Protocol for the NM SPF SIG Community Survey

Table of Contents


Local data collection strategy 3

“Paper and Pencil” versus “iPad App” versus “Online Browser” versions of the survey 5

Time and Venue-based concerns 5

Timing and community culture 6

Incentives 6

Protecting Human Subjects 6

Data collection logs 7





Provider use of OSAP iPads: 17

NMCS App Protocol: 17


Created by Martha Waller, Ph.D. and Liz Lilliott, Ph.D., PIRE for the NM Office of Substance Abuse Prevention.

Please contact for more information: mwaller@ & lilliott@


The New Mexico Community Survey is sponsored by the NM Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (OSAP). In fiscal year 2016, two methodologies will be predominantly used to collect data: 1) in person recruitment and 2) on-line recruitment through social media (conducted through PIRE). This document is specifically intended for use by communities to collect community-level data, using a time and venue-based sampling methodology, option 1 above. While not a random sample, using a consistent data collection methodology over time can add integrity to the data collected and the conclusions drawn from the data. Here, times and venues/places where data are collected are selected based on the likelihood of collecting a representative sample of the intended population. This is an approach frequently used for ‘hard-to-reach” populations, however, in the case of the community survey, it is being used to add credibility and scientific rigor to the convenience samples collected by communities for the purposes of increasing their sample sizes and potentially to target critical subpopulations.

In 2016, you will have three ways to collect data in person.

1) Through a Qualtrics app installed on an OSAP iPad or your own IOS or Android device. This allows you to collect data while you are offline, and connect later to upload.

2) Through a browser to access the survey while you are online, from any internet connected device This is the browser for the survey:

3) Using paper surveys as you have done in the past.

When collecting data, all three methods require that you log sites, times and number of surveys in order to match as much as possible the data collection next year.

You may locate the NM Community Survey and corresponding documents here: Make sure you have the 2016 documents.

If installing the app on your own device, follow these steps:

• Find “Qualtrics” app on your IOS or Android device

• Download app and to upload survey, when it enters, you will be told to enter a

• Username: surveyuser2 and password is Pire2016

• In the set-up, do not allow for geo-tracking and do not remove the ‘close’ button.

• Download the survey.

• When survey requires updating, you will be informed to “refresh”

• Your logon for implementing to someone else is your site ID.

• Be ready for alerts from PIRE about need to refresh survey.

• Let PIRE know if issues arise.

The age range of the sample targeted for this Community Survey is 18 and over. No one under the age of 18 will be recruited to avoid the need to obtain parental consent. Depending on your goals and scope of work, you may want to over-sample those 18 to 25 as well as any other subgroups that you feel should be represented (e.g. seniors, military, Latino, LGBT folks). This is something you will need to consider as you complete your community-specific data collection protocol.

Local data collection strategy

• Only adults 18 and older may complete the questionnaire.

• Only adult (over 18) community partners and program staff will survey community members.

• You will provide pencils or pens, clip boards, and a box for collecting surveys anonymously.

• (New for 2016) You may also use an OSAP-provided iPad with a PIRE/Qualtrics app installed that allows you to take the survey with or without being connected to the web. (You are not required to use iPads to collect data, but you may find this helpful with younger adults and their use relieves you of data entry burden.)

• Personal or prevention program’s devices can also be used to access the survey via an internet-connected web browser (not required).

• PIRE can also install the app on your personal IOS/Apple or Android device. This can be handy if you wish to have more devices with which to collect data when offline.

• You must use the entire survey as it currently exists (although you may add additional questions at the end with prior SEOW approval).

• You will explain in person the purpose of the survey about the content and why the survey is being conducted (on the front consent page).

• In addition, you must give everyone who completes the questionnaire the ‘take home’ information about whom to call if they have further questions about the survey or want to talk with a mental health or substance abuse professional.

The following locations are possible recruitment sites. The selection of each site depends upon where you will be most likely to gather data from a representative sample of your community, or subpopulation.

▪ MVD offices

▪ Post Offices

▪ Gas stations

▪ Utilities

▪ Restaurants, cafés

▪ Grocery Store

▪ School athletic events

▪ Senior centers

▪ High school seniors (18 and over only)

▪ Tribal feast days

▪ Door to door

▪ University campus locations

Areas where you generally are not allowed to gather data include healthcare settings, bars or public events where participants can be inebriated, or incarcerated populations.

