TITLE OF POLICY - St. Francis Xavier College


Related Policies

Acceptable Use of ICT by Students

Safe School

Management of Student Behaviour

Computer facilities and External Networks – Acceptable Use by Students (CE)

Student Management (Discipline) (CE)

Student iPad Policy

Student Laptop Policy


To give students reasonable access to mobile devices during the school day without adversely affecting their learning and welfare or the learning and welfare of others in the College community.


This policy covers the following ‘personal mobile devices’ such as:

• mobile and smart phones

• any mobile device that can access the internet, chat or texting apps, or has phone capabilities.

This policy does not include:

• iPads, laptops and desktops used within teaching and learning.

1. Saint Francis Xavier College accepts no liability, including insurance claims, for personal mobile devices which students bring to school. Students who bring these devices to the College do so at their own risk.

2. While at the College, personal mobile devices should be kept safe and secure in individual lockers always. Personal mobile devices should not interfere with classroom practices, and should not jeopardise staff and students’ rights to privacy.

3. Personal mobile devices are not to be used in corridors, the Student Services Hub, canteen, in meetings, at whole school gatherings or on any of the playing areas around the College. Headphones should also not be visible in any of these areas.

4. The exceptions to this rule are:

a. All students are permitted to access their personal mobile devices before and after the official school day. Students must turn off their personal mobile device when the first bell rings for the day at 8.20am. Students may be permitted to check for messages at the beginning of recess (10.40am) and lunch (1.10pm), but this must be done at their individual locker.

b. In the teaching areas of the College (Resource Centre, classrooms), individual teachers may allow the use of personal mobile devices for educational purposes when planned notice has been given to students. This will require students to retrieve the device from their locker and return it at the end of the lesson.

c. Senior students have the additional privilege of using mobile devices in the senior common room, and senior car park (before departing from or on returning to school).

d. Special arrangements for access to devices may apply on school excursions. Students will be informed by the supervising teacher.

5. Parents are encouraged to send their child messages which can be read at the start of recess or lunch. If necessary, students can receive parent messages via the Student Office.

6. These rules apply at carnivals and community days, as well as all other College activities.

7. Teacher may allow students to listen to music through their iPad or laptop only.

8. In accordance with the College Safe School Policy, use of mobile devices to harass, annoy or upset another person will result in appropriate consequences.

a. Students are not to use mobile devices to film/photograph/record other students or staff at school. Using mobile devices to video/photograph/record playground incidents will be treated as a serious breach of conduct. Sharing or publishing any information which denigrates the reputation of the College will also result in serious consequences.

b. Students are not to use mobile devices to send or display offensive messages or take, send or display offensive pictures. Students must not have inappropriate or offensive images or material on their devices. It is a criminal offence to use a mobile device to menace, harass or offend another person.


Students may use personal mobile devices on the understanding that:

a. they must remain locked in individual lockers for the entire school day and only checked at the beginning of recess and lunch at the locker.

b. senior students use their mobile devices in the senior common room and senior car park (before departing from or on returning to school).

c. they are not used in corridors, on the oval, playing areas, assemblies, Year/House/College meetings or events.

d. they are only used in classrooms with the permission of a teacher as deemed necessary for a planned educational purpose


If a student’s personal mobile device is used outside the permitted areas, it is the teacher’s responsibility to check that the student has complied with the following steps:

Warning: The student will be instructed to secure the device in their locker.

Level 1: The student will be instructed to hand their device to the Student Office. This will be recorded on student’s file as their first offence. The device will be available for collection at the end of the school day. Senior students will be able to collect their phone only after their last lesson for the day.

Level 2: The student will be instructed to hand their device to the Student Office. This will be recorded on their file as their second offence. Parents will be notified that this is the second offence via Student Office. The student will be required to log the device in and out of the Student Office for a period of one week. Senior students will be able to collect their phone only after their last lesson for each day.

Level 3: The student will be instructed to hand their device to the Student Office. This will be recorded on their file as their third offence. Consequences will be negotiated between Year Coordinators and AP Student Wellbeing and parents will be notified. Parents will be notified by Year Coordinator.


Student File (MOLE)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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