DPS 182292 - For the provision of Short-Term Contracted ...

eTENDERS REGISTRATION & DPS GUIDEDPS 182292 - For the provision of Short-Term Contracted Veterinary ServicesDecember 2020Veterinary Support Co-ordination Unit (VSCU)Veterinary Public Health, Pig and Poultry Health Policy DivisionThis new DPS - reference 182292, is being utilised by the Veterinary Support Co-ordination Unit (VSCU) in the Veterinary Public Health, Pig & Poultry Health Policy Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Its purpose is for the procurement of suitably qualified veterinary surgeons/practitioners to undertake short-term contracted Veterinary Services on behalf of the Department. This guide has been produced to assist you in gathering information and applying to the process if you so choose. As such it is intended to act as an aid when accessing the DPS and participating in the application process. It is not intended to cover every aspect of this process or any other process such as a mini competition held under this DPS. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) cannot be held responsible for any unintended errors or omissions in this guide. What is a DPS?A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a completely electronic system used by a Contracting Authority (buyer) to purchase goods, works or services. It is hosted on the eTenders platform. Unlike a traditional framework, suppliers can apply to join (qualify) at any time. DPS are not contracts in themselves but are in effect agreements for the award of contracts where the vendors that may participate in the award of a specific contract, are limited to those appointed (or qualified) to the DPS under the main framework agreement.? The Dynamic Purchasing System has two Stages:Request to participate (RTP) in the DPS (Qualifying stage). Suppliers submit a qualification request to be evaluated; those suppliers who meet the qualification criteria will be added to the pool(s) of suppliers that may participate in a mini competition. Suppliers will be added to the lots for all that are applied for and meet criteria. Mini Competitions – contain detail of the contracts that may available. Qualified/appointed suppliers will be offered an opportunity to apply to participate in the award of a specific contract(s). PLEASE NOTE:While you can access eTenders from an iPhone, iPad. Tablet or Mac there may be issues downloading documents via these devices. Etenders therefore recommends using a laptop or desktop PC instead.If you experience any technical issues when registering, accessing, downloading or submitting documentation, at STAGE 1 or STAGE 2 of the process, please contact eTenders Support directly quoting the DPS reference 182292 at; Email etenders@eu- Phone +353 (0)21 2439277 For queries not relating to the above, please contact: vetcontractors@.ie There are 10 Grouping or ‘Lots’ that are available under this DPS 182292 and you can apply to any or all of those that are relevant to the services that you can provide. Please note: As highlighted in the below, an additional Lot 11 is also listed. This is where all mandatory documents relevant to the Tender can be accessed and downloaded.The Groupings/Lots as they appear in eTenders are as follows:Please Note: There are no guarantees that there will be any contracts for any groupings over the lifetime of the DPS.Stage 1 - Request to participate (RTP) in the DPS (Qualifying stage)Login or Register as a New Supplier / Company RegistrationIn order to access or apply to the DPS, you will either need to login or set yourself up as a user on eTenders if you have not previously done so. eTenders can be accessed via this link: you are already registered on eTenders, you can select the “Login” option from the menu on the left hand side of the page, then enter the user name and password you previously created (a forgotten password link is also available here should you require it). Once logged in, please proceed to the information under “Accessing the Short-Term Contracted Veterinary Services DPS” of this document for the next steps in accessing this DPS.In order to register as a New Supplier do so by accessing the eTenders link, then clicking on the “Supplier Company Registration” button on the menu located on the left side of the page: Enter ‘Supplier registration’ detailsFields marked with a red star must be completed. Enter General Company InformationType of organisation – If applying as an individual, select sole trader. Other options are Private Company, Public Limited Company, Partnership, Charity Organisation, Representative Body Public Interest/Non-Supplier. Type of business activity - select “Agriculture, Forestry and fishing” or “Professional, scientific and technical” depending. Organisation Number (or VAT number) – Enter Vat number or PPSN.Enter Company Contact Information and Company Administrator InformationEnter Company Contact information for the Company/Group/Individual. This is the primary contact information that DAFM will use to contact you. Enter Company Administrator Information here, if this is the same as that entered for the Company contact Information (or you are an individual) you can click 'Copy from above'. You must also select the preferred language from the appropriate drop-down field.Create user name and passwordComplete the administrator credentials and set up a username and password for any future logins as well as the email address for potential tender invitations to be sent to.You must click to confirm that you have read and accept the terms and conditions at the bottom of this page before clicking ‘save’.Accessing the Short-Term Contracted Veterinary Services DPS Once you have created your registered supplier details or if already registered logged in, you can then find tenders that you are interested in applying to. On the left margin click on Public RFT's to find the DPS you wish to apply for.To access the Short-Term Contracted Veterinary Services DPS, you can either select ‘System