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Progressive Reformers Recruiting Fair Purpose: To learn about the wide variety of reform movements which helped to transform the U.S. during the Progressive Era (1890-1920) and to share your knowledge with your classmates.What will be done: Each group will do outside research on a reform movement and some influential reformers of that movement. Much like a career or college fair, this will be a progressive reformers recruiting fair. Recruiters will set up a “booth” and classmates will walk about the room to look, listen, and decide what reform movement they might be interested in joining. I will also invite some special guests to attend our fair.Progressive Reform Recruiters Responsibilities:1. Research your specific movement in general and your chosen reformer in particular.2. Set up a booth – make sure to have at least one visual (sign/objects/slideshow on iPad/laptop) that depicts what your movement is about (key problems & proposed solutions). You must have the name of your reform prominently displayed somewhere and consider developing a clever slogan.3. Make and wear a nametag that includes a real picture of your reformer. 4. What handouts/swag will you use to interest, inform, and recruit people? Fliers? Brochures? Business cards? Trading card? Cookies or candy (must be nut-free)? These should be related to your reform movement (keep them school appropriate).5. Be sure to have a compelling and informative ~2 minute recruitment speech to educate inquiring personages of the following…What is the most important problem facing our nation (during the Progressive Era) and why?What would be your specific recommendations to fix that problem?How have your experiences influenced the reformer you are today?What have you done in your life to try to make this country a better place? What obstacles and criticism have you faced along the way?Attendees to the Fair Responsibilities:1. Must attend and visit the other “booths” at the fair.2. Must introduce your historical self to each reformer.3. Must collect something from each reform booth to take with you so you’ll remember the movement.4. Ask the following questions & complete your Progressivism info chart.What is the movement about? In your opinion, what is the most critical problem facing our nation today? Why?What are some reasonable or feasible solutions to solve or fix the problem?What are the biggest obstacles facing your reform movement’s success?Ask why you should join this reform movement.5. Vote on the most compelling recruitment booth & pitch that made you want to join.Follow Up: Each student will write a half page summary to the following prompts…1. Which reform movement and reformer had the most significant impact on the Progressive Era and why?2. I would voluntarily join the following reform movement because…3. Evaluate this activity. Positives? Recommendations for improvement?DUE: Friday, January 12REFORM MOVEMENTSREFORMERSMunicipal, State and National Government & Voting ReformLincoln Steffens, Tom JohnsonRobert La Follette, Hiram JohnsonWomen’s RightsAlice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt, Margaret SangerSocial WelfareJane Addams, Jacob Riis, Walter RauschenbuschCorporate Regulation, Labor Rights & Consumer ProtectionIda Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Eugene Debs, Florence KellyAfrican American Education, Rights & Anti-lynching CampaignIda B. Wells, WEB DuBois, Booker T. WashingtonProhibition/TemperanceCarrie Nation, Frances Willard, Billy SundayEnvironmental MovementJohn Muir, Teddy Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot Reliable & Useful Websites: username:password: REFORM MOVEMENTSREFORMERSPolitical Corruption & Municipal ReformLincoln Steffens, Tom JohnsonWomen’s RightsAlice Paul, Carrie Chapman CattSocial WelfareJane Addams, Jacob Riis, Walter RauschenbuschCorporate Regulation & Consumer ProtectionIda Tarbell, Upton SinclairAfrican American RightsIda B. Wells, WEB DuBoisVoter ParticipationRobert La Follette, Hiram JohnsonProhibition/TemperanceCarrie Nation, Frances WillardConservation MovementJohn Muir, Teddy Roosevelt Labor ReformEugene Debs, William Haywood, Florence Kelly, Mary Harris "Mother" JonesEugenics, Immigration Restriction & Birth ControlCharles B. Davenport, Margaret Sanger ................

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