How to Lock in Double Digit Returns on Real Estate Without ...

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How to Become the Bank & “Lock-In” 15.2% Fixed Annual Returns!



$10,000.00 compounded at 15.2% for 10 Years = $35,733.23

$10,000.00 compounded at 15.2% for 20 Years = $147,094.73

$10,000.00 compounded at 15.2% for 30 Years = $605,510.80

$10,000.00 compounded at 15.2% for 40 Years = $2,492,566.10

$10,000.00 compounded at 15.2% for 50 Years = $10,260,567.71

Let’s start off with what Einstein referred to as the 8th wonder of the world... Compound Interest. defines compound interest as follows:

Interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods of a deposit or loan. Compound interest can be thought of as “interest on interest,” and will make a deposit or loan grow at a faster rate than simple interest, which is interest calculated only on the principal amount. The rate at which compound interest accrues depends on the frequency of compounding; the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest.

Investing for compound interest is a simple investment strategy by which the focus is on accumulating investments that pay income. The income is reinvested to accumulate more income-producing assets.

Compounding is slow and boring at first. But gradually, the income you earn grows and your income reinvestments increase over time. And the longer you allow your money to compound, the more it grows.

The key to success with compounding is threefold:

1. The amount of income you collect from your investments

2. The frequency and timing of the income earned

3. The rate of return you earn on your investments

The challenge for most investors is finding the best investments to use for their compound interest investment plan. Think about the typical investments most investors use for their retirement savings:

1. Dividend Stocks/Mutual Funds – These investments offer 2 to 3% in annual dividend income.

2. Bonds/Bond Funds – These investments offer 4 to 5% in annual interest income.

These investments have two significant limitations.

The first limitation is they don’t provide high rates of income to reinvest. $10,000 invested into these investments would provide $300 to $500 a year of income. This investment will not compound into anything significant over time.

The second limitation is they don’t provide monthly income. Most stocks and bonds only pay interest quarterly. Receiving monthly income allows for faster compounding because this income can be reinvested earlier.

These limitations are the underlying cause of why most people are worried about not having enough money saved for retirement. Their investments do not provide very good returns and they cannot benefit from the magic of compound interest.

The best way to utilize compound interest is to find investments, which provide monthly income at higher rates of return.

Consider the following example:

An investor invests $10,000 into an investment that pays them $150 a month for five years. This hypothetical investment is significantly better for compounding. First of all, the income provided by this investment is approximately 18% annually AND this income is paid on a monthly basis.

The investor who acquires this particular investment will have the opportunity to reinvest this $150 a month into new income producing investments allowing for faster compounding.

On the first page of this special report, you saw how $10,000 compounds into significant wealth over time when invested into compounding investments. The real challenge is finding the best compounding investments. These investments aren’t typically available to the general public.

Well, I’m about to share the single best compounding investment you’ll ever find.

However, if you’re like most people, you may have the tendency to ignore what I share with you. This will be a costly mistake.

The basic idea behind this single best investment is to copy the formula used by the wealthiest institutions in the world...banks. Drive through any town and you’ll see bank after bank. These banks are always in the nicest buildings with beautiful landscaping. Why is this so?

Because banks are incredible compound money machines.

Banks create compound interest by loaning money at attractive interest rates. As interest payments roll in each month on their loans, they simply reinvest these funds into new loans accelerating the magic of compounding.

The good news is we can copy this strategy for ourselves.

In order to copy this strategy, we’ve got to do what a bank does. We’ve got to put ourselves in a position to collect monthly income with attractive interest rates.

The process starts by buying an asset that can then be sold with financing. This approach includes two profit opportunities for you. The first profit opportunity is the price spread between what you pay for the asset and the price your sell the asset for. The second profit opportunity is created by charging interest on the financing provided to the buyer.

You’re probably thinking this sounds very complicated…

Not necessarily.

You have to look around and find a niche market that no one else is tapping into, and of course, what you are buying has to be inexpensive enough to be able to pay cash, and not use a bank. You don’t want to borrow any money for this investment because then you’ll be paying interest instead of collecting interest.

Remember, you don’t want to pay the bank; you want to be the bank.

A situation exists right now, which is ripe with opportunity in the manufactured home industry. After the recent housing fiasco, sub prime mortgage crisis, and rigorous lending guidelines today, it is almost impossible for a buyer to get a loan to buy a used manufactured home. This presents a very profitable investment opportunity for you.

The most important thing to understand is banks typically won’t finance the purchase of a used manufactured home.

This is a BIG problem for someone wanting to sell his or her manufactured home. It’s also a BIG problem for someone wanting to buy a used manufactured home.

Manufactured home buyers cannot get bank financing and this where we can help them. We can

buy the manufactured homes directly from sellers and then offer to finance the sale for buyer. We solve both of their problems and create monthly income streams for ourselves in the process.

