Fall Semester 2020 - Iowa State University

Fall Semester 2020

Classes Begin University Holiday Thanksgiving Break Final Exams Grad College Commencement Undergrad Commencement

August 24 September 7 November 23-27 December 14-17 December 18 December 19

Registration Start Dates for Fall 2020

Veterinary Medicine students: Monday, March 23

Graduate students:

Monday, March 23 - Tuesday, March 24

All seniors:

Wednesday, March 25 - Thursday, April 2

Projected juniors:

Friday, April 3 -Thursday, April 9

Projected sophomores:

Friday, April 10 - Thursday, April 16

Continuing freshmen:

Friday, April 17 - Monday, April 20

Registration start dates are assigned based on projected year-in-school classification (computed by combining total credits and current term credits).

Page 2 Table of Contents for Courses 3 Key Dates, Deadlines, Information 4 University Calendar 6 Resources 7 Admission- New & Reentring Students 9 General Information about Registering for Classes 10 Schedule of Classes, Schedule Planner, AccessPlus

11 Schedule Changes 12 Fall 2020 Fee Schedule 13 Tuition and Fees 16 Graduation 17 Student Records 19 Services for Students 20 Course Information and Program Information 21 Course Information 23 Night Examinations 23 Credit by Examination 24 Tentative Final Exam Schedule 25 Registration Worksheet 26 Time Grid 27 Campus Buildings 28 Fall 2020 Courses

"Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 3680 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612."

Table of Contents for Courses

Fall Semester Courses


29 Accounting (ACCT)

30 Actuarial Science (ACSCI)

30 Advertising (ADVRT)

31 Aerospace Engineering (AER E)

33 African American Studies (AF AM)

34 Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering

(A B E)

35 Agricultural Education & Studies (AGEDS)

38 Agronomy (AGRON)

41 Air Force Aerospace Studies (AFAS)

42 American Indian Studies (AM IN)

42 American Sign Language (ASL)

42 Animal Ecology (A ECL)

43 Animal Science (AN S)

47 Anthropology (ANTHR)

48 Apparel, Ed Studies, & Hospitality Mgmt


50 Apparel, Merchandising, & Design (A M D)

52 Arabic (ARABIC)

53 Architecture (ARCH)

55 Art Education (ARTED)

55 Art History (ART H)

55 Astronomy & Astrophysics


56 Athletic Training (A TR)

56 Athletics (ATH)

57 Biochemistry, Biophysics, & Molecular

Biology (BBMB)

58 Bioinformatics & computational Biol- UG


58 Bioinformatics & Computational Biology


58 Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration


58 Biology (BIOL)

62 Biomedical Engineering (B M E)

62 Biomedical Sciences (B M S)

63 Biorenewable Resources & Technology


63 Business Administration (BUSAD)

64 Chemical Engineering (CH E)

66 Chemistry (CHEM)

73 Chinese (CHIN)

74 Civil Engineering (C E)

76 Classical Studies (CL ST)

77 Communication Studies (COMST)

78 Community & Regional Planning (C R P)

79 Community Development


80 Computer Engineering (CPR E)

83 Computer Science (COM S)

86 Construction Engineering (CON E)

87 Criminal Justice Studies (CJ ST)

87 Dance (DANCE)

88 Data Science (DS)

88 Desgin (DES)

88 Design Studies (DSN S)

90 Dietetics (DIET)

91 Early Childhood Education &

Programming(E C P)

91 Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB)

92 Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology


Page 92 Economics (ECON) 95 Education (EDUC) 103 Educational Administration (EDADM) 103 Educational Leadership & Policy

Studies (EL PS) 103 Electrical Engineering (E E) 106 Engineering (ENGR) 108 Engineering Mechanics (E M) 109 English (ENGL) 116 Entomology (ENT) 117 Entrepreneurship (ENTSP) 117 Environmental Science (ENSCI) 119 Environmental Studies (ENV S) 120 Event Manageent (EVENT) 120 Family & Consumer Sciences

Education & Studies (FCEDS) 121 Family Financial Planning(FFP) 121 Finance (FIN) 123 Food Science & Human Nutrition

(FS HN) 126 Forestry (FOR) 127 French (FRNCH) 127 Genetics (GEN) 128 Genetics - Interdisciplinary (GENET) 128 Genetics, Development & Cell Biology

