Iowa State University

YouthFEST: Fun, Encouragement, Support, Team

2013 Iowa 4-H Youth Staff Conference

Nov. 11-13, 2013, Scheman Building, Iowa State Center, Ames, IA

The links available are what have been given to Mary Kay to post. If you want something that is not posted, please contact the presenter and ask them to send their handout/presentation/PPT to Mary Kay to post from this Agenda.

To access links within a PPT, open the PPT, then click on the “Slide Show” menu, then “from beginning”. The slideshow will take over your screen and you can page up or down to get to slides. To get out, push your keyboard ESC key.

Participant List

Monday, Nov. 11

|10:30-11:30 am |Benton Auditorium |4-H Mission, Vision, |

| | |4-H Priorities, |

| | |4-H Equation |

| | |Strategic Plan, Campus Staff Roles |

|12:30-1:00 pm |Benton Auditorium |Professional Development Program—Nancy Franz |

|1:05-1:50 pm | |Workshop #1 |

| |150 |M1A: Helping 4-H’ers Succeed in State Recognition Opportunities – Cayla Taylor |

| | |Recognition Opportunities Beyond the County PPT |

| | |This session will provide an overview of the state 4-H recognition opportunities. Participants will learn |

| | |more about the award application process, timeline of events and State 4-H Recognition Day—what occurs, |

| | |interview process and how award recipients are selected and recognized. We will also discuss how to |

| | |encourage youth to apply for state recognition opportunities and how best to support them in the application|

| | |process. |

| |154 |M1B: Impacts and Stakeholders: Iowa 4-H Program Evaluations – Kati Peiffer; Tricia Stouder |

| | |Impact Examples; Impact Form for Counties |

| | |Do you want to learn more about how we share the impacts of our 4-H program? Join us as we look at building |

| | |in evaluation into our 4-H programs and how we can use that data to create an even stronger 4-H program. We |

| | |will use a fun, interactive Jeopardy style game to see who knows it all about evaluating the Iowa 4-H |

| | |program! |

| |167 |M1C: Advancing Iowa State University Extension and Outreach – Jolene McCoy; Karen Lathrop, Chris Weishaar |

| | |Learn how proactive, integrated marketing can advance your 4-H program to the next level – how to identify |

| | |new audiences and build awareness and membership. Learn how Organizational Advancement resources can help |

| | |you promote a more consistent and recognizable brand image across the state. |

| |171 |M1D: Regional Citizenship Program – Dan Lane; Region 4 Staff |

| | |Citizenship PPT |

| | |Want to see DC for $700….looking to develop a program that deepens your clients understanding of |

| | |citizenship? Then join us for an in depth look at the Region 4 Citizenship program and its two year process.|

| | |We will highlight the process and help you think about how you might integrate it into your region. |

| |175 |M1E: The Power of Association – Phil Heckman |

| | |Remember when? We all have memories of our best educational experiences, in this session we’ll practice |

| | |some techniques to help strengthen those memories and cement long term learning. |

| |179 |M1F: Taste of Camp – Aleta Cochran; Maria Forgy; Jeff Macomber; Joy Nicklasen, Will Sheldon |

| | |Come learn how you can blend a 2 day 1 night and 4 day 3 night camp into a single “Taste of Camp” |

| | |experience. This regional offering provided a new experience for youth in grades K – 8th. Some insight you |

| | |will gain are marketing approaches, program schedule, registration process, three tier registration fee and |

| | |staffing mix. |

| |Benton |M1G: Education in Shooting Sports (SESS) – Donise Peterson |

| | |Have you heard or seen the acronym SESS? Do you want to know what SESS is or how your county can get |

| | |involved? Or maybe you are looking to expand your SESS program and looking for any additional information. |

| | |If you answered yes to any of the questions above; then you should attend the Safety and Education in |

| | |Shooting Sports Frequently Asked Questions session. |

|2:00 – 3:30 pm | |Workshop #2 |

| |150 |M2A: County Kits – Amber Matthiesen |

| | |Do your club leaders struggle to plan and prepare activities for their club meetings? Learn about how kits |

| | |can help improve the quality and quantity of educational activities leaders provide at club meetings. Take |

| | |a look at kit examples and take home kit lists so you can assemble your own. |

| |154 |M2B: Wind Energy Exploration: STEM Adventures in Your Own Backyard – Cindy Watson Pottebaum; Jeff Macomber|


