
S1W1 (8/21/13 – 8/23/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconWednesday*DPR*1st Day Expectations Objectives*DNR*1st Day Expectations Objec tives*DBR*1st Day Expectations ObjectivesThursday*DPR*St Gd C1*DNR*Brain Storm Topics*DBR*SG C1Friday*DPR*Finish SGC1*DNR*Pick Topics*Top Iss Summ #1*DBR*Top Iss Summ #1S1W2(8/26/13-8/30/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Assign Dates – DPR*Lec/Disc S1C1 Gov’t & the State*DNR*Assign Dates – DNR*Read Handout Pro Life/Choice*DBR*Assign Dates – DBR*Lec/Disc S1C1 An Ec Way of Think *Handout Ec TheoriesTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C1 Forms of Gov’t*DNR*Disc Top Iss Summ*Disc Pro Life/Choice*DBR*Disc Handout Ec TheoriesWednesday*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C1*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Disc-Pro Life/Choice*DBR*Lec/Disc-S2C1 Scarcity & ChoiceThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3C1 Basic Con of Dem*DNR*Disc-Pro Life/Choice*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C1*Review 7:10 am*Disc-Top Iss SummFriday*DPR*Quiz S3C1*Review 7:10 am*Optional*DNR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS1W3(9/3/13-9/6/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconTuesday*DPR*Quizzes Back*Review C1 Correct SG C1 Sample Ques*DNR*Finish Pro Life/Choice*DBR*Speaker St Mkt Brad Reinke Wednesday*DPR*Test C1*Review 7:00 am*DNR*Test-Pro Life/Choice*DBR*Lec/Disc S3&4C1 Opportunity Costs ExchangeThursday*DPR*DVD A More Per Union *DNR*Read Handout Same Sex Marriage*DBR*Quizzes S3&4C1*Review C1 Correct SGC1 Sample Ques Friday*DPR*DVD AMPU *DNR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS1W4(9/9/13-9/13/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*DVD A More Per Union*DNR*Top Iss Summ #2*DBR*Quiz S4C1*Review C1 Correct SGC1 Sample Ques*Review 7:10 amTuesday*DPR*DVD AMPU*DNR*Disc Same Sex Marr*DBR*Test C1*Review 7:10 amWednesday*DPR*Quiz – Soc Con Phil*SGC3 Due Thur*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Disc Same Sex Marr*DBR*Stock Mkt Simm Rules $ ResearchThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C3 Six Basic Prin*DNR*Disc Same Sex Marr*DBR*Stock Mkt Simm Make 1st Purchase Spread Sheet Due FriFriday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C3 Formal Amendments*DNR*Optional*DBR*SGC2 – Due MonS1W5(9/16/13-9/20/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Review Mar v Mad*Lec/Disc S2C3 Formal Amend *DNR*Disc Same Sex Marr*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C2 Types of Ec SysTuesday*DPR*Quiz Mar v Mad*Quizzes S1&2C3*DNR*Finish Same Sex Marr*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C2 Features of US EcWednesday*DPR Review*Lec/Disc S3C3 Informal Amend*DNR*Test Same Sex Marr*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C2*Review 7:10 amThursday*DPR*Quiz S3C3*Review C3 Correct SG C3 Sample Ques*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Articles Security – Domestic Gun Control*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C2 US Econ at WorkFriday*DPR*Test C3*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Optional*DBR*Quiz S3C2*Review 6:50 am*OptionalS1W6(9/23/13-9/27/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Quizzes Back Soc Con Phil Mar v Mad S1,2,3C3*DNR*Top Iss Summ #3*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C2 The US Econ at WorkTuesday*DPR*Review C3 Correct SGC3 Sample Ques*DNR*Reading Domestic Security*DBR*Quiz S3C2*Review 7:10 am*Quizzes Back*Reteaching Act BackWednesday*DPR*Test C3*Review 7:00 am *DNR*Disc – Dom Sec*DBR*Review C2 Correct SGC2 Sample QuesThursday*DPR*Speaker Gretta Beller*DNR*Disc – Dom Sec*DBR*Test C2*Review 7:oo amS1W7(9/30/13-10/3/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*C3 Tests Back*SGC4*DNR*Disc Domestic Security*DBR*C2 Tests Back*SGC3Tuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C4 Federalism The Div Of Power*DNR*Disc Domestic Security*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C3 