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Individual Development Plans and Annual Reviews for Postdoctoral AppointmentsIowa State is committed to providing an outstanding postdoctoral experience. Postdocs are key drivers of much of the scholarship done at ISU. They also receive mentoring, sponsorship, and additional training from their primary advisor as well as network of colleagues and mentors. The goal of a postdoc is to make advances in research and prepare postdocs for a broad range of careers. A practical first step is for a Principal Investigator (PI) to work with a new Postdoctoral Scholar to establish an IDP within the first three-months of the appointment. The Individual Development Plan is an interactive web-based tool that serves as a constructive means of communication between the postdoc and PI and also provides a planning process that identifies both professional development needs and career objectives.Reviewing the IDP on an annual basis is a good practice. We provide this document for an Annual Review Template that builds on the progress of the IDP. Increases in salary/stipend may occur only at the start of each fiscal year (July 1). These increases will based on annual institutional salary/stipend guidelines, and not by years of experience. The?Salary/Stipend table?only sets the initial salary/stipend level. A new postdoctoral scholar whose appointment begins May 1 and extends through June 30 is not eligible for an increase until July 1 of the next year. A supervisor may deny a salary/stipend increase due to a scholar’s performance if a formal review has resulted in a plan for performance improvement.If a PI wishes to not provide a raise due to unsatisfactory performance, then this is possible if: (A) The minimum salary is still met (B) A review has taken place with this evaluation template including the signature of the postdoc, along with an agreed on plan for improvements and (C) The PI will need to submit this documentation to the Postdoc Officer at the beginning of the fiscal year. Postdoc Annual Review - Research and Career ProgressTo be filled out both by the postdoc and the postdoc’s advisor (PI)Postdoc Name: Postdoc Signature:Department:Review Date: PI: PI’s SignaturePart 1. Progress Review: Research and Professional Training in the Past Year (to be completed by postdoc)Brief overview of your research project and major accomplishments in the past year (one half page should be sufficient): Peer-reviewed scholarship: Patents: Honors and Awards (include fellowships with entire funding periods, grants written / applied for/received, professional society presentation awards or travel awards, etc.): National or other professional meetings attended (indicate meeting title, oral or poster presentation): Seminar Presentations (Title and Department): New areas of research or technical expertise acquired in past year: Teaching activity: 8A. Mentoring of graduate, undergraduate or summer student scholarship (name, academic level, project title): 8B. Course lectures (department, course name) or lab sections (section title, supervised/unsupervised): Clinical activity: Committee or other service activity (indicate if you held an office): Outreach activities (community, etc) with professional relevance: Other professional activities not identified above: Part 2. Postdoc’s feedback (to be completed by postdoc)Are there specific areas you need/want to develop more related to your scholarship and professional development? Are there any resources needed to accomplish this?Part 3. Advisor’s feedback (to be completed by advisor)Has the postdoc performance met expectations with respect to scholarship and professional development? Are there any areas that need more attention/work?Part 4. Plans for the Up-coming Year (to be completed by postdoc)Please bring an up-to-date Individual Development PlanResearch and other training plans:Research project goals (brief paragraph): Anticipated peer-reviewed scholarship (indicate projected titles): Anticipated meeting or workshop attendance: Fellowship or other funding applications planned (indicate name of award): Other professional training (course work, teaching activity): Part 5. Career Goals (to be completed by postdoc)Current career goal(s): What professional development activities would be useful in your career preparation? What networking opportunities would be useful in your career search?When do you anticipate beginning a job search? Please indicate if there are other issues that affect your job search (e.g. visa issues, or an international trainee with an assured position in home country): ................

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