Practical PowerShell For SQL Server Developers and DBAs

Practical PowerShell For SQL Server Developers and DBAs

Download the latest version of this PowerShellTM wallchart and read the accompanying in-depth article from Simple-Talk at

Module Repositories

Store your modules--including sqlps--in one of these.

system-level $env:windir \System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules


$HOME \Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Profile Locations

Store aliases and commands that you always want available.

all users and all shells


all users and

$env:windir\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Microsoft.PowerShell shell

Modules vs. Snap-ins

Loading snap-ins for SQL support are deprecated, though available.

current user and all shells $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1

current user and


Microsoft.PowerShell shell

SQL Server 2008 & 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012

Cmdlet support SQLServerCmdletSnapin100 Provider support SQLServerProviderSnapin100

Rather, use the sqlps module instead.

Modules Snap-ins

Load Import-Module Add-PSSnapin

View items loaded Get-Module Get-PSSnapin

SQLServerCmdletSnapin110 SQLServerProviderSnapin110

View items available to load Get-Module -ListAvailable Get-PSSnapin -Registered

Determining Default Properties

Nodes reveal only a portion of their properties by default; see Key Commands for more.

Type specified in modulespecific formatting file?

Type specified in system formatting file?

$env:windir\system32\ WindowsPowerShell \v1.0\Modules\*. format.ps1xml $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\*.format.ps1xml $env:windir\system32\ WindowsPowerShell \v1.0\*.format.ps1xml

Load sqlps module:

DefaultDisplayPropertySet Use $object.PSStandardMembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet;


otherwise, display all properties

Import-Module sqlps ?DisableNameChecking

Determining List or Table Output

Executing Queries


[-ServerInstance ] [-Database ] [-EncryptConnection] [-Username ] [-Password ] [[-Query] ]

Copyright ? 2012 Michael Sorens 2012.07.02, Version 1.0.1

Published on Simple-

Nodes display either in PowerShell's list format or table format automatically, unless you

explicitly specify otherwise.

Format-verb cmdlet specified in pipeline? Type specified in modulespecific formatting file? Type specified in system formatting file? More than four properties?

... | Format-List ... ... | Format-Table ... $env:windir\system32\ WindowsPowerShell \v1.0\Modules\*. format.ps1xml $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\*.format.ps1xml $env:windir\system32\ WindowsPowerShell \v1.0\*.format.ps1xml

Use Format-List; otherwise, use Format-Table

[-QueryTimeout ] [-ConnectionTimeout ] [-ErrorLevel ] [-SeverityLevel ] [-MaxCharLength ] [-MaxBinaryLength ] [-AbortOnError] [-DedicatedAdministratorConnection]

Nodes in SQL Server Space



SQL Server data store root \

Network root


Instances on selected machine \SQL\machine

Top-level instance objects


Databases in selected instance \SQL\machine\instance\Databases

Default Properties Name, Root, Description MachineName InstanceName list of object names Name, Status, RecoveryModel, CompatLvl, Collation, Owner

Object Type (... prefix = Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.) ....PowerShell.Extensions.SqlServerProviderExtension ....PowerShell.Extensions.Machine ....Smo.Server

System.String ....Smo.Database


Top-level DB objects


list of object names



- - - - Selected database nodes - - - -

[-HostName ]

Tables in selected database \SQL\machine\instance\Databases\database\Tables Schema, Name, Created


[-NewPassword ] [-Variable ] [-InputFile ]

Views in selected database Roles in selected database Triggers in selected database

\SQL\machine\instance\Databases\database\Views Schema, Name, Created \SQL\machine\instance\Databases\database\Roles Name \SQL\machine\instance\Databases\database\Triggers Name, Created

....Smo.View ....Smo.DatabaseRole ....Smo.Trigger

[-OutputSqlErrors] [-SuppressProviderConte xtWarning] [-IgnoreProviderContext] []

Top-level nodes: \SQL, \SQLPolicy, \SQLRegistration, \Utility, \DAC, \DataCollection, \IntegrationServices, \SQLAS

Database nodes: ApplicationRoles, Assemblies, AsymmetricKeys, Certificates, DatabaseAuditSpecifications, Defaults, ExtendedProperties, ExtendedStoredProcedures, FileGroups,