Since you can buy these homes for cash, we typically can negotiate very attractive purchase prices. Think of your purchase price as “wholesale” pricing. These manufactured homes are

then resold with “retail” pricing with financing creating two profit opportunities.

1. Profit on the price

2. Interest income on the financing

The buyers are buying these manufactured homes and are responsible maintenance and repairs. This means you won’t get any repair or maintenance calls.

In most areas, manufactured homes are considered personal property. The titles are similar to

car titles and the typical rules surrounding real property do not apply to manufactured homes. This typically means....

No mortgages.

No appraisals.

No title companies.

No escrow companies.

Very low taxes, which are paid by the buyer.

No competition from other investors.

It might be helpful to see an actual manufactured home investment:

This is a singlewide manufactured home. This home was built in 1998 and is in excellent shape. The home features three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an eat-in kitchen and a laundry area. This home was actually a bank foreclosure and was purchased by an investor for $10,000 at what we would consider “wholesale” pricing.

The foreclosing bank sold this home to this investor at wholesale pricing because they didn’t want to finance the sale to a buyer. (This is where we can become the bank)

The investor sold this manufactured home with owner financing for $20,000. The buyer paid $1,000 down and has a loan of $19,000. The term of the loan is 10 years with a fixed interest rate of 10%. The buyer’s monthly payment to this investor is $251.

In total, the investor will collect $30,130 over the next 10 years on this investment. This is an annual return on investment of 20.13%. See why manufactured homes are the single best compounding investments available today?

1. They require zero debt. You don’t have to obtain a large mortgage to acquire these investments.

2. Your credit score doesn’t matter because you’re paying cash for the manufactured home.

3. You can buy these homes at discounted pricing.

4. You can create attractive monthly income by offering financing with your sale.

5. The buyer is responsible for repairs and maintenance.

6. You’ll have no competition because nobody else sees this opportunity.

The idea is simple. We create a little bank for you by helping you buy and resell manufactured homes. The first part of setting up your bank is to buy the used manufactured home for cash at wholesale pricing. The second part of setting up your bank is to market and sell the same manufactured home to a buyer with financing at retail pricing.

The financing you provide to the buyer allows you to…


Why become a bank?

“A Bank generates a profit from the differential between the level of interest it pays for deposits and other sources of funds, and the level of interest it charges in its lending activities.” This is the definition of banking profitability given by Wikipedia.

In layman’s terms, banks borrow money at a certain percentage and lend it out at a higher percentage and they make money on the spread.

This spread is also known as arbitrage.

When used by academics, an arbitrage is a transaction that involves no negative cash flow at any probabilistic or temporal state and a positive cash flow in at least one state; in simple terms, a risk-free profit.

Maybe you have heard the joke, but maybe you haven’t. A banker was asked about arbitrage. He explained that they no longer use the word arbitrage, they now refer to it as” The rule of 3-6-3.”

When asked to explain, this is the definition he gave:

“The first 3 is the amount of interest we pay our depositors, the 6 is the amount of interest we charge our customers to borrow the same money, the second 3 is the time I hit the golf course!”

There’s a lot of truth in this joke, as well as a lesson. The lesson is that you, as the bank, should be out doing what you want to do, and your money should be working very hard to bring in more money. How nice would it be to be on the golf course, laying on a beach, or sleeping in on a Monday morning while your bank is out making money!

Believe it or not, manufactured homes may actually be the fastest way to financial independence. I actually first learned about this investment strategy from a friend who “retired” in his mid 40s. He collects $15,000 to $20,000 a month from a large portfiolio of manufactured homes without any debt. Trust me, he lives a great life... better than the banker who joked about leaving work at 3pm! He has no office and works just one to two hours a day.

Why Create Little Banks with Used Manufactured Homes?

• They are relatively inexpensive, and inexpensive to fix! This means your risk of loss is dramatically reduced!

• There is now and will always be a NEED for affordable housing. Demand actually increases in tough economic times! These investments actually perform better during recessionary times as demand for affordable housing increases!

• There is virtually no competition! As you could probably imagine, there aren’t a lot of investors investing in individual manufactured homes. However, one of the best investors in the world, Warren Buffet, invested $1.7 billion into Clayton Homes, a manufactured housing company.

• You don’t have to get a mortgage to invest in manufactured homes. No closing costs. No monthly payments. No interest payments. Remember, don’t pay the bank - be the bank.

• You don’t have to have a 750 credit score…. Because you don’t have to get a mortgage to invest in manufactured homes, your credit score does not matter. No lender will be checking your credit!

• You are the bank! Not the landlord! The buyer is handles repairs and maintenance. You won’t get any calls for leaky faucets or clogged toilets.

• Your manufactured home buyer will be responsible for all taxes.

• When we acquire a used manufactured home on your behalf, we are buying at wholesale pricing and selling at retail market value. Your bank’s first profit center is from the spread between the wholesale price and the retail price – the spread.