If requiring data on other subpopulations, or if you have another site in mind that is very specific to your program’s experience, or your community’s specific culture, geography and economy, please communicate with Martha Waller or Liz Lilliott to determine feasibility of including this site in order to ease data collection protocol review process. If an additional site comes to mind once you are already collecting data, immediately communicate this additional information to Martha Waller or Liz Lilliott before collecting data at a new site. This is a requirement as per PIRE’s Institutional Review Board approval of this data collection methodology. Violations of one’s approved protocol could have consequences for everyone collecting data.

Clearly each program must decide what will work in your community. We ask that you carefully consider if a location or event may bias the responses you are getting. For example, by targeting a health fair, will you unfairly bias your responses to those who engage in “more healthy” behaviors? Or if you go to an event where there is a beer garden, will that influence the responses you get unfairly? It seems possible to us, but you know your community best and you must make that decision after careful consideration. Ideally, you don’t want your survey to reflect the opinions only of those who are most law-abiding and alternatively, you don’t want your survey results to reflect the opinion of those who are most likely to drink and drive. That is why you should strive for getting a random & representative sample to the extent possible.

“Paper and Pencil” versus “iPad App” versus “Online Browser” versions of the survey

The community-level data collection can entail any combination of the paper and pencil, iPad or online browser versions of the survey, as long as it is through an approved data collection venue.

• The advantage of using the app or online version is that you do not have to conduct data entry yourself. Some participants may prefer the ‘quicker’ version of the app, while others will feel reticent to commit personal responses to the internet. Therefore, always be prepared to administer the paper version as well.

• All versions of the survey are available in Spanish and English.

• When administering the survey on any version of the survey, the administrator should enter your site ID. In this way PIRE can quickly tally surveys collected from your site.

• If you use either the app or browser version online, participants will be eligible for the online gas card drawing.

• If you use the app version, you do not have to be connected to the internet. If you use the browser version, you do. You will quickly find out if you are not connected to the internet if you are using the browser, because you will be unable to initiate the survey.

Key issues for implementing the app or online survey

• When administering the survey in person, the participant will select whether they are taking the survey themselves, or whether someone else is administering the survey to them. Participants should select that someone else is administering it to them, and hand the device back to the data collector. The data collector then writes in the password “NMCS2016” into the logon, which leads you to another page, where the data collector inputs the site ID, an abbreviation for the location of data collection, and their initials. This information should be stored separately from the device, in the case that it is stolen, the data will be protected. The data collector then returns the survey to the participant to complete.

• Upon completion of the survey in both the online and app version, you will be sent to an ‘end’ page and the survey will be sent either to the app’s database or immediately uploaded to PIRE’s database if connected online. Explain to participants that nobody can go back into the survey once this final screen is reached, and even through you cannot go back, instruct participants to close this final page when they are done, so they feel secure that their data will not be shared. If a participant decides to stop taking the survey before reaching the end, the surveyor should instruct the participant to simply click ‘next’ until the app reaches the ‘end’ screen. If the participant decides that s/he wishes to withdraw participation altogether, then they can choose to close the survey (“X” in the upper right corner).

• If participating on the survey while online, participants will be able to go to a separate page to enter their information to enter a raffle for a gas card. As when completing the survey, when done they will be shown an ‘end page’ that will not allow anyone to go back to view or correct their contact information.

• If you wish to install the app on your own IOS or Android device, follow directions above and contact PIRE if you have any questions.

• iPads do not come equipped with wireless internet access. If you wish to have access to the internet for data collection you must purchase this separately, and ensure that the cost is not prohibitive to purchase a separate hotspot or to use the hotspot on your own phone. Make sure to consider the cost of a data plan to allow you to use the internet if using the tablets.

• If experiencing problems with the app, contact PIRE. If experiencing problems with your hardware, contact Coop Consulting.

• If any device with the app installed is lost or stolen, inform PIRE immediately. If any OSAP iPad is lost or stolen, inform Coop Consulting as well.

• When collecting data in this fashion, you still must track time and venue information as you have with paper surveys.