(GDCB) 128 Geology (GEOL) 131 German (GER) 131 Gerontology (GERON) 132 Global Resource Systems (Globe) 133 Graduate Studies (GR ST) 133 Graphic Design (ARTGR) 135 Health Studies (H S) 136 Higher Education (HG ED) 136 Historical, Philosophical, &

Comparative Education (H P C) 136 History (HIST) 138 Honors (HON) 138 Horticulture (HORT) 140 Hospitatlty Management (HSP M) 142 Human Computer Interaction (HCI) 142 Human Development & Family Studies

(HD FS) 145 Human Sciences (H SCI) 146 Immunobiology (IMBIO) 146 Industrial Design (IND D) 147 Industrial Engineering (I E) 148 Integrated Studio Arts Design (ARTIS) 152 Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies

(IGS) 152 Interior Design (ARTID) 153 International Studies (INTST) 153 Italian (ITAL) 153 Journalism & Mass Communication

(JL MC) 155 Kinesiology (KIN) 159 Landscape Architecture (L A) 160 Latin (LATIN) 160 Leadership Studies (LD ST) 161 Learning & Leadership Sciences (L L S) 161 Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) 162 Library (LIB) 162 Linguistics (LING)


Table of Contents for Courses

Page 164 Management (MGMT) 165 Management Information Systems (MIS) 167 Marketing (MKT) 169 Materials Engineering (MAT E) 170 Materials Science & Engineering

(M S E) 171 Mathematics (MATH) 177 Mechanical Engineering (M E) 180 Meteorology (MTEOR) 182 Microbiology (MICRO) 183 Military Science (M S) 184 Molecular, Cellular, Developmental

Biology (MCDB) 184 Music (MUSIC) 188 Natural Resource Ecology &

Management(NREM) 190 Naval Science (N S) 190 Neuroscience (NEURO 190 Nursing (NRS)) 190 Nuclear Engineering (NUC E) 190 Nursing (NRS) 190 Nutritional Sciences (NUTRS) 191 Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) 191 Performing Arts (PERF) 191 Philosophy (PHIL) 192 Physics (PHYS) 196 Plant Biology (PLBIO) 196 Plant Pathology (PL P) 197 Political Science (POL S) 199 Portuguese (PORT) 199 Psychology (PSYCH) 202 Public Relations (P R) 202 Religious Studies (RELIG) 203 Research & Evaluation (RESEV) 203 Russian (RUS 203 Seed Technology & Business (STB)) 204 Sociology (SOC) 205 Software Engineering (S E) 206 Spanish (SPAN) 207 Special Education (SP ED) 208 Speech Communication (SP CM) 209 Statistics (STAT) 212 Supply Chain Management (SCM) 213 Sustainable Agriculture (SUSAG) 213 Sustainable Environments (SUS E) 213 Technology Systems Management (TSM) 217 Theatre (THTRE) 218 Toxicology (TOX) 218 Transportation (TRANS) 218 U.S. Latino/A Studies (US LA) 218 University Studies (U ST) 219 Veterinary Diagnostic & Production

Animal Medicine (VDPAM) 221 Veterinary Clinical Sciences (V C S) 223 Veterinary Microbiology & Preventive

Medicine (V MPM) 223 Veterinary Pathology (V PTH) 224 Wind, Energy Science, Engrineering, &

POL (WESEP) 224 Women's & Gender Studies (W G S) 225 World Languages & Cultures (WLC) 225 Youth (YTH)


Key dates, Deadlines & Information

Key Dates, Deadlines & Information

AccessPlus Registration

Hours: 7 a.m.- 11 p.m., Monday-Saturday.

Academic Probation

Academic probation is an indication of very serious academic difficulty which may result in dismissal from the university. Students may be placed on academic probation as a result of either semester GPA, cumulative GPA, or both. Students who are placed on academic probation are required to develop a plan for academic improvement in consultation with their academic adviser which may include referral to the Academic Success Center. Academic probation status is not a part of the student's permanent academic record. More information about assistance and the policy, go to the ISU index under Probation, Academic.