Nature of DemandWednesday*DPR*VHS Meet The Press*DNR*VHS Face The Nation 60 Min*DBR*Top Iss SummThursday*DPR*The Week Assign*DNR*The Week Assign*DBR*The Week AssignFriday*No School*Conf*No School*Conf*No School*ConfS1W8(10/7/13-10/11/13))Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C4 Federalism: The Div of Power *DNR*VHS Meet the Press Face the Nation 60 Min *DBR*Lec/Disc S2C3 Changes in DemandTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C4 Nat’l Gov & States*DNR*Finish Domestic Spying*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C3*Challenge Enrich Plot Demand Curve*Review 7:10 amWednesday*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C4*Disc – The Week*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Test Domestic Spying*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C3 Elasticity of DemandThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3C4 Interstate Rel*DNR*READ – Handout Gun Control*DBR*Quiz S3C3*Review C3 Correct SGC3 Sample Ques*Review 7:10 amGov’tCurr IssEconFriday*DPR*Quiz S3C4*Review 6:55 am*Optional*DNR*Optional*DBR*Test C3*Review 7:10 amS1W9(10/14/13-10/18/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*No School*No School*No SchoolTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3C4 Interstate Relations*DNR*Finish VHS League of Denial*DBR*Tests Back – C3*SGC4Wednesday*DPR*Quizzes S2&3C4*Review 7:10 am*Reading C4*Review Sheet C4*DNR*Handout Gun Control Read/Highlight*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C4 Nature of SupplyThursday*DPR*Review C4 Correct SGC4 Sample Ques*DNR*Disc – Gun Control*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C4 Changes in SupplyFriday*DPR*Test C4*DNR*Disc – Gun Control*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C4*Review 6:55 am*OptionalS1W10(10/21/13-10/25/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Test & Papers Back*Quarter Grades*Assign Amend Rpts*DNR*VHS – 60 Min Observation Report*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C4*Ind Stck Review*Stck Value RptTuesday*DPR*Library Amend Rpt Prep*DNR*Disc – Gun Control*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C4 Make Prod DecWednesday*DPR*The Week Assign Due Today In Class*DNR*Top Iss Summ Due Thur*DBR*Chall Enrich C4*Reteach Activity C4 Due ThurThursday*DPR*Library Amend Rpt Prep*DNR*Disc – Gun Control*DBR*Quiz S3C4*Review C4 Correct SGC4 Sample Ques*Review 7:10 amFriday*DPR*Library Amend Rpt Prep*DNR*Test Gun Control*DBR*Test C4*Review 7:10 amS1W11(10/28/13-11/1/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Oral Rep – Amend*DNR*Test – Gun Control*DBR*Test C4*Review 7:10 amTuesday*DPR*Cont Oral Rep*Prep Prac Quiz Art & BOR*DNR*VHS – 60 Min Libya Snowden Leak*DBR*SGC6 Due WednesdayWednesday*DPR*Oral Reports (Amend)*Prac Quiz Articles & Bill of Rts*DNR*Articles PEDs Terrorism*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C6 Highly Comp MarketThursday*DPR*Quiz Articles & Bill of Rts*Review 7:10 am*Cont Oral Rep*DNRRead Handout – PEDs*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C6 Imper Comp Market Friday*DPR*Optional*DNR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS1W12(11/4/13-11/8/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Oral Reports-Amends*Prac Quiz Am 11-27*DNR*VHS – 60 min Observation Rpt*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C6 Imper Comp MktsTuesday*DPR*Oral Reports-Amends*Quiz Am 11-27*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Disc – PEDs*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C6 Market RegulationWednesday*DPR*Quiz Arts & Amends*Review 7:10 am *Assign Misc Points*DNR*Disc – PEDs*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C6*The Week Read Asign*Review 6:50 amThursday*DPR*Disc – Misc Pts Each Group Reports*DNR*Disc – PEDs*DBR*Quiz S3C6*Finish The Week Summ Statements*Review 7:10 am Friday*DPR*Prac Quiz - Misc Pts*Optional*DNR*Optional*DBR*OB Test C6S1W13(11/11/13-11/15/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*SG