Adding Questions

In previous years, some communities have added additional questions at the end of the survey. These questions MUST be approved by the SEOW prior to inclusion so they should be included in your submitted protocol. Typically these have been questions related to alcohol tax increases or issues very specific to your community that might not be relevant to other communities and therefore, are not included on the general survey. You may again include some additional questions on the survey at the end of the survey. You need to identify these as questions specifically requested by the prevention provider on the paper survey. For example, we will add these questions to the Qualtrics app and we will preface with the questions with a statement like: “The last five questions are asked by the San Juan County Partnership and are specific to your county. Do you want to complete these last five questions?” Respondents can then opt in or opt out of answering the additional questions. Respondents will be “screened into” the additional questions based on their site ID or county so that only those living in the relevant community will be offered the additional questions. On the paper survey, you will need to add a similar “preface’ to the additional questions.

Most importantly, the addition of any questions must first be reviewed and approved by the SEOW when you submit your data collection protocol for review.

Time and Venue-based concerns

As you have rigorously tracked your data collection by time, date and site last year, you will have a basis upon which to collect data this year. In this way, your sample will ideally reflect last year’s sample more closely with respect to age, gender, and race/ethnicity. Begin your planning by looking at your sample from last year. Where are the gaps? Who is over-represented or under-represented when you compare your sample to that of the census or other sub-population measures? How can you improve on the process this year? Then return to your data collection log and determine with your local evaluator where will be the ideal times and places to collect data.

We are aware that it will be impossible to duplicate exactly your process each year, and that there will be many issues that are beyond your control. There may be a new MVD manager who doesn’t like surveys, or Walmart may only allow you to collect data on limited days, when before you were offered any day you chose. Document these issues as you go along, so to always improve your process.

Timing and community culture: Some cultural issues to be aware of in New Mexico, which may or may not relate to your target community and the timing of your data collection. These particular events can affect your data collection, or bias your responses, making substance use and mental health appear better or worse for your population. Do people in your community practice Lent and do many abstain from alcohol during that time? For college communities, when is Spring Break and when are mid-terms, finals and graduation? Is there a youth sports season that you can take advantage of in a small rural community to collect data? Feast days or festivals? How might this change from year to year?

Incentives: The most typical incentives are a snack (candy bar, snack bar, or fruit), bottled water, or small amounts of cash that demonstrate novelty like a $2 bill or a Sacajawea $1 coin. We have found that $1 bills are good incentives for younger adults. (Be aware that cash may require additional tracking, but PIRE can help you with this). Obtain something that is culturally appropriate and won’t get you into trouble as a public health promoter. Some have used a ‘lottery-style’ incentive, where every 10th or 20th participant receives a larger prize such as a gift card. For example, you can place a Post-it on every 10th paper survey that says the participant is a winner. Others have used coupons from local businesses as incentives. This works nicely if you are collecting data in that venue. If an incentive has worked well for you in the past, use it and let PIRE know so we can share your success.

A gas card lottery is available only to those who participate in the online survey. Those using the app when it is not online cannot participate in the on-line lottery, so remember that these participants should receive an incentive from you.

DO NOT use public lotteries or other methods that that will reveal participants’ identities.

If you need assistance with your agency in obtaining approval for incentives, please contact Liz or Martha for help.

Protecting Human Subjects

It is of utmost importance that you protect the anonymity of the respondents’ data. You should provide a collection system that will allow people to provide their completed surveys to you without your being able to identify it yourself or anyone else being able to identify it. Typically, if a lot of people are completing the survey, this is less of an issue. However, if you only have a few completed surveys at a given location, then you may well be able to identify the respondents, particularly in small communities. In that case, you must explain this technique in detail in your protocol so that reviewers will understand the process.

When using the online or app versions of the NMCS, make sure that the app and the web page are closed at the end of each survey, which is best done by the participant herself. Please ask the respondent to close the app and webpage at the end of the survey. If the respondent needs assistance, you may help them close it. This adds another level of security and protection to the respondent’s data.

Collecting data with a mobile device may require greater vigilance to protect against theft. Make sure that the person using the device is being observed by someone on your data collection team, but at a safe distance so they do not feel that their privacy is compromised.

Data collection logs

These are your means to document where and when you collected data. Make sure that at the end of each data collection event, that the data collector(s) document the place, time, and number of each kind of survey collected, plus any issues they had with collecting data. The app allows you to track the number of surveys collected, but to be sure of your progress, track separately as well. The more information you provide on these logs the better. Think of the sustainability of your program here, as you may not be around to collect data next year. Each year we will ask that you submit this log to PIRE with your final data report. And each year, we will also ask that you consider it when developing your protocol next year.


