

| |Standard – Access to all system content and no access to any administration options. |

| |Backup Only – Officer will be sent directly to the backup database screen and will only have access to that screen. This way a secretary or other designated |

| |person can handle backups on a regular basis. |

| |No Access – Officer will not be able to login to the system. However they will be listed in all officer list dropdowns such as the ones on the case and evidence |

| |screens. For this access level a password does not need to be specified. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Edit Officer |

|Figure 16. Edit Officer | |

| |From this screen an officer in the system may be edited. All fields will have the same specifications as the Add Officer screen. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Backup Database |

|Figure 17. Backup Database | |

| |From this screen an officer may create a backup of the database which will then be downloaded to the officer’s computer for later storage on an external media |

| |such as a CD-Recordable disc. |

| | |

| |Comments: |

|[pic] |Restore Database |

|Figure 18. Restore Database | |

| |From this screen an officer administrator may restore the database from a backup file. This process will clear all data currently stored in the database. This |

| |function is provided so that if the system must be moved to a different server the data can easily be restored to the new server. |

| | |

| |Comments: |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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