Const*DNR*VHS 60 Min Observation Report*DBR*SG C7Tuesday*DPR*Final Test Art & Amends*Review 7:00 am*DNR*Disc – PEDs*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C7 Sole ProprietorshipsWednesday*DPR*Finish SG Const*Start SG C10*DNR*Disc – PEDs*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C7 PartnershipsThursday*DPR*Finish SG C10*DNR*Test PEDs*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C7*The Week Read AssgnFriday*DPR*Optional*DNR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS1W14(11/18/13-11/25/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C10 The Nat’l Legislature*DNR*VHS – 60 Min Observation Report*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C7 CorporationsTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C10 The House of Rep*DNR*Disc – Terrorism*DBR*Lec/Disc S4C7 Other Business OrgWednesday*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C10*Lec/Disc S3C10 The Senate*DNR*Disc – Terrorism*DBR*Quizzes S3&4C7*Review C7 Correct SGC7 Sample Ques*Review 6:50 amThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S4C10 The Mem of Cong*DNR*Disc – Terrorism*DBR*Test C7*Review 7:00 amFriday*DPR*Quizzes S3&4C10*Review 7:10 am*DNR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS1W15(11/25/13-11/29/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Review C10 Correct SG Sample Ques*DNR*Test Terrorism*DBR*SGC8Tuesday*DPR*Test C10*Review 7:00 am*DNR*60 Min Observation Report*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C8 The Us Labor ForceWednesday*DPR*VHS The Executive Branch*DNR*The Week Read & Summarize*DBR*DVD A Union’s StoryThursday*No School*Thanksgiving*No School*Thanksgiving*No School*ThanksgivingFriday*No School*Thanksgiving*No School*Thanksgiving*No School*ThanksgivingS1W16Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Test Back C10*Read S5C13*Start C13 OBT*DNR*VHS – 60 MinObservation Report #6*Terrorism Test Back*DBR*Finish DVD A Union’s StoryTuesday*DPR*C13 OBT*DNR*Group Work Presentations*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C8 Growth of UnionsWednesday*DPR*Lec/Disc – Elec Coll*C13 OBT*DNR*Group Work Presentations*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C8*Check StocksValuation Tues CloseThursday*DPR*SGS2C25 Cities*C13 OBT *DNR*The Week Assign*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C8Unions & ManagementFriday*DPR*The Week*C13OBT*DNR*Optional*DBR*Quiz S3C8*The WeekS1W17(12/9/13-12/13/13)Gov’t Curr IssEconMonday *DPR*Lec/Disc S2C25 City Gov’t*Disc & VHS Nelson Mandela*DNR*Group 2 Presentation Leg of Marijuana*DBR*Quizzes Back*Review C8 Correct SG Sample QuesTuesday*DPR*Speaker Laurie Gill City Gov’t*DNR*VHS 60 Min Observation Report*DBR*Test C8*Review 7:00 am*Check StocksWednesday*DPR*OBTC18*DNR*Group 3 Presentation Drinking Age*DBR*SGC9Thursday*DPR*OBTC18*DNR*Test Day*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C9 SavingFriday*DPR*The Week*DNR*Disc Top Iss Summ*DBR*The WeekS1W18(12/16/13-12/20/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Lec/Disc Electoral College*DNR*Group 1 Presentation Reduced Military*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C9 InvestingTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc Nat’l Jud Sys*DNR*VHS – 60 Minutes Observation Report*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C9 Stks Bonds FuturesWednesday*DPR*Lec/Disc City Gov’t Notes*DNR*Group 4 Presentation Minimum Wage*DBR*Lec/Disc S4C9 Borrowing & Credit *Review C9Thursday*DPR*Quiz City Gov’t*Review 6:50 am*DPR*Test Day*DBR*Test C9*Review 7:10 amFriday*DPR*Optional*DNR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS1W1912/23/13-12/27/13)Gov’tCurr IssEconMondayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolTuesdayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolWednesdayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolThursdayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolFridayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolS1W20(12/30/13-1/3/14)Gov’tCurr IssEconMondayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolTuesdayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolWednesdayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolThursday *DPR*Papers Back *DNR*Papers Back*DBR*Papers BackFriday*DPR*Review Sem Test*DPR*Review Sem Test*DBR*Review Sem TestS1W21(1/6/14-1/10/14)Gov’tCurr IssEconMonday*DPR*Essay Ques*Review Sem Test*DNR*Review Sem Test*DBR*Essay Ques*Review Sem TestTuesday*Essay Ques Test*Review Sem Test*Review Sem Test*Essay Ques Test*Review Sem TestWednesdaySem Test ScheduleSem Test ScheduleSem Test ScheduleThursdaySem Test ScheduleSem Test ScheduleSem Test ScheduleFridaySem Test ScheduleSem Test ScheduleSem Test ScheduleS2W1(1/13/14-1/17/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*1st Day Objectives Outline Books *DPR*1st Day Objectives Outline Books*DBR*1st Day Objectives Outline BooksTuesday*DPR*Intro – The Week*The Week–Read Assign*DPR*Intro – The Week*The Week-Read Assign*DBR*Intro – The Week*The Week-Read AssignWednesday*DPR*Disc – The Week*DPR*Disc – The Week*DBR*Disc – The WeekThursday*DPR*Intro – SD Leg**DPR*Terms & SG C1*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C1 An Ec Way of ThinkFriday*DPR*SD Leg Notes*DPR*C1 Assign*Read Lanahan #9 *DBR*Lec/Disc S2C1 Scarcity*The Week Assign #1S2W2(1/20/14-1/24/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMondayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolTuesday*DPR*Finish SD Leg Notes*Start Bill*DPR*Lec/Disc Pol Cul & Core Values*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C1 Opportunity CostWednesday*DPR*Work on Bill*DPR*Lec/Disc Resolution of Conflict*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C1*Review 7:10 am*WS-Understand GraphsThursday*DPR*Finish Bill*DPR*Lec/Disc Pol Pwr & The Pol Sys*DBR*Lec/Disc S4C1 ExchangeFriday*DPR*Visit Capitol*DPR*Visit Capitol*DBR*Visit CapitolS2W3(1/27/14-1/31/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Finish SD Leg*Review SD Leg*Schedule DPRs*DPR*Review Essay Ques C1*Schedule DPRs*DBR*Review S3&4C1*Quizzes S3&4C1*Papers Back*Schedule DBRsTuesday*DPR*Test SD Leg*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Test C1*Review 6:50 am*DBR*Review C1 Correct SGC1 Sample QuesWednesday*DPR*SGC1*DPR*SG&Terms C1*Review Lanahan #9*DBR*SGC2Thursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C1 Gov’t & the State*DPR*Quiz Lanahan #9*Lec/Disc The Col & Rev Exp*DBR*Test C1*Review 7:10 amFriday*DPR*The Week Assign*DPR*The Week Assign*DBR*The Week AssignS2W4(2/3/14-2/7/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday *DPR*Lec/Disc Finish S1C1 Start S2C1 Soc Con Phil*DPR*Lec/Disc Protecting Liberty*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C2 Types of Ec SysTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc Finish S2C1*DPR*Lec/Disc Providing Self Gov Const Dem Today*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C2 Features of US EcWednesday*DPR*Quizes S1&2C1*Review 6:60 am*DPR*Disc Essay Ques C2*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C2*Review 7:10 amThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3C1 Basic Con of Dem*DPR*Test C2*Review 7:00 am*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C2 The US Ec at WorkFriday*DPR*Quiz S3C1*Review 7:10 am*The Week *DPR*Terms & SG C3*DBR*Quiz S3C2*Review 6:50 am*The WeekS2W5(2/10/14-2/14/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Quizzes Back*Assign Essay Ques Work in groups*DPR*Lec/Disc Federalism: Nat’ l& State Sov*DBR*Quizzes Back*Review C2 Correct SGC2Sample QuesTuesday*DPR*Speaker Greta Beller Political Adver*DPR*Lec/Disc Fed in Hist Perspec*DBR*Test C2*Review 7:00 amWednesday*DPR*Disc Essay Ques*Review C1 Correct SGC1 Sample Ques*DPR*Lec/Disc Federalism Today*DBR*SGC3Thursday*DPR*Test C1*Review 7:00 am*DPR*Review C3*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C3 Nature of DemandFriday*DPR*SGC3*DPR*Test C3*Review 7:00 am*DBR*The Week