Over the course of the next 6 weeks you will be completing a stock market project. In this project you will invest money and trade stocks using a virtual stock market game. This will allow you to compete with your classmates. You will keep track of the stocks that you choose, including selling them and buying new ones, on paper as well as on line. You will be given 5,000 to start your investments with. You must have 5 investments at all times.

Component 1 – Investment Plan

• Before you begin you must have a plan for your investments. The Plan must include the following information for each of the 5 companies you plan to start with.

o Investment Plan General Quote Information Chart – completely filled out

Component 2 – Online Portfolio and Investment Log

• From March 19th to May 5th you will have to track your investments and choose to sell and buy new stock.

o You will complete your transactions online using your virtual stock exchange account

o You will use the given charts to track your investments on paper as well. Keep the charts in the folder in which you will turn your project in.

o You must keep at least one stock for the whole entire project and you must sell and reinvest one stock before week 4. The other stocks you can sell or keep as you please.

o Your paper investment log must match up with your online account. I will be checking the online accounts frequently to see what people are doing. Extra Credit points will be awarded to those who do the best.

Component 3 – Summary Report and Graphs

• Using Excel, create a graph that charts the performance of all stocks you had. Try to put as many stocks on the same chart as possible. (This means that all stocks that prices are within $50 of each other should be on the same chart. If some stock’s prices are very different from the others, graph those separately)

• Write a summary report of how your investments did. Be sure to include the following information:

o If all remaining stock was sold on May 5th, how much money would you had made/loss? What percentage increase/decrease did you make? Do you think you did well? Explain.

o Explain how you managed your investments: Why did you sell/buy when you did? Explain

o Which stock made you the most money? The least money? Is this what you expected? Explain.

o What might you do differently next time and how might that help?

Component 4 – Current Economic Conditions

• Each week you will have to find one current news article that talks about the current economic conditions (GDP, unemployment, inflation, market trends, etc.) or your specific companies. You should post this on the blog like all other current events.

• For each article you must write a summary AND explanation of how this news might impact the stock market (or your stock particularly). These are the 2 paragraphs you’ll need to include.


March 21st - Investment Plan is due

3/22, 3/30, 4/13, 4/19, 4/27, 5/4

• On each of these dates make sure that you record the closing price of your stocks on your paper log. You also need to decide if you want to sell or keep each stock. If you decide to sell you will need to reinvest your money into another company. Make sure that you get the price of the stock for the new stock and fill in the chart with the appropriate information. (You can buy or sell more frequently if you like)

3/30, 4/13,4/27, 5/4

• Current events! – Your article should be different for each week. Example: If you found an article on the current GDP one week you can not use an article on GDP for any of the other weeks.

5/9 – Final Project Due –investment log, summary report and graph(s).


Investment plan – 25 pts

Investment log – 10 pts

Graphs – 10 pts

Summary Report – 30 pts

Current Events – 10 pts each



• Click the orange “Join Now” button to create an account. Follow directions on the site and make sure you WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORD. Also, be sure to use your first and last name so I can recognize it.

• When your done creating your account, go to get-rich-with-mrs-miller

• Enter the password Miller and click “Join Game.”

• Next Click your name – this brings you to your portfolio for the game.

To buy stock:

• Click Make a trade on the left

• Put in stock symbol for the company you want to buy/sell stock for

• Put in number of stocks you want to buy/sell

• Preview your order

• Place your order (keep in mind that you’re charged a $10 commission on each purchase – so buy smart!)

Tips and Tricks:

BE careful: it doesn’t update for at least 20 minutes so keep track of how much you are spending, so you don’t go over your limit. Also, if you buy stocks when the market’s closed, the transactions won’t go through until it opens.

Once you make a purchase (no matter how accidental) it’s done and you cannot change it – other than to sell the stock.

By March 22nd at 4:00PM you must have bought shares in your 5 initial companies. You should use as close to your $5,000 as possible. From this point on you must record your stock prices each Friday. You may buy and sell at any point. Remember to update your paper log every time you buy or sell a stock. And don’t forget you must keep one stock the whole entire time and trade at least one stock before week 4.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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