• Attend annual data collection training.

• Complete local data collection protocol and submit to PIRE for SEOW review and approval. Respond to revision requests from SEOW, and initiate data collection only upon SEOW approval.

• Identify a goal for the number of surveys required: PIRE can provide support if power analysis needed.

• Contact all targeted MVD supervisors, grocery store managers, school administrators, etc. getting permission to recruit and/or provide paper surveys at those locations and determining dates and times for this to occur. If an IRB review of the protocol is required (especially for campus or Tribal based data collection), you are responsible for following their required process.

• Print surveys and take-home information in English and Spanish.

• If using an OSAP-iPad, you are responsible for taking care of the hardware and returning it to Coop Consulting. All hardware issues with OSAP iPads are the responsibility of the program and Coop Consulting, not PIRE.

• Is using the internet version for the survey, assure that internet access is available for your program tablet, mobile device, or laptop.

• If using advertising for the survey, submit all drafts to PIRE for SEOW approval and review.

• Visit locations ahead of time to meet with managers, and determine where & how to set up the “recruitment stand.”

• Add site ID, surveyor ID and survey number to each survey. This includes the app and online browser versions for the survey. This helps everyone keep track of number and location of surveys collected.

• Provide a box for collection of paper surveys with a lid to protect anonymity of responses and respondents.

• Provide any small “up front” incentive to those completing the paper survey or the off-line version of the survey using the Qualtrics app.

• In areas where Spanish is required, provide sufficient Spanish language materials and an individual who can collect surveys who is able to communicate Spanish. (Same for any other languages such as Navajo, etc.)

• Attend survey data entry training.

• Enter data and submit clean data in spreadsheet provided.

• Maintain contact with PIRE evaluators and program managers as to the progress, obstacles, etc. of the data collection process.

• Take the initiative to communicate with Martha or Liz about shifting approaches if goals are not being reached. COMMUNICATE WITH MARTHA WALLER OR LIZ LILLIOTT ABOUT ANY NEW SITES PRIOR TO COLLECTION.

• If an outside IRB (eg. Tribal, University) requires changes to an already PIRE IRB-approved protocol, program staff must report these changes immediately, before changes are implemented, to Martha or Liz, who are then required to inform the PIRE IRB about these changes.


• Work to reach goal # and desired demographic representation.

• Provide at least weekly updates to Martha or Liz regarding progress.

• Safely store all collected surveys paper or electronic for 5 years following data collection as mandated by Federal law.

• Analyze data for community/program needs once PIRE has returned cleaned data.

• Submit findings sheets to OSAP at EOY reporting.


• Supervise SEOW review of convenience sample protocols and advertising content and provide feedback and final approval to local programs

• Provide power analysis to identify required number of surveys for each subpopulation for strong evaluation results.

• Monitor data collection efforts and respond immediately to changes in data collection protocol requests.

• Apply for IRB approval and review annually. Monitor and report human subjects’ violations IMMEDIATELY to PIRE IRB.

• Share PIRE IRB application and approval materials for those programs requiring additional documentation for other IRBs. Any local data collection that requires another IRB review and approval must proceed according to that IRB’s recommendations. Martha and Liz will work with programs to help provide any necessary information and assurances and will consult with PIRE IRB if questions of IRB conflict arise. If an outside IRB (eg. Tribal, University) requires changes to an already PIRE IRB-approved protocol, Martha or Liz are required to inform the PIRE IRB about these changes.

• Provide Qualtrics app and browser-ready versions of all surveys & accompanying materials (take home card templates), data entry templates and syntax.

• Assist communities in creating Survey Monkey or other on-line survey option

• Provide training on data collection protocol & recruitment strategies to all prevention providers and local evaluators

• Provide technical assistance and support

• Collect the survey online via social media advertising.

• Provide complete dataset (that includes online and locally-collected data) back to programs. These data include those collected at another site, where the participant indicates residency in another NM location, and data collected online via social media.

• Provide findings sheets to those communities where PIRE is the local evaluator. (PFS 2015 and local evaluation contracts).