AssignS2W6(2/17/14-2/21/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMondayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C3 Six Basic Prin*DPR*SG & Terms C4*VHS Hurricane Carter*DBR*Worksheet Plot Demand CurveWednesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C3 Formal Amends*DPR*Lec/Disc Freedom of Express*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C3 Changes in DemandThursday*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C3*Review 6:50 am*Optional*DPR*Lec/Disc Freedom of Rel Right to Privacy*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C3*Review 7:10 am*OptionalFridayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolS2W7(2/24/14-2/28/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C3 Formal Amend*DPR*Lec/Disc Free of Religion Right of Privacy*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C3 Elasticity of DemandTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3C3 Informal Amend*DPR*Lec/Disc Rights of Accused War on Terrorism Courts & Free Soc*DBR*Quiz S3C3*Review C3 Correct SGC3 Sample Ques*Review 7:10 amWednesday*DPR*Quizzes S2&3C3*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Disc Essay Ques*DBR*Test C3*Review 6:50 amThursday*DPR*Review C3 Quizzes Back Correct SGC3 Sample Ques*DPR*Test C4*Review 7:00 am*DBR*Speaker Brad Reinke Stock MarketFriday*DPR*Test C3*Review 7:00 am*DPR*SG & Terms C5*DBR*The Week AssignS2W8(3/3/14-1/7/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*SGC4*DPR*Lec/Disc Struggle For Equality*DBR*Stock Market Simm Rules First Buy SpreadsheetTuesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C4 Federalism The Div of Power*DPR*Lec/Disc Equal Under the Law *DBR*Lec/Disc S1C4 The Nature of SupplyWednesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C4 The Gov’t & States*DPR*Lec/Disc Persistent Discrim*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C4 Changes in SupplyThursday*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C4*The Week*Review 6:50 am*DPR*Disc-Essay Ques*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C4*The Week*Review 7:10 amFriday*DPR*Optional*DPR*Test C5*Review 7:00 am*DBR*OptionalS2W9(3/10/14-3/14/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3C4 Interstate Relations*DPR*VHS Miss Burning*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C4 Make Prod DecTuesday*DPR*Quizzes S2&3 C4*Review Sheet*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Cont Miss Burning*DBR*Quiz S3C4*Review C4 Correct SGC4 Sample Ques*Review 6:50 amWednesday*DPR*Review C4 Correct SG C4 Sample Ques*DPR*Finish Miss Burn*Terms & SG C8*DBR*Test C4*Review 7:00 amThursday*DPR*Test C4*Review 7:00 am*DPR*Optional*DPR*The Week AssignFriday*DPR*No School*DPR*No School*DBR*No SchoolS2W10(3/17/14-3/21/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Meet in Lib Amend Reports*DPR*Lec/Disc Hist of US Parties Electoral System*DBR*SG C6Tuesday*DPR*Meet in Lib Amend Reports*DPR*Lec/Disc Party Organization*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C6 Highly Comp MktsWednesday*DPR*Meet in Lib Amend Reports*DBR*Lec/Disc Cand Centered Camp*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C6 Imper Comp MktsThursday*DPR*DVD Key Const Concepts*DPR*DVD Thurgood*DBR*The WeekFriday*No School*No School*No SchoolS2W11(3/24/14-3/28/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Library Finish Amend Reports*DPR*Terms & SG C9*Read C9*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C6 Imper Comp Mkts*Stock Sale/Pur (1/3)Tuesday*DPR*Oral Reports*Notes*DPR*OBTest C8*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C6*Lec/Disc S3C6 Market Reg*Review 7:10 amWednesday*DPR*Oral Reports*Notes*DPR*Lec/Disc Interest Group Sys*DBR*Quiz S3C6*Review C6 Correct SG Sample QuesThursday*DPR*Oral Reports*Notes*DPR*Lec/Disc Inside Lobbying*DBR*Test C6*Review 7:00 amFriday*DPR*Oral Reports*Notes*DPR*Lec/Disc Outside Lobbying Group Sys-Biased*DBR*Stock Sale/Pur Due Today*OptionalS2W12(3/31/14-4/4/12)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Finish Amend