(Reproduce this page for each goal identified in section 2

|Action Plan – School Building Use Goal #4 |

|List Goal: Performance Goal #4 |

|By June 1, 2006, a preliminary study will be conducted of school building use for student purposes in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. |

|Goal Champion: |

|Strategy: Collection of Data and Information |

|Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be |Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how | Results |Person(s) |Resources |Timeline |

|done to address this goal?) |best practices and research justify this |(What will be the evidence of the |Impacted |(Funding Source & |(When will the |

| |activity) |impact on the goal) |(Who will be |Cost) |activity occur?) |

| | | |involved?) | | |

|Data and information will be collected including: |To determine if the District is optimizing | The data/information will provide | Building principals;| $10,000 contract | |

| |the use of its facilities for student |the bases for making decisions about |Executive |with Dr. Rushton and | |

| |learning purposes. |student placement and the use of |Administrators for |Geoffrey Smith | |

| | |CRCSD facilities. |Elementary /Secondary|(University of Iowa) | |

| | | |education; Executive |for study of geocoded| |

| |Accurate and timely data and information are| |Director of Learning |student enrollment | |

| |essential for effectively planning for the | |and Leadership; |and projection | |

|Current student enrollments by building, grade level, and |placement of students during the coming |Appropriate data provided. |Executive Director |capability. | |

|neighborhood. |years. | |for Business | |January 1, 2006 |

| | | |Services; | | |

|Projections of future enrollment for school years 2006-2010. | |Appropriate data provided. |Superintendent | | |

| | | | | |March 1, 2006 |

|Current student open enrollment, permits, tuition and tuition| |Appropriate data provided. | | | |

|in including areas from which students are coming/going. | | | | |March 1, 2006 |

| | | | | | |

|Current room use for each school building. | | | | | |

| | |Appropriate information provided. | | | |

|Evaluation of existing building conditions | | | | |March 1, 2006 |

| | |Appropriate data provided. | | | |

|Examine population and economic forecasts for Cedar Rapids | | | | |April 1, 2006 |

| | |Appropriate information provided | | | |

| | | | | |May 1, 2006 |

|Action Plan – School Building Use Goal #4 |

|List Goal: Performance Goal #4 |

|By June 1, 2006, a preliminary study will be conducted of school building use for student purposes in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. |

|Goal Champion: |


|Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be |Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how | Results |Person(s) |Resources |Timeline |

|done to address this goal?) |best practices and research justify this |(What will be the evidence of the |Impacted |(Funding Source & |(When will the |

| |activity) |impact on the goal) |(Who will be |Cost) |activity occur?) |

| | | |involved?) | | |

| |Learning from districts that have already |Information and lessons learned from | Associate |Normal travel |a) All visits will be|

|a) The Superintendent and designees will travel to districts |successfully completed enrollment/facility |other districts will enhance the |Superintendents for |allowances of |completed by February|

|recently involved with similar studies of enrollment and |studies will be helpful in the development of|development and be reflected in the |Learning and |approximately $500 to|1, 2006 |

|facility use to learn of effective practices and lessons |the CRCSD study. Information may help |CRCSD plan. |Organizational |engage three to four | |

|learned. (Preliminary contacts have been made with Waterloo, |expedite the study and prevent missteps | |Effectiveness, |districts identified | |

|Des Moines, Iowa City and Ames school districts.) |and/or engaging in non-productive processes. | |Executive Director of|to help with the | |

| | | |Learning and |study. | |

| | | |Leadership; Executive| | |

| | | |Director for Business| | |

| | | |Services; | | |

| | | |Superintendent | | |

|Action Plan – School Building Use Goal #4 |

|List Goal: Performance Goal #4 |

|By June 1, 2006, a preliminary study will be conducted of school building use for student purposes in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. |

|Goal Champion: |


|Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be |Research/Rationale For Activity (Explain how | Results |Person(s) |Resources |Timeline |

|done to address this goal?) |best practices and research justify this |(What will be the evidence of the |Impacted |(Funding Source & |(When will the |

| |activity) |impact on the goal) |(Who will be |Cost) |activity occur?) |

| | | |involved?) | | |

|A report to the Board of Education will be created including:|A fully developed report to the Board of | A detailed report will be provided | Pending resulting | The development of |The completed report |

| |Education is vital for informing Board |for the Board of Education and |action, students, |the report will |will be provided at |

| |members and the public of the findings and |public. |parents, staff, and |require no |the first regularly |

| |implications of the enrollment/facility use | |community members may|extraordinary |scheduled meeting of |

| |study. | |all be impacted by |funding. |the Board of |

| | | |the study. | |Education in July |

| | | | | |2006. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Jan 1, 2006 |

|Location of current students in the district | | | | | |

|Numbers of students open enrolling in and out of the district| | | | |Jan 1, 2006 |

|Room usage for each school building | | | | | |

|Learn of student enrollment/distribution procedures of other | | | | |Feb 1, 2006 |

|districts | | | | | |

|Barriers/obstacles to balancing student numbers | | | | |Mar 1, 2006 |

|Determination of the possibility of a true feeder system | | | | | |

|Evaluation of Existing building conditions | | | | | |

| | | | | |April 1, 2006 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |July 1, 2006 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |July 1, 2006 |


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