| | |Looking for a fun, inexpensive way to provide 4-H youth with hands-on STEM activities from right here in |

| | |Iowa? In this workshop you will design, build and test your own wind turbine, learn about fun wind energy |

| | |activities and go home with KidWind resources to get volunteers and youth started in STEM programs! |

| |167 |M2C: Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in 4-H – Dr. Linda Impecoven-Lind (Chirs Gleason) |

| | |Walk a mile in the shoes of a child or youth with disabilities. This workshop will allow you to experience |

| | |what individuals with disabilities go through on a daily basis and provide you with valuable information |

| | |that will allow you to provide more positive and successful experiences for our 4-Hers with disabilities. |

| |171 |M2D: STEM Scale Up Implementation – Annette Brown |

| | |Enhance your STEM and Healthy Living programming with hands-on activities that may be used for day camps, |

| | |workshops or afterschool lessons. Learn about a few field trip options to expand youth knowledge about STEM|

| | |related careers. Learn about HyperStream Technology clubs for middle school youth. |

| |175 |M2E: Cooking Up Science: The Clover Cookie Factory – Gail Castillo; Lisa Berkland; Julie Naig; Jackie |

| | |Dohlman |

| | |Each County and Region YPS received a CD of all handouts and information. |

| | |The Clover Cookie Factory desperately needs your help! Their cookies are a flop! Come join us for some fun |

| | |food science experiments to discover how to fix their problem. Leave with a CD of all the pieces you need to|

| | |hold your own Cooking Up Science: The Clover Cookie Factory workshop! |

| |179 |M2F: Getting the Most Out of Your County 4-H Websites – Phil Heckman |

| | |Would you ignore a visitor to your office? Would you give a stack of unnecessary forms to a new 4-Her? |

| | |This is what we do every day when we neglect our county 4-H websites. In this session you’ll learn to look |

| | |at your websites from the view point of our likely users, and find ways to reflect the knowledge and |

| | |expertise we have to offer in person at our county offices every day in a virtual world. |

| |Benton Auditorium |M2G: 4-H Recruitment the “Tipping Point” (split session) – Autumn Denato, Brenda Spurgeon |

| | |In 2012-2013, counties in Region 19 introduced/started/utilized a different approach to recruiting new |

| | |members to 4-H, based loosely on the book The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell. . Come and hear about and |

| | |see the different materials that were used to target specific audiences—parents, Juniors, Intermediates & |

| | |Seniors, and hear how current 4-H families were involved in the recruitment efforts. |

| | |M2G: Marketing to 4-H Families in Today’s World (split session) |

| | |Barcode Info |

| | |Create an easy to follow marketing format that will entice new families and help them demystify the 4-H |

| | |process. You will be given the tools to identify your county’s market and information to create your own |

| | |program planner. |

| |Brunnier Gallery |M2H: Growing 4-H through the Arts: Visual Literacy & Planning Effective Museum Visits – Nancy Girard |

| | |(Mitch Hoyer) |

| | |What do you see? How do you “read” a work of art? How can you better use local museums to enhance your 4-H |

| | |program? Join Nancy Girard, Educator of Visual Literacy and Learning with University Museums, to experience |

| | |how visual literacy helps us learn and understand the world around us. Nancy will also share ways you can |

| | |better connect with local museums to plan effective and educational programs for 4-H members. And you’ll be |

| | |able to see the current exhibition “In Pursuit of Wildlife Conservation: The Art of Jay N. Darling and |

| | |Maynard Reece”. The exhibit features more than 100 etchings and paintings, including Darling’s original 1934|

| | |Duck Stamp and all five Reece paintings for the Federal Duck Stamps, the first time all these paintings have|

| | |been exhibited together. |

|3:45-5:15 pm | |Workshop #3 |

| |150 |M3A: Strategic Planning: Where is Your County Going? – Kati Peiffer; Tricia Stouder |

| | |County Strategic Plan; County Strategic Plan with Monthly Report; JeopardyPPT; Priority Topic Area |

| | |Indicators; Data Analysis Worksheet |

| | |Join us to look at how the new state strategic plan can benefit your county program! We will review how |

| | |your demographics and past statistics can help you to grow your program. We will work together to help one |

| | |another build a three year county strategic plan around the state strategic plan. |

| |154 |M3B: Feel Valued, Show Appreciation, Retain Volunteers – Victoria Schmidt; Libby Myer |