Notes*Const SG Due Thur*DPR*OBT C9*Terms & SG C11*DBR*VHS 60 Min St Mkt Front Load EntreprenuershipTuesdaySnow DaySnow DaySnow DayWednesday*DPR*Quiz Art & BOR*Misc Pts Art & Amen*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Lec/Disc Cong as a Career*DBR*SG C7*Finish Stock WorkThursday*DPR*Quiz Amen 11-27*Cont Misc Pts*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Lec/Disc Congress Leadership The Comm System*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C7 Sole ProprietorshipsFriday*DPR*Quiz Art & Amen*Cont Misc Pts*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Lec/Disc How a Bill … Law Cong Policy Making*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C7 PartnershipsS2W13(4/7/14-4/11/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Testing*DPR*Finish C11*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C7 CorporationsTuesday*DPR*SG C10*DPR*Discuss Essay Ques*DBR*Lec/Disc S4C7 Other Bus OrgansWednesday*DPR*Test Art, Amend, Misc*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Test C11 (Objective)*Review 6:50 am*DBR*The Week AssignThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc S1C10 The National Leg*DPR*Essay Test C11*Review 7:10 am*DBR*Quizzes S3&4C7*Stock Report Value*Review 6:50 amFriday*DPR*Retreat*DPR*Retreat*DBR*Optional*Reteach Activity C7S2W14(4/14/14-4/18/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*VHS Legislative Branch*DPR*Terms & St GD C12*DBR*The Week Assign (4/11/14)Tuesday*DPR*DVD – Emin Domain*DVD – Jury Selection*DPR*Lead Conf SF*DBR*VHS American GreedWednesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S2C10 The House of Rep*DPR*Disc Lead Conf*DBR*Review C7 Correct SG C7 Reteach Act C7 Sample QuesThursday*DPR*Lec/Disc Finish S2C10*DPR*Lec/Disc Found of Mod Pres*DBR*Test C7FridayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolS2W15(4/21/14-4/25/14)Gov’tAp Gov’t Ec onMondayNo SchoolNo SchoolNo SchoolTuesday*DPR*VHS 60 Min (4/20/14)*Read The Week*DPR*VHS – The Amer Pres Expansion of Power*DBR*SG C8Wednesday*DPR*Lec/Disc S3&4C10 The Senate The Mem of Cong*DPR*Lec/Disc Choosing the Pres*DBR*Lec/Disc S1C8 The US Labor ForceThursday*DPR*Quizzes S1&2C10*Review S3&4C10*Review 7:10 am*DPR*Lec/Disc Staff the Pres Factors in Pres Lead*DBR*Lec/Disc S2C8 The Growth of LaborFriday*DPR*Quizzes S3&4C10*The Week Assign Summaries*DPR*VHS – The Amer Pres Family Ties*DBR*DVD A Union’s StoryS2W16(4/28/14-5/2/14)*Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Review C10 Correct SG Quizzes Back Sample Ques*DPR*Finish C12*DBR*Lec/Disc S3C8 Unions & ManageTuesday*DPR*Test C10*Review 7:10 am*Test C12*Review 6:50 am*DBR*Quizzes S1&2C8*Reteach Activity C8Wednesday*DPR*Open Book Test C13*DPR*Lec/Disc The Fed Jud Sys*DBR*Quiz S3C8*Review 7:10 am*Review C8 Correct SG C8 Sample QuesThursday*DPR*Cont OBT C13*DPR*Lec/Disc Fed Ct Appointees Nature of Jud Dec*DBR*Test C8*Review 7:00 amFriday*DPR*Optional*DPR*Optional*DBR*OptionalS2W17(5/5/14-5/9/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Tests back*OBTC18*DPR*Lec/Disc Pol Infl on Jud Dec Jud Pwr & Dem Gov*DBR*Read C9Tuesday*DPR*Cont OBTC18*DPR*Disc Essay Ques*DBR*OBTC9Wednesday*DPR*Optional*DPR*Test C14*Review 7:00 am*DBR*Cont OBTC9Thursday *DPR*Review Sem Test*DPR*Review Sem Test*DBR*Essay Ques*Stock ReportFriday*DPR*Review Sem Test*DPR*Review Sem Test*DBR*Essay Ques*Stock ReportS2W18(5/12/14-5/16/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*DPR*Review Sem Test*DPR*Review Sem Test*DBR*ST Essay Ques*Read S1C10 Gross Dem ProdTuesday*Semester Test Sch*Semester Test Sch*DBR*Read S1C14 Fed Res SystemWednesday*Semester Test Sch*Semester Test Sch*DBR*Review Sem TestThursday*Semester Test Sch*Semester Test Sch*DBR*Review Sem TestFriday*Done!*Done!*DBR*Review Sem TestS2W19(5/19/14-5/22/14)Gov’tAP Gov’tEconMonday*Done*Done*Semester Test SchTuesday*Done*Done*Semester Test SchWednesday*Done*Done*Semester Test SchThursday*Done*Done*Last Day ................

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