Auditing Courses

You must register for a full semester course as an audit by day 10 of the semester. Instructors must approve all audits. Audited courses do not count toward determining full-time student status, but are considered the same as a credit course for fee assessment purposes and maximum number of credits allowed each semester. To find out specific deadlines for partial term courses, go the ISU index under Schedule Changes, or contact the Registrar's Scheduling & Fees Office, 10 Enrollment Services Center, 294-2331.

Fee Payment Deadlines

Fee payment deadlines for Fall 2019 are August 20, September 20, and October 20 for deferred billing. A $20 deferred billing charge is assessed. Contact Accounts Receivables for information.

Graduation Information

If planing to graduate this fall students need to complete a graduation application. Go to the ISU website index under Graduation and Commencement, click on students, then choose graduation application.


The ISU Alert system (see ) will quickly alert Iowa State University students, faculty and staff of potentially dangerous situations on the Iowa State University campus. For details on how to review and update your ISU Alert information see http:// isualert.iastate.edu/update.shtml.

Registration Start Dates

Registration start dates are assigned based on projected year-in-school classification, which is computed by combining total credits earned and current term credits. Graduate students and seniors register first, followed by juniors, sophomores, and then freshmen and nondegree students. Courses will begin to fill on the first day of registration, so you should register as early as your start date and time allows.

Registration Start Dates for Fall 2020

Refer to page 1 for registration start dates.

Room Assignments

Room assignments will be show on their AccessPlus class schedule on Friday, July 24. To find a map of class room locations go to the ISU index under Classroom abbreviations.

Schedule Changes

Students can make schedule changes using AccessPlus Registration through Friday, August 28. For additional schedule change deadlines and information go to the ISU index under Schedule Changes.

Student Answer Center

Have a question and not sure where to go for the answer? Contact the Student Answer Center, Ground Floor, Beardshear. The Answer Center is open, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. or e-mail: answercenter@iastate.edu.

University Calendar Fall 2020

4 University Calendar

July. 24, Fri.

? Beginning Class lists available on


Aug. 4,Tues.

? University bills with Fall 2020 tuition

and fees charges available on AccessPlus.

Aug. 20, Thurs.

? Fee payment deadline for fall. First

payment (minimum due) or payment in


Aug. 21, Fri.

? Last day to initiate registration in person

without a late registration fee in the

Registrar's Scheduling & Fees Office, 10

Enrollment Services Center by 5 p.m.

Registration may be initiated using

AccessPlus until 11 p.m. Aug 19, without

a late registration fee.

Aug. 23, Sun.? Last day to initiate registration through

AccessPlus without a late registration

fee. Registration must be completed by

11 p.m.

? Last day to cancel registration on

AccessPlus for fall to avoid tuition

assessment. All courses must be dropped

on AccessPlus by 11 p.m.

Aug 24, Mon.

? Class work begins.

? Schedule changes processed through

AccessPlus registration or in 10

Enrollment Services Center.

Aug. 28, Fri.

? Last day to initiate registration through

AccessPlus. A late registration fee


? Last day to process most schedule

changes without signatures of instructor

and adviser (full-semester courses and

first half-semester courses). See the

tuition adjustment schedule for financial


? Last day to drop full-semester or first

half-semester courses without the drop

appearing on the permanent record or

counting toward the limit of dropped


? Last day to process a schedule change for

fall through AccessPlus registration.

? Last day to change a course from audit

to credit basis.

? Graduate College applications for

graduation for Fall 2020 are due in the

Graduate College, 1137 Pearson Hall.

Aug. 29, Sat.

? Last day to return textbooks for refund

to University Book Store. Exclusions

apply. See for


Sept. 4, Fri.

? Last day to change a full-semester or

first half-semester course from Pass/Not

Pass to grade basis without it counting

toward total allowable P/NP credits used

for graduation.

? Last day to elect to audit a course for

fall. The instructor of the course must

approve an audit.

? Last day to receive a tuition and fee

adjustment for full-semester courses

when dropping below full-time status.

No refunds for full-semester courses

after day 10 of the semester.

? Last day to change degree audit

information for fall semester.

Sept. 7, Mon.

? University holiday--offices closed,

classes recessed.

Sept. 20, Sun.

? Fee payment deadline for fall semester.

Second payment (minimum due).

Sept. 25, Fri.