FullTextCatalogs, FullTextStopLists, LogFiles, PartitionFunctions, PartitionSchemes, PlanGuides, Roles, Rules, Schemas, ServiceBroker, StoredProcedures, SymmetricKeys, Synonyms, Tables, Triggers, UserDefinedAggregates, UserDefinedDataTypes, UserDefinedFunctions, UserDefinedTableTypes, UserDefinedTypes, Users, Views, XmlSchemaCollections

Executing Queries

Cmdlets implemented by SQL Server Provider

For brevity, sql aliases Invoke-Sqlcmd: New-Alias sql Invoke-Sqlcmd


Canonical Other aliases


Description Query with default context Query specifying server Query to interactive grid Output in table format Output in list format

Command sequence

sql -Query "select db_name()" sql -Query "select db_name()"-Server .\sqlexpress sql -Query "select * from clents"| Out-GridView sql "select * from clents" | Format-Table ?AutoSize sql "select * from clents" | Format-List


Get-Location gl

Set-Location sl

Get-ChildItem gci



Rename-Item rni

Remove-Item ri

pwd cd, chdir dir, ls

ren del, erase, rd, rm, rmdir

Gets current node Changes current node Lists the objects at current node Properties of current node Renames an object Removes an object

Key Commands

Source: Navigate SQL Server PowerShell Paths on MSDN

For brevity sandboxDB aliases SQLSERVER:\SQL\machine\instance\databases\sandbox and gci aliases Get-ChildItem.

SQL Server drives

Use New-PSDrive to create drive shortcuts.


Go to root of SQL Server data store Go to root of DB objects

Command sequence Set-Location SQLSERVER:\ Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL

New-PSDrive ?Name DB ?PSProvider SQLSERVER ?Root SQLSERVER:\sql\localhost\SQLEXPRESS\Databases

List instance names on local machine List databases on selected instance List tables in selected database List tables with shortcut, default properties List subset of tables using SMO property

Get-ChildItem SQLSERVER:\SQL\machine Get-ChildItem SQLSERVER:\SQL\machine\instance\Databases gci SQLSERVER:\SQL\machine\instance\Databases\database\Tables gci sandboxDB:\Tables gci sandboxDB:\Tables | where {$_.Schema -eq "dbo"}

Get-PSDrive | ? { $_.Provider.Name -eq "SqlServer" } | select name,root








List tables,all properties

gci sandboxDB:\Tables | Format-Table ?Force *


Scripting Tables or Complete Database

For brevity sandboxDB aliases SQLSERVER:\SQL\ machine\instance\databases\sandbox,

Learning PowerShell, PowerShell in SQL Server 2012 / 2008, SQL Server PowerShell Help, Using SQL Server Cmdlets

% aliases ForEach-Object, and ? aliases Where-Object.


Command sequence

Key Terms

All tables (output to console) All tables (output to file) All tables (separate batches) Selected tables Single table All tables with their indexes

Full database

gci sandboxDB:\Tables | % { $_.Script() }

gci sandboxDB:\Tables | % { $_.Script() } | Set-Content C:\create.sql

gci sandboxDB:\Tables | % { $_.Script() + "GO" }

gci sandboxDB:\Tables | ? { $ -match "big.*" } | % { $_.Script() }

(gci sandboxDB:\Tables | ? { $ -eq "xyz_table" }).Script()

gci sandboxDB:\Tables | % { $_.Script() + "GO" $_.Indexes | % { $_.Script() + "GO" }

} $myScriptFile = filepath $myDbInstance = Get-Item nodepath $mydb = $myDbInstance.Databases["dbName"] $mydb.Script() | Out-File $myScriptFile $scrp = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($myDbInstance) $scrp.Options.AppendToFile = $True $scrp.Options.FileName = $myScriptFile # Other options here... $scrp.Script([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject[]]$mydb.Tables)


.NET classes to create applications that manage SQL Server.


Module providing SQL Server support in PowerShell in the form of new cmdlets (Invoke-Sqlcmd and others) and a SQL Server provider.


Allows you to interact with the hierarchy of SQL Server

Server objects just as a native PowerShell file system provider

Provider allows you to interact with files. You can navigate

through SQL Server space using paths to nodes

analogously to paths to files.

SQLPSX CodePlex project introduced prior to sqlps to provide SQL Server support in PowerShell, SQLPSX still provides some functionality not covered by sqlps.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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