This is for organization purposes only. You are not required to turn this in with your protocol, but budget documentation will assist OSAP in upcoming contract budgets. (This is to say that if you think that your program requires additional resources to collect this important evaluation data, then it’s a good idea to document your costs).

NOTE: It is understood that the budget may change slightly from what is written here, but try to provide as accurate a budget as possible given what you plan to do at this time. Even though the process may be slightly different than what is proposed, ideally the overall expenditures should remain close.

Try working through each of these questions:

1) What can your project reasonably afford to spend on data collection? Write that down:      

2) Consider your staffing needs. How many people will be working to recruit/collect data? What is each person’s hourly salary? How many hours do you anticipate each person working? Include training hours, travel time, recruitment time, etc. Can you get volunteers to help or will everyone be paid?

|3. Staff labor costs |

|Staff Person |Hourly Salary |Anticipated hours |Estimated Total Cost per Person |

|      |$ |      |$ |

|      |$ |      |$ |

|      |$ |      |$ |

|      |$ |      |$ |

|      |$ |      |$ |

|      |$ |      |$ |

|Total staff labor cost: |$ |

|4. Survey printing cost |

|How many surveys do you anticipate printing? |a)      |

|At what cost per survey? |b) $ |

|6 pages per survey – front to back | |

|Total survey printing cost |       |

|(a X b) | |

|5. Cost of incentives |

|Kind of incentive – give number and cost |Cost of this kind of incentive |

|(e.g., 300 granola bars @ $15 a 40 pack box @ Costco; 200 $1 off coupons at Albertson’s) | |

|      |$ |

|      |$ |

|      |$ |

|Total cost of incentives |$ |


|6. Cost of reimbursed travel |

|Explain kind of travel required | |

|(e.g.: travel 1X week from Lordsburg to Silver City to collect surveys: 90 miles @ $.40 mile for 8 weeks) | |

|      |$ |

|      |$ |

|      |$ |

|Total cost of Travel |$ |

|7. Other possible expenses |Cost |

|Any additional cost for online access, if using this method? (e.g., hotspots, additional data charges for|$ |

|wireless use). | |

|      | |

|Any cost to promote or advertise the survey? |$ |

|      | |

|Will data entry cost you anything? |$ |

|      | |

|Any other projected costs? |$ |

|      | |

|      |$ |

| | |

|Total other possible costs |$ |

| |$ |

|8. Total expenses (add 3-7) | |

9). How does your answer to question 8 compare to that of 1? If it’s over what you can afford to spend, then you will need to go back and rework your budget or protocol to fit.



Turn in to PIRE for SEOW Review by Friday, March 10th

Program Name:


Original or Resubmission:

Name of program representative(s) who attended online data collection training:

1) Please provide a general description of the geographic area & population to be affected by the interventions and therefore, surveyed. Provide any information that might influence where & how data are collected in your community (e.g., any sub-populations you will specifically try to over sample; native lands with few locations where tribal members gather regularly; native and no-native lands that will require separate data collection strategies to each.)

2) How many completed surveys are needed for your program? (if less than 300, please explain)

3) You must seek to repeat your previous year’s data collection to the degree possible. At the same time, we ask you to correct issues that in the previous year could have made your sample less representative of your impacted population. What issues, if any will you address this year to correct for last year, and what areas may be difficult to collect data as you had last year? (Make sure to attach last year’s log to this year’s submission)

4) Please list all those who will be involved in the data collection/recruiting process. Start with the primary contact person for data collection (PIRE will be calling the Primary Contact Person on a weekly basis to check in.) Only those 18 years or older can collect surveys.

|Name of Staff Person or Volunteer |Email Address |Phone # |Role (e.g. supervisor, |18 years old or|

| | | |trainer, data collector, |over? |

| | | |data entry, etc.) |Y/N |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

5) Who will train those responsible for collecting surveys on the data collection protocol? When will training take place?

6) Do you plan to provide small up-front incentives? Will these be incentives you provide or will you seek donation from local businesses? If you intend to seek donation, please elaborate on who, what, where, etc., you will seek donations?

7) Do you need to advertise or promote the survey? If no, why not? If yes, what are your plans for promoting the survey? Attach copies of advertising for review. For human subjects’ protection, no advertising can be used without SEOW approval.

