Council Summons - Trafford


5th July 2011 Trafford Town Hall,


Dear Councillor,

Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the Council of the Borough of Trafford on WEDNESDAY, 13TH JULY 2011, at 7.00 p.m. in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, TRAFFORD TOWN HALL, STRETFORD, for the transaction of the business set out below:-



All Members of the Council are invited to a Fire and Rescue Authority Presentation, commencing at 6.30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, immediately prior to this meeting of the Council.

Assistant Chief, Peter O’Reilly (Director of Prevention and Protection) and Borough Manager, Andrew Dugdale will be in attendance to provide information on the Fire and Rescue Service’s non-Fire related work.

| | |Enclosure |

| | |No. |

|1. |Minutes |[pic][pic] |

| | | |

| |To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 24th May 2011 and the | |

| |Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on 21st June 2011 for signature by the Mayor as Chairman. | |

|2. |Announcements | |

| | | |

| |To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Members of the Executive, Chairmen of Overview | |

| |and Scrutiny Committees and the Head of Paid Service. | |

|3. |Questions By Members | |

| | | |

| |This is an opportunity for Members of Council to ask the Mayor, Members of the Executive or the Chairman of any | |

| |Committee or Sub-Committee a question on notice under Procedure Rule 10.2. | |

|4. |Report on Special Urgency Decisions | |

| | | |

| |To note any decisions taken under special urgency provisions (if any). | |

|5. |Overview and Scrutiny Review - How Schools Engage with Parents |[pic][pic] |

| | | |

| |To note the work of the Community Wellbeing Select Committee. | |

|6. |Accounts and Audit Committee Annual Report to Council 2010/11 |[pic] |

| | | |

| |To receive a report from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Accounts and Audit Committee. | |

|7. |Members’ Allowances for Members of the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority |[pic] |

| | | |

| |To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council and the Director of Finance. | |

|8. |Annual Report of Outcomes for Children in Care | |

| | | |

| |To receive the Annual Report and a presentation from Councillor Cornes, Chairman of the Corporate Parenting | |

| |Board.   |To Follow |

|9. |Children and Young People Strategy |[pic][pic] |

| | | |

| |To consider a joint report of the Executive Member for Education and the Executive Member for Supporting Children | |

| |and Families which has been referred to Council from the Executive meeting held on 27th June 2011. | |

|10. |Treasury Management Annual Performance 2010/11 |[pic] |

| | | |

| |To consider a joint report of the Executive Member for Finance and the Director of Finance which has been referred | |

| |to Council from the Executive meeting held on 27th June 2011. | |

|11. |Motions | |

| | | |

| |To consider the following motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 11: | |

| | | |

| |(a) Motion submitted by the Conservative Group | |

| | | |

| |“This Council fully supports the current proposal for a 'Y' shaped high speed network, linking London with | |

| |Birmingham and then onto Manchester, Scotland as well as Leeds and Newcastle. It has been the long term view of | |

| |politicians both Nationally and Locally that there is a real need to rebalance the economy outside of the South | |

| |East. As the second largest economy outside of the South East, the North West is amongst those regions best placed | |

| |to meet this challenge. | |

| | | |

| |High speed rail 2 is a key opportunity that would really benefit the North West economy as it would release | |

| |capacity along the extremely busy West Coast mainline and therefore allow businesses to access new and diversified | |

| |markets. High Speed Rail 2 would be pivotal in the process of closing the £30 billion productivity gap between our | |

| |region and the South East.“ | |

| |(b) Motion submitted by the Conservative Group | |

| | | |

| |This Council welcomes the proposal from Stretford High School to provide brand new first rate sporting facilities | |

| |for use by the local community and the school’s students. The proposals allow for a sports barn to be built on | |

| |Stretford High School’s grounds and two new state of the art football pitches on the site of the existing pitches | |

| |within Gorse Hill Park. The pitches, on land remaining in the park, is integral to providing a benefit not only for| |

| |the school but also to the many local community and sporting groups which will have access to high quality | |

| |facilities. | |

| | | |

| |This Council believes that this development compliments the wider regeneration proposals for the area that are | |

| |being led by this Conservative controlled authority. Taken as a package they will create hundreds of jobs, increase| |

| |tourism and spending in the borough, improve health and fitness in young and old and safeguard our sporting | |

| |heritage. | |

| |(c) Motion submitted by the Labour Group | |

| | | |

| |This Council believes that High Speed Two announced under the previous Labour Government was a bold, progressive | |

| |step to a greener, more cohesive and connected Britain and crucial to getting the UK economy growing again. | |

| | | |

| |HS2 is best placed to lead a revolution in green jobs and cuts carbon emissions by reducing the need for domestic | |

| |flights. | |

| |The benefits of HS2 go beyond speed and carbon reduction and include the connectivity and capacity currently denied| |

| |by the Victorian infrastructure of the current network. | |

| |HS2 is a vital cog in the generation of new business growth in Trafford and other parts of Greater Manchester and | |

| |has particular relevance to our ability to maximise the benefits of Media City and other enterprise initiatives. | |

| | | |

| |However, we are concerned the two stage solution, linking firstly Birmingham with London risks slowing growth in | |

| |Greater Manchester if that first phase is not fully integrated into the existing network. | |

| | | |

| |This Council urges Government to be resolute in its commitment to HS2 for the entirety of the network and to be | |

| |steadfast against the opponents to regional growth and progress. | |

| |(d) Motion submitted by the Labour Group | |

| | | |

| |The Council is concerned that the Special Educational Needs Families Support Group (SENFSG) has had to close its | |

| |premises due to the lack of funding. The Council recognises the important work which is carried out by this | |

| |voluntary organisation in it's support for vulnerable people and children and families. Presently the SENFSG has | |

| |around 500 clients on their books, and many different groups refer clients to them. For instance the following | |

| |groups refer to them:- CHAMS, Social Services Crisis Team, The Gene Project, Young Carers, Paediatricians, Victim | |

| |Support, Domestic Violence Group, Police.   | |

| |  | |

| |The SENFSG has struggled to financially manage since their earmarked voluntary core grant funding was removed by | |

| |the Council 3 years ago. We therefore call on the Council to support the SENFSG by investigating the following | |

| |possibilities :- | |

| |  | |

| |> Securing a core funding grant from the Council.  | |

| |> Providing a Council premise at a peppercorn rent. | |

| |> Provide dedicated support to help them progress finding voluntary grant funding streams. | |

| |(e) Motion submitted by the Labour Group | |

| | | |

| |The Council calls on the Executive to endorse the Council's existing spatial strategy contained within the | |

| |Submitted Core Strategy to return Davenport Green back into the Green Belt. | |

| |  | |

| |This would ensure a green open space protection buffer between the community of Hale, Bowdon and Altrincham and the| |

| |proposed expanding Airport City.  | |

| |  | |

| |We also reject any attempt by the Government to create an Enterprise Zone [EZ] covering Davenport Green. An EZ in | |

| |this location would give up local planning decisions in such an area, which could potentially lead to undesirable | |

| |developments on Davenport Green. | |

| |(f) Motion submitted by the Labour Group | |

| | | |

| |This Council acknowledges the concerns of local parents regarding the withdrawal of universal services, including | |

| |Stay and Play sessions, from our Children’s Centres.  This Council calls for an immediate review of this strategy | |

| |and a commitment to reinstate universal services if volunteers cannot be found to provide them. | |

Yours sincerely,


Deputy Chief Executive


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