Types of Inverter Waveshapes

Types of Inverter Waveshapes

Sine Wave

Modified Square Wave

Square Wave

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|Why are the types of inverter important? |

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|Depending on your Application, Equipment Type and Environment you will have various factors which may lead you to utilising the most appropriate of the |

|selection of product types available. True Sine Wave Inverters are in general more expensive and are produced as high quality, precision products. The |

|cost is far less when choosing a Modified or Square wave Inverters which are designed and constructed for general and recreational applications. |

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|About Modified and Square wave inverters. |

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|Why Are Modified or Squarewave inverters not suitable for some equipment and appliances. |

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|When the peaks of the wave form reach their maximum they do not average back but remain constant for up to 10ms. For this period the voltage being |

|produced is dc and will hamper any ac transformer / coil powered device. This will cause the product or device’s power supply or operation, to be |

|inefficient producing noise and heat. This will result in the service life of the product being powered to diminish over time and sometimes have |

|immediate failure. |

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|Modified and Square wave inverters produce high levels of harmonic distortion which may cause interference with other communication or electronic |

|equipment. |

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|Switch mode power supplies will be less effected by poor power quality due to their ability to operate on either an ac or dc source. Service life may |

|diminish based on the design. |

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|Advantages |

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|Low Cost |

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|Disadvantages |

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|Any electronic or computer powered product may be affected by harmonics produced. |

|Digital timing devices may show incorrectly or falsely. |

|Horizontal lines may appear on screens. |

|Audible noise may be developed on Audio and HI-Fi Equipment. |

|Limited products may be used. |

|Solid state electronic control may be effected. |

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|About True Sine Wave Inverters |

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|True Sine Wave Inverters create the same wave shape as supplied by your service provider, allowing the use of any electrically powered equipment to be |

|utilised in remote, solar or backup applications. Care is to be taken in the selection or the output power and rating of the inverter as various |

|electrical equipment requires additional power to be supplied in start up of the product or device. |

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|Output efficiencies are calculated at a percentage of the output power percentage. |

|When choosing the correct inverter, a higher efficiency rating will allow for longer usage of the batteries selected to power the inverter. |

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|Advantages of Sine Wave Inverters |

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|Suitable for all applications and appliances. |

|Higher efficiencies. |

|Best Output Wave Form. |

|Low Harmonic Distortion. |

|Similar to that of AC Mains. |

|Inductive Loads operate Efficiently, Quietly and Cooler. |

|Higher quality and better protection with overload, voltage monitoring and temperature protections. |

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