8) Please explain how you intend to adequately protect respondents anonymity/confidentiality while taking the survey and returning the completed survey.

9) Do you need to have data collectors that can communicate in languages other than English? What is your plan for approaching these populations?

10) Are there other sub-populations for whom you plan to collect data? Who are they and what is your plan?

11) It likely will be your evaluator who will be conducting or heading up the data entry for the paper and pencil surveys. Does anyone need to attend data entry training? Who? Who will keep the completed survey locked and safe for 5 years?

12) Would you like for PIRE to provide additional assistance and/or training for your program prior to data collection?

13) You are required to include all the survey questions as they currently exist, but you may add additional questions at the end if you choose. If you intend to add additional question, please provide a list of those questions and responses.

14) This year you will be able to check out an iPad from Coop Consulting in order to use the embedded app to collect data. You can also upload the survey app onto your own IOS or Android device. You also can use your own internet connected device to complete the survey online. The benefit of these approaches is that there is no need for data entry. Briefly describe your plans for using this approach. (Note that a detailed management protocol for iPad & app use is provided below.)

15) Do you need special permission to collect data anywhere? Besides obtaining permission from private businesses, typically you need to address the IRBs of universities and Tribes. PIRE can help you with this process, so please inform us if this is your intent.

16) How will paper surveys be stored following data collection and in preparation for data entry? Describe a secure process of transport and storage.

17) Is there anything else the SEOW should know when reviewing this protocol? Is this a sampling approach that is familiar to your program staff, coalition and community? Are there significant changes from previous approaches that enhance your data collection approach?

18) We have worked hard to design a protocol that is as protective as possible for the research volunteers and, consistent with Federal regulations, we have received the approval of PIRE's Institutional Review Board (IRB) for this protocol (and possibly other IRBs). We are relying on you to ensure that this protocol is adhered to. If any deviations from the IRB-approved protocol occur, we require that you notify us immediately so that we can notify our IRB (or the involved IRBs) as required by the regulations.

Please assent that you have read and understand this statement. ______________.



Don’t forget to COMPLETE NEXT PAGE!

Instructions: Using your data collection log from the previous year, choose your sites. If a new site, be sure to mention in question 3 above. ATTACH LAST YEAR’s LOG TO YOUR SUBMISSION. We acknowledge that your data collection log will not match this exactly, especially in numbers, dates, and times, but any NEW SITES MUST BE APPROVED BY PIRE.

19) List population or subpopulation targeted20) List locations you propose to recruit residents to complete the survey. Provide any additional information that may be needed to understand the location if it is not clear how you collect data in that situation. 21) List times you propose to recruit residents (having planned time intervals will help increase the representativeness of your sample). 22) Using what you learned from your data collection log from last year, list your projected numbers for this site or event. This will help you be prepared with the appropriate number of paper surveys when you travel to your site. 23) Bring an iPad with the survey app or an internet connected device? Mention which.

If an internet connected device, be sure you have access to the internet.24) List the dates when recruitment & data collection will take place. (Base dates upon previous years’ protocol to the extent possible). 25) List who or how many will be on site to recruit/collect data.26) Do you need permission to collect date in the location? Who will seek that permission? What is the “back up” plan if you cannot get permission? (If you elaborate above in Q 15 please just mention “see Q 15”)27) Who will be in charge completed surveys and devices?

Goal # of English surveys distributed# of Spanish surveys

Internet or app users                                                                            

Don’t forget to complete the next page if collecting data using the app!

Community procedures for use of

NMCS data collection app

Keep these two pages with you while collecting data with the NMCS data collection app.

Provider use of OSAP iPads:

Each program checks out iPads from Coop Consulting, who manages their distribution and return on behalf of OSAP.

Only trained data collectors can use OSAP iPads or the installed app on a private device.

OSAP iPads can only be used for data collection purposes. Do not install any apps yourself.

Do not leave devices in sight in a locked or unlocked vehicle.

Return devices to the prevention office as soon as feasible, preferably immediately following any data collection.

When data collection is completed, you are responsible for returning the iPads to Coop Consulting in a timely manner and in good condition.

If any OSAP iPad is lost or stolen, the provider must immediately inform Coop Consulting (505- 424-4365) and PIRE (Liz Lilliott at 505- 765- 2330).