• You lock in attractive fixed interest rates on the loans to your mobile home buyers. In most cases, the interest rate will be 10%. This interest income is in addition to the profit on the price spread.

• You help people achieve the American Dream of home ownership! Your manufactured home buyer wouldn’t be able to own their own home without you.

• Through our program, everything is handled for you. It is 100% passive. (You must be accepted as one of our investors, see the enclosed application form. We are limited on the number of investors we can accept because of the time required to setup each bank.)

• You may be able to use your IRA, your spouses IRA, or your children’s IRA to invest in manufactured homes.

Of course, there is more to this process. There are some very costly mistakes you’ll need to avoid. There are also different rules and regulations to follow with manufactured home investments. This is where I may be able to help you.

My name is YOUR NAME and I help investors acquire manufactured home investments as outlined in this special report. My focus is to help you set up attractive hassle-free banks with passive double-digit returns.

I know what you’re probably thinking. Your thinking:

How are these investments hassle-free?

These investments are hassle-free because we handle everything for our clients. We find the manufactured homes, we negotiate the purchase on your behalf, and we even advertise show and sell the manufactured home for you. Once the sale is finalized, we turn the “bank” over to you and you’ll enjoy monthly checks for years to come.

What’s the catch?

This sounds too good to be true, right? Unfortunately, there is a catch. The catch is that we are unable to accept every investor as a client. Because we handle the entire process for our clients, we are extremely limited as to the number of clients we can accept. In addition, we are also limited by the number of attractive manufactured home investments available from month to month. We would love to be able to accept every investor as a client; however, it just isn’t possible.

If you would like to be considered for one of our “Be the Bank” clients, complete the enclosed application and send it to our office. We will review your application and if accepted, we will notify you of acceptance. Because of our limited ability to accept new clients, we tend to accept applicants that have the ability to act quickly when we identify an attractive manufactured home investment. The average manufactured home investment is between $8,000 to $12,000. This means accepted clients should have the ability to quickly fund an investment in this price range.

These properties move very quickly and we do not have the luxury of time. By applying to participate in these investments, you’re indicating that you’re qualified to make an investment of $8,000 to $12,000 to setup your first little bank. If this investment level is too high for you, please do not apply to become one of our clients.

Here’s what you get when we accept you’re “Be the Bank” Application…

• Access to our hassle-free manufactured home investments.

• Email notification of manufactured home investment opportunities.

• Assistance Using Your IRA to Acquire Manufactured Homes.

• We will advertise, show and sell your manufactured home. You simply cash the checks.

• We handle all of the paperwork on your behalf. This includes manufactured home purchase agreements, manufactured home sales agreements, and title transfers.

I know your probably wondering what our services will cost you. Our service fee to find, negotiate, acquire, advertise, show and sell a manufactured home on your behalf is $4,000. We add our fee to the price of the manufactured home. For example, we may find an attractive manufactured home investment for you for $6,000. Your investment to acquire this property would be $10,000, including our service fee.

As noted above, we cannot accept every applicant. If you would like to be considered for one of our “Be the Bank” client openings, send the enclosed application to our office. If your application is received at a time when we have no client openings, we will add your application to our waiting list in the order it was received.


Your Name

Manufactured Home Broker

Your Company

P.S. Applications are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested in this investment opportunity, do not delay your application.

P.P.S By applying for manufactured home investments, you understand that manufactured home investments do carry risk. You can lose money in any investment, including manufactured home investments. We’ll do everything we can to help you avoid this situation, but it is important for you to understand success is not guaranteed. You also understand there are different rules and regulations for buying and selling manufactured homes. You agree to discuss any manufactured home investment with your legal and tax professionals to ensure they’re appropriate for you. Finally, you give us permission to keep in touch with you via mail, email, and phone.

“Be The Bank” Client Application

Name: _____________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

Home Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: _______________

Email address: ______________________________________________

Best way and time to get hold of you:__________________________

Amount you have to Invest: _________________

Is this money in a self directed IRA? Yes ____ No _____

Being an accepted investor, does not obligate you to purchase a manufactured home. You’ll simply have the opportunity to invest, NOT THE OBLIGATION. We’re currently only able to accept investors who are serious about these investments and have the funds available. Typical manufactured home investments are in the range of $8,000 to $12,000. Investors are responsible for all costs associated with the investment.


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By applying for manufactured home investments, you understand that manufactured home investments do carry risk. You can lose money in any investment, including manufactured home investments. We’ll do everything we can to help you avoid this situation, but it is important for you to understand success is not guaranteed. You also understand there are different rules and regulations for buying and selling manufactured homes. You agree to discuss any manufactured home investment with your legal and tax professionals to ensure they’re appropriate for you. Finally, you give us permission to keep in touch with you via mail, email, and phone.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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