| | |Have you ever felt unvalued in your job? Do you ever wish you were more appreciated? Would you like some |

| | |quick, easy, no prop tips on how to show effective appreciation to your volunteers? Maybe you are familiar |

| | |with Dr. Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages. We will work to discover The 5 Languages of |

| | |Appreciation in the Workplace through the book written by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White. Learn how to|

| | |understand your top language of appreciation as well as discover the top language of appreciation for your |

| | |co-workers and volunteers. Create, with your “language group”, a list of appreciation examples to share |

| | |with fellow participants so we better understand how to support each other. |

| |167 |M3C: STEM-ulate Your County 4-H Program – Michael Compton; Cindy Cleveringa |

| | |4-H Science Inquiry; Build Your Own Hovercraft Instructions; Do Try This At Home; Examples of Adding STEM to|

| | |Sioux County; Flip-Up-Answers; Hovercraft/Adding Inquiry to Experiential Learning; Hovercraft/Newton’s Laws;|

| | |Hovercraft/Terms-Concepts; Teach/Build Your Own Hovercraft |

| | |Are you looking for new ideas to STEM-late your county 4-H program? Join us and gain the confidence to know |

| | |that you can easily replicate highly engaging STEM activities and camps in your county. We will teach, |

| | |share, network and celebrate all things STEM! You will take part in hands on activities and be provided with|

| | |the resources and tools needed to replicate our highly effective and successful STEM programing. Do you want|

| | |your 4-H program to grow? Find out how STEM can assist in making that happen! |

| |171 |M3D: The “Mini” Faces of FSQA – Connie Cummingham; Darla Thiessen, Andrea Traeger, Nancy Jensen, Sarah |

| | |Merrifield, Diane Wolfe, Alexia Hamlett |

| | |In today’s busy world, it is a challenge for 4-H families to attend a multitude of meetings. Equally |

| | |challenging is the desire that 4-H Staff has to find the time and resources to provide the necessary |

| | |trainings to meet the needs of their 4-H families. By merging mini show clinics with FSQA, regional staff |

| | |can utilize combined time and talents to provide young people training in food safety and quality assurance |

| | |while learning the basics of caring for and showing their animals. Participants in this workshop will |

| | |become a 4-H’er, participate in a mock FSQA session, be given detailed handouts with the “tips and tricks” |

| | |on making this FSQA model work, and participate in a Q and A session. |

| |175 |M3E: Growing the 4-H Healthy Living Program – Cayla Taylor; Karen Pattison |

| | |Are you looking to grow the Healthy Living program in your county or region? This session will provide an |

| | |overview of the curricula that are available within the 4-H Healthy Living program and how they can be |

| | |implemented in each of the Iowa 4-H Delivery Modes. We will also discuss the new curricula trainings and |

| | |Local Foods and Healthy Living curriculum that will be available soon! |

| |179 |M3F: Promote 4-H with Local Videos! – Lisa Berkland; Marcy Sander |

| | |Emmet County Video; Winnebago County Video |

| | |Have you ever wanted to create a video promoting your county 4-H program but you don’t know where to start |

| | |and you don’t have the funds to hire it out? Bring your laptop, bring your photos and join us for this |

| | |WORKING workshop! We will show you how to use Windows Live Movie Maker to create your video! Please have |

| | |it downloaded on your computer before you come and you will be sure to make great progress! |

| |Benton Auditorium |M3G: The Mike and Becky Show – Mike Anderson; Becky Nibe |

| | |Let's chat. Join us for the LIVE version of the Mike & Becky Show. |

| |Reiman Gardens |M3H: Reiman Gardens – Reiman Gardens Staff |

| | |Most residents in Iowa live within a short drive of a botanical garden, arboretum or other public garden. |

| | |These non-profit organizations are a rich source of educational opportunities for 4-Hers especially as it |

| | |relates to horticulture, entomology, photography, visual arts, and many other project areas in 4-H. Learn in|

| | |a hands-on format how to use Reiman Gardens and other public gardens in your area to enrich the 4-H |

| | |experience and open up new interests in different 4-H project areas. |

Tuesday, Nov. 12

|Time |Location | |

|8:30-10:00 am |220-230 |Welcome, New 4-H Volunteer Background Screening, |

| | |County Based Orientation, & Training—Chris Gleason and Mitch Hoyer |

|10:00-10:30 am |220-230 |4-H Program Calendar introduction and exercise, County Youth Staff Orientation and Training, Cohort |