? Last day to add/drop a first half-

semester course without extenuating


? Last day to change a first half-semester

course to or from Pass/Not Pass.

? Last day to file a Designation of

Repeated Course form for a first half-

semester course that is not an automatic

designated repeat.

Sept. 26 Sat.

? Schedule of Classes for Spring 2021

available for viewing on the Web at

Oct. 5 Mon.

? Advising period for Spring 2021

registration begins.

Oct. 16, Fri.

? Midterm grade reports due from all

departments (Canvas & AccessPlus)

? First half-semester courses end.

Oct. 19, Mon.

? Second half-semester courses begin.

Oct. 21, Wed.? Registration period for Spring

2021 begins. Hours for AccessPlus

registration are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.,

Monday--Saturday, and most Sundays.

? First day of assigned Spring 2021

registration dates for students in the

College of Veterinary Medicine and

students in the Graduate College. Hours

for AccessPlus registration are 7 a.m. to

11 p.m., Monday--Saturday.

? Seniors graduating Spring 2021 should

submit a Graduation Application to

the Registrar's Graduation Office,

210 Enrollment Services Center, after

registering for final course work.

Applications are available from advisers

or the Registrar's Graduation Office, 210

Enrollment Services Center.

Oct. 22, Thurs.? First day of assigned Spring 2021

registration dates for students projected

as seniors. Hours for AccessPlus

registration are 7 a.m. to

11 p.m., Monday--Saturday.


University Calendar Fall 2020

University Calendar

Oct. 23, Fri.

? Last day to process most schedule

changes in a second half-semester

course without signatures of instructor

and adviser. See the tuition adjustment

schedule for financial deadlines.

? Last day to drop a second half-semester

course without the drop appearing

on the permanent record or counting

toward the limit of dropped courses.

? Last day to change a second half-

semester course from Pass/Not Pass to

grade basis without it counting toward

total allowable P/NP credits used for


Oct. 29, Thurs..

? First day of assigned Spring 2021

registration dates for students projected

as juniors. Hours for AccessPlus

registration are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.,

Monday--Saturday, and most Sundays.

Oct. 30, Fri.

? Last day to file a Designation of

Repeated Course form for a full-

semester or secondhalf-semester course

that is not an automatic designated


Nov 2, Mon.

? Preliminary Spring 2021 room

assignments distributed

Nov. 4, Wed.

? Graduate College: last day for graduate

students to cancel graduation without

being assessed a nonrefundable

graduation fee.

Nov. 5, Thurs.

? First day of assigned Spring 2021

registration dates for students prjected

as sophomores. Hours for AccessPlus

registration are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.,

Monday--Saturday, and most Sundays.

Nov. 12, Thurs.

? First day of assigned Spring 2021

registration dates for students

continuing as freshmen. Hours for

AccessPlus registration are 7 a.m.

to 11 p.m., Monday--Saturday, and

most Sundays.

Nov. 20, Fri.

? Last day to add/drop a second half-

semester course without extenuating


? Last day to change a second half-

semester course to or from Pass/Not


Nov. 23-27 Mon.--Fri. ? Thanksgiving break, classesrecessed.

Nov. 26-27 Thurs.--Fri. ? University holidays--offices closed.

Dec 3, Thurs.

? Graduate College: last day to submit

signed Submission Request Form for

electronic thesis or dissertation.

? Graduate College: last day for final

oral examinations.

? Graduate College: last day for final

submission of graduate student

graduation approval slip.

? Graduate College: last day to submit

final electronic thesis/dissertation

copy for Thesis Office review.

Dec. 5, Sat.

? Spring 2021 room assignments

for courses displayed in the online

Schedule of Classes.

Dec. 17, Thurs.

? End of term textbook buyback begins

at University Bookstore.

Dec. 14-17 Mon.


? Final examinations.

Dec. 18, Fri.

? Fall semester ends.

? Undergraduate graduation

applications for Spring 2021 are due

in the Registrar's Graduation Office,

210 Enrollment Services Center.

Dec. 19, Sat.

? University Commencement:

Dec. 24-25,Thurs-


? University holidays--offices closed.

Dec. 23, Wed.

? Grade reports available on AccessPlus

Dec. 2, Wed.

? Electronic grades due from all

depasrtments (Canvas & AccessPlus)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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