INVEST! Stock Market WebQuest – Part 1 – Research

1. What is the stock market?

2. How does the stock market work?

3. Why does the market go up and why does it go down?

4. What are some tips for long-term investing?

5. What are some tips for short-term investing?

6. What is a shareholder?

7. What is a “Bull” market?

8. What is a “Bear” market?

9. What does liquidity mean?

10. What does stock appreciation mean?

11. When a stock splits, what does that mean?

12. What are some pitfalls from investing in stocks?

13. What are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and how do you buy/sell stocks on these exchanges?

14. What is the NASDAQ? What do the letters stand for? How are stocks bought/sold on this exchange?

15. What is the S&P 500?

16. What is a broker?

17. What’s the difference between a traditional or full service broker and a discount broker?

18. What is a commission? Is there a difference in the commission a traditional broker charges vs. a discount broker? Explain.

19. What are three tips for investing in the stock market?

20. How can you be an informed investor? What resources can you use?


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