| | |directions—County Youth Staff Orientation Team |

|10:30-noon | |Cohort Groups, YPS Team Leader Meetings, and Focus/Working Groups |

| |150 |Program Specialist Team Leaders Groups |

| |154 |Cohort A |

| |167 |Cohort B and Cohort C |

| |171 |Cohort D and Cohort E |

| |175 |It takes a TEAM! Help provide direction for: |

| | |4hOnline development and support (40 minutes) |

| | |Redesigned staff-only website (40 minutes) |

| |179 |It takes a TEAM! Help provide direction for: |

| | |Risk Management processes and procedures (40 minutes) |

| | |Marketing needs and formats (40 minutes) |

|1:45-2:30 pm | |Workshop #4 |

| |150 |T4A: Recruiting Project Area Volunteers to Build a Diverse 4-H Program – Jo Engel [also available in Clay |

| | |County 4-H Share Files in Cy Box] |

| | |Mobilizing a Partner Flowchart; Build Your Own Toolkit; Community Assets Map; Spin Partnership Worksheet |

| | |Discover new methods for identifying and recruiting new volunteers through project area interests and |

| | |corporate affiliations. Learn how reaching out to new potential volunteers can help you to build a diverse|

| | |program that supports 4-Hers in a variety of project areas. Discuss engaging new volunteers through |

| | |developing levels of investment in the program. |

| |154 |T4B: The Mike and Becky Show – Mike Anderson; Becky Nibe |

| | |(Duplicate of M3G) Let's chat. Join us for the LIVE version of the Mike & Becky Show. |

| |167 |T4C: The Summer of STEM – Sue Henderson; Karen Pattison; Brenda Spurgeon |

| | |Day Camp Table of Contents; STEM Day Camps; Summer Day Camp Staff Training; Day Camp Family Evaluation; Day|

| | |Camp Evaluation |

| | |Day Camp Materials Binder Total ZIP file—Note: tabs 1 & 6 are local pieces each county will create – see |

| | |TOC |

| | |Individual Items: Tab 2—Getting Started: Afterschool Sampler Worksheet; Camp Press Releases; Just Keep |

| | |Movin’; Youth Med Info Release; Sign In/Out; Wild Iowa Letter |

| | |Tab 3—Ages & Stages: How Kids Develop |

| | |Tab 4—Brain Based Games—What Am I? Activity; Cards 1; Cards 2; Cards 3; Cards 4; Cards 5: Cards 6; Group |

| | |Fingertip Games; Indoor Coop Games; ND Games/Activities |

| | |Tab 5—Risk Management: RM First Aid Protocol; RM Incident Form; RM Vol Checklist |

| | |Tab 7—Food & Snack Ideas: Beverages; Healthy Snack Options; Main Dishes; Snacks & Sides |

| | |Tab 8—Evaluation & Reporting: Day Camp Eval; Group Enrollment Form; S6 County Report; Vol Enrollment Form |

| | |Tab 9—Tools & Resources: 4-H Equation; Experiential Learning Model: Circle of Courage; Essential Elements; |

| | |Life Skills Wheel; Meeting the Needs of Youth |

| | |Discover how Region 19 staff worked together to plan and implement summer STEM programming that reached |

| | |over 650 youth. Hear about the process that involved County Extension Councils, Youth Program Specialists, |

| | |and the Regional Director, and what parents had to say about the impact on their youth. Take home agendas, |

| | |camp coordinator handbook templates, curriculum ideas, and evaluation materials. |

| |171 |T4D: Dealing with Difficult People – Brenda Allen |

| | |We all have encountered difficult or challenging behaviors by participants in groups. This session will |

| | |engage participants in learning new strategies to deal with those “difficult people”. We’ll discuss best |

| | |practices for such challenging behaviors as clowns, side-talkers, bullies, wall-flowers, and nay-sayers to |

| | |help participants gain confidence in their facilitation skills. |

| |175 |T4E: Iowa 4-H Clover Kids – Learning in a Fun Environment – Brenda Welch; Katie Peterson |

| | |CK PPT; CK Marketing Pieces; CK Equation Poster; Organizing CK Groups; CK Curriculum; CK Life Skills and |

| | |Project Areas |

| | |Learn about Iowa 4-H Clover Kids, the developmentally appropriate 4-H program for children in Kindergarten |