Using the NMCS app on a private device

If you wish to install the NMCS app on your own device, follow instructions above or contact PIRE so we can provide you the most up to date information. Even if using a private device, you must follow the procedures for the Qualtrics app described below.


When possible, always collect data while connected to the internet. When connected to the internet, the participants’ data will be immediately submitted, and participants can opt to participate in the online incentive, which means the provider does not need to provide an incentive. This is the most secure way to collect the data.

When collecting data off-line using the app, data are stored on the tablet itself, which is less secure. Therefore, the data will need to be uploaded as soon as you are able to connect to the internet. Once the data are uploaded, they will automatically no longer be stored on the tablet. When using the tablet to collect data off-line, the provider will need to provide a small upfront incentive since participants will not be eligible for the on-line drawing.

When using the app to collect data:

Instruct the respondent on how to navigate the survey instrument and how to close the survey at the end. Upon completion of the survey in both the online and app version, you will be sent to an ‘end’ page and the survey will be sent either to the app’s database or immediately uploaded to PIRE’s database if connected online. Explain to participants that nobody can go back into the survey once this final screen is reached, and even through you cannot go back, instruct participants to close this final page when they are done, so they feel secure that their data will not be shared.

If a participant decides to stop taking the survey before reaching the end, the surveyor should instruct the participant to simply click ‘next’ until the app reaches the ‘end’ screen. If the participant wishes to withdraw their participation altogether, the ‘close’ button will allow them to withdraw.

When the survey is completed and you have wireless access to the internet, immediately upload the survey.

Keep an eye on the individual using the device (at a respectful distance to maintain privacy) to deter theft. You may let them know that you will be nearby to make sure they are safe and to answer any questions they may have but will be respecting their privacy.

If theft occurs, do not put yourself at risk in order to retrieve it. Report to authorities, Coop Consulting, and Liz Lilliott immediately.

Use the device only in locations where you can maintain control over the interactions and environment and feel safe allowing people to use them.

If collecting data offline with the app, immediately upon completion of data collection, make a wireless connection to the internet so you can upload the data. You may do this at home or at the office. But do not leave the data on the tablet for long.

All devices using the app will be set to log out within 3 minutes of inactivity. Do not share the passwords for devices except with those trained to use them for data collection.

Do not leave devices unattended at any time.

Here write your own procedures for use of the app, answering the following questions:

How many IOS (Apple) or Android devices will have the app installed? ___

How many of these devices are an OSAP iPad? ___

Who will be in charge of tracking the use and storage of the devices? _______

Who will be trained to use the devices and who will do the training? _______

How will devices be securely stored when not in use? _______

Will any data be collected using the app offline? ___

Based on your data collection protocol, where are the locations this likely to take place?

Where will data collectors go to upload the data collected offline?

For SEOW USE only:

Date of review (include this text in subsequent reviews):


When reviewing the data collection protocols submitted by local prevention providers, please consider how well the following topics are addressed.

Does the provider seem to have a good understanding of the population in his/her community? Have s/he described any idiosyncrasies of their community that might influence the data collection process?

Has the provider identified any subpopulations s/he wishes to focus on during data collection? What are they? Based upon your knowledge of the program, are there any subpopulations they should consider?

Is the number of surveys the provider intends to collect realistic given their person resources? Why not?

Are sufficient details provided in the table on who will be involved, the roles that each will play and where and how data will be collected so that you feel you could replicate their strategy easily? What is missing?

Has the provider demonstrated adequately how s/he will protect respondents’ anonymity/ confidentiality?

Suggested changes to improve privacy and anonymity of those participating, the representativeness of sample, or to increase number of targeted respondents?

Are the incentives offered appropriate?

Any additional comments or concerns?

Do these changes require resubmission? If so, provide instructions for doing so.

Has the program indicated that they have read question 18?

If using the app to collect data, have they completed the protocol form sufficiently?

If the program is using additional questions, are they sound?

Is this program “good to go?”


Protocol for the NM Community Survey

Data Collection Protocol and Planning Template

This document is intended to be used by NM OSAP grantees expected to collect community-level data using the NM Community Survey. This document recommends using a time and venue-based sampling methodology to provide as much rigor as possible to convenience based sampling and provides recommendations for venues to conduct data collection and a template for planning purposes.



Written by: Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation

for the NM Office of Substance Abuse Prevention


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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