| | |through 3rd grade. This session will cover the ‘theory’ behind Clover Kids, how to start and support |

| | |Clover Kids groups, and where to look for high-quality research-based developmentally-appropriate lessons |

| | |and activities. |

| |179 |T4F: STEM-UP Your Beef Program – Dan Lane; Tammy Muller |

| | |Advance Feeder Program PPT |

| | |Are you looking for a way to STEM-Up your beef program and provide other options than a traditional fitted |

| | |show? The advanced cattle feeder program will help you deliver county based programming that will enhance |

| | |the beef learning capacity of your membership. |

|2:40-3:30 | |Workshop #5 |

| |150 |T5A: Using Innovative Partnerships to Grow 4-H Programming [zip folder with all items listed below] – |

| | |Bonnie Dallager; Clay County Staff [also available in Clay County 4-H Share Files in Cy Box] |

| | |2014 SPIN Book Blank Template |

| | |Marketing 4-H to Today’s Families PPT: Handout #1; Marketing Graphic; Marketing Checklist; Eval Form for |

| | |Juniors; Eval Form for Seniors; Evaluation Planning |

| | |Recruiting Project Volunteers to Build a Diverse 4-H Program PPT: Recruiting a Pool of Vol Resources; Vol |

| | |Position Description Worksheet; ID Project Areas w/Interest; Lets Measure Up/Assessment; Vear Grant Ad |

| | |Sample; |

| | |Position your 4-H Program to be an attractive partner for innovative business partners. Includes examples |

| | |of non-traditional partners who created long term impactful educational opportunities and take part in a |

| | |community mapping exercise in order to begin a partnering program. |

| |154 |T5B: The Mike and Becky Show (continuation of T4B) |

| |167 |T5C: A New Model for Tackling a Growing Problem – David Seilstad; Casey Wenstrand |

| | |Five Region 17 counties hired a Summer 4-H Robotics Intern to implement a five-day and three-day 4-H |

| | |Robotics Daycamp in each county. A proposal was shared with counties to share in the cost of hiring a |

| | |full-time summer 4-H Robotics Daycamp staff member. This type of staffing is a new model for counties that |

| | |really want to provide additional programming, but they don’t have the trained staff or time for staff to |

| | |devote in each of the counties to conducting the programming, so they team up and share the cost creating |

| | |an attractive short term employment to be able to provide these program offerings in their county. By |

| | |working together, the equipment and resources already in place to do the camps, could be staffed, where it |

| | |would not be possible for their 4-H Youth Program Specialists or County 4-H Staff to devote full time to |

| | |the project. |

| |171 |T5D: 4-H Focus Committee: Working with Volunteers with 4-H Passion – Jacki Luckstead; Michelle Thomsen |

| | |Focus Committee Sample Agenda; Focus Committee Sample Letter to Members; Focus Committee PPT |

| | |Are you dealing with difficult volunteers? Do you feel like running when the volunteer comes into the |

| | |office? Here is a possible way to work with difficult volunteers and help them understand the 4-H County |

| | |Youth Coordinator’s job. Keeping the 4-H program intact and keeping balance within the 4-H office when |

| | |things are tense is difficult, but not impossible. |

| |175 |T5E: Iowa 4-H Clover Kids – Learning in a Fun Environment (continuation of T4E) |

| |179 |T5F: Beyond the Show Ring – The Next Step in Livestock Project Learning – Kris Keene |

| | |Bingo Printing Instructions; Mgmt Bingo Cards; Mgmt Call Cards; Terms Bingo Cards; Terms Call Cards; Terms |

| | |Recall; Terms Recall Matches; Quick Card Instructions; Recall Instructions; Reproduction Bingo Cards; |

| | |Reproductions Call Cards; Livestock Breed Key; Retail Meat Cuts Key; Retail Met Cuts; Sample Quiz Bowl |

| | |Questions; Market Beef Fact Sheet; Market Hog Fact Sheet; Market Lamb Fact Sheet |

| | |4-H’ers in the Livestock Project areas are learning important life skills which are helping them to become |

| | |more productive citizens. Leadership, communication, problem solving and decision-making are among them. |

| | |This workshop will give you some ideas on how to add project learning to the list. Staff from Region 1 |

| | |will share information on livestock workshops, livestock industry promotions, skillathons livestock |

| | |learning center displays and hands-on activities to use when working with your 4-H members. Learn how to |

| | |make learning the facts about their animals as much fun as showing them! |

|3:45-5:15 | |Workshop #6 |

| |150 |T6A: Copyright – Kati Peiffer; Connie Cunningham, Jacki Luckstead, Mitch Hoyer |

| | |Although fair is months away, it’s never too early to be thinking of next year. When you hear the word |

| | |copyright, do you want to run the other direction?! Join us for this workshop to increase your comfort |

| | |level and confidence in exhibits with copyright concerns. Many 4-H’ers have been successful in obtaining |

| | |copyright and your 4-H’ers can also! |

| |154 |T6B: Get Engaged with Leadership and Service Learning – Brenda Allen |

| | |Handling Common Problems |

| | |Engage in Leadership Development and Service Learning training through hands-on activities. We’ll also |

| | |brainstorm how to utilize these exercises in your county to strengthen leadership skills of your 4-Hers and|

| | |better engage volunteers in practicing service learning with the youth they work. |

| |167 |T6C: FunFEST – Andrea Traeger & The Fun Team |

| | |Need some quick & easy activities to do on the spur of the moment? Want to have fun with your 4-H Families?|

| | |Check out our FunFEST kit! We will challenge you, help you think on your feet when we do a meet & greet, |

| | |check out our game kit, and have some fun. |

| |171 |T6D: Feel Valued, Show Appreciation, Retain Volunteers – Victoria Schmidt; Libby Myer |

| | |(Duplicate of M3B) Have you ever felt unvalued in your job? Do you ever wish you were more appreciated? |

| | |Would you like some quick, easy, no prop tips on how to show effective appreciation to your volunteers? |

| | |Maybe you are familiar with Dr. Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages. We will work to discover The |

| | |5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace through the book written by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul |

| | |White. Learn how to understand your top language of appreciation as well as discover the top language of |

| | |appreciation for your co-workers and volunteers. Create, with your “language group”, a list of |

| | |appreciation examples to share with fellow participants so we better understand how to support each other. |

| |175 |T6E: Elements and Principles of Design – Phil Heckman |

| | |Have you ever struggled to explain the elements and principles of design to your leaders or 4-H’er’s ? Do |

| | |you like pie? This session will help break down the elements and principles with a series of hands on |

| | |activities, and will help you to explain it to your clients in a way that makes explaining the elements and|

| | |principles as easy as pie. Disclaimer: No pie will be provided as a part of this workshop. |

| |179 |T6F: Wind Energy Exploration: STEM Adventures in Your Own Backyard – Cindy Watson Pottebaum CANCELLED |

| | |(Duplicate of M2B) Looking for a fun, inexpensive way to provide 4-H youth with hands-on STEM activities |

| | |from right here in Iowa? In this workshop you will design, build and test your own wind turbine, learn |

| | |about fun wind energy activities and go home with KidWind resources to get volunteers and youth started in |

| | |STEM programs! |

Wednesday, Nov. 13

|Time |Location |To access links within a PPT, open the PPT, then click on the “Slide Show” menu, then “from beginning”. The |

| | |slideshow will take over your screen and you can page up or down to get to slides. To get out, push your |

| | |keyboard ESC key. |

|8:30-10:15 am |220-230 |Camping General Session PPT; Developmental Appropriateness; |

| | |Essential Elements Appendices; Suggested Core Topics for Training; Tools for Planning PPT; |

| | |Camping Programming Introduction PPT; Welcome to Camp: Froggy Fun PPT |

| | | |

| | |What do we mean by camping and why are we interested in it as a 4-H program? Learn some of the |

| | |distinguishing features that set camping apart as a way to engage kids in 4-H, identify some best practices |

| | |to ensure your 4-h camping programs are safe, high quality experiences for youth, and work with others in |

| | |your region to explore camp ideas and possibilities. |

|10:20-11:10 am |167-171 & 175-179 |Camping Workshop Session #1: Implementing STEM programs in the Camp setting |

|11:15-noon |167-171 & 175-179 |Camping Workshop Session #2: Implementing Healthy Lifestyles programming at camp |

| | |Culinary; Garden; Nutrition |

| | |LUNCH – Mad Libs |

|1:15-1:55 pm |167-171 & 175-179 |Camping Workshop Session #3: Training Teen Staff for Camp Roles |

|2:00-2:40 pm |167-171 & 175-179 |Camping Workshop Session #4: Tools for Planning Camp programs |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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