Id’ from the dropdown or enter the RFT no. for this DPS In the keyword box ie. RFT 182292 or, you can select ‘Tender name’ and enter the DPS title in the keyword box ‘Short-Term Contracted Veterinary Services’ then hit the green ‘Search’ button.The returned results will appear below and you can then click on the Tender name (in blue) to open a screen containing general information relating to the tender.The Short-Term Contracted Veterinary Services DPS To access the DPS information you must click on 'ACCEPT' (Blue button on top left) in order for the documents for the DPS to be made available.The DPS documents can be accessed via LOT 11;On the next screen that opens up scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘All Mandatory Documents’You can download the documents by either clicking on the document name(s) in blue, or by clicking the ‘download all (zip)’ option at the bottom of the page:The available documents are:The main DPS Document - ‘DPS For the provision of Short-Term Contracted Veterinary Services’ The main DPS document is often referred to as the ‘RTP’ (Request to Participate). It should be read in full prior to completing the response document.A copy of this eTenders Registration & DPS Guidance document aka ‘Help Document’ is also included hereThe associated Response Document- ‘RESPONSE DOCUMENT- DPS Short -Term Contracted Veterinary Services’. The Response Document is the application form and is the basis for what is often referred to as submitting a qualification request. The response document must be completed in full in order to submit a qualification request.Submitting a Qualification RequestIn order to apply to the DPS, for the lots that you consider are relevant to the services that you can provide, you must submit a qualification request. For ease, DAFM have produced a “Response Document” to simplify the process. The Response Document contains all information that must be provided. Response Document The Response Document should be read in conjunction with the Selection Criteria as set out in section 3.2 of the Request to Participate (RTP) document for this DPS.3581400278765Individual Practitioners or Account Manager’s for Private Veterinary Practices (PVPs)/ Consortia, must complete this Response Document in its entirety. All fields must be completed (except; Section 3 for Individual practitioners and Section 2 for PVP/Consortia).The document seeks applicant information pertaining to the Groupings/Lots being applied to and confirmation of the application type (1.0).Dependant on the applicant type, it also seeks information specific to Individual Practitioners (2.0) or Company/Groups (3.0) including the essential requirements. Section 4.0 of the forms covers the Additional Essential Requirements for Individual Practitioner & Company/Group(s).Individual Practitioners AND Account Managers for Company/Groups must also review and complete the details in each of the Appendices (A-C) of the response document;Appendix A: Candidate’s Statement Appendix B: European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) Appendix C: Declaration as to Personal Circumstances of Candidate.The Response Document must be submitted in the same sequence as presented and any relevant documentation requested, must also be attached. A final Checklist is also provided at the end of the document for the ease of applicants. In order to ensure that all applications can be reviewed in a timely manner, please be advised of the following:The Response Document must be fully completed and signed prior to its submission.Applications must be submitted online via the eTenders platform. Applications emailed or posted directly to the Department cannot be accepted and will not be considered.To ensure applications can be processed in a timely manner only the requested information should be submitted.Should further clarification/information be required following the submission of a candidate’s documentation, a representative from the Department will be in direct contact. Evaluation of Qualification RequestsAll completed applications are sent to an Evaluation Board for qualification assessment. The evaluation board will evaluate the application against the criteria. This will result in one of two outcomes:The application meets the criteria for the Grouping(s)/Lot(s) to which they applied and the Candidate will be sent confirmation via the Electronic Platform (eTenders).Copies of the ‘DPS Agreement’ and the ‘Confidentiality Agreement’ will also be included for the applicant’s signature and return. (Samples of these can be found in Appendix 2 & Appendix 3 of the main RTP document).Once returned and sufficient, they will then become a Qualified DPS Member. If the application does not meet the criteria, the Candidate will not be admitted to the DPS and will be notified accordingly via the Electronic Platform. (There will be an opportunity to re-apply for admittance onto the DPS at any stage should the Candidate be able to demonstrate that the criteria can be met.)Those applications that are deemed to meet the criteria and provide all documentation will be added as a “Qualified Supplier” to the relevant grouping(s)/lot(s). This means that they will be invited to participate in future mini-competitions. Stage 2 – Mini Competitions for contracts to be awardedThe Department will set out criteria and specifications for short term contract veterinary services contracts that may be awarded, via published documentation under this DPS on the eTenders platform from time to time as requirements arise. This is known as a ‘mini competition’ or Request for Tender (RFT) stage. Notifications or ‘Invites’ will issue via eTenders to inform Qualified DPS members of any such competitions. Only Qualified DPS members (stage 1), are eligible to participate in any ‘Mini competitions’ [relevant to their selected Grouping(s)/Lot(s)] run from this DPS. Mini Competitions or RFTs provide detail and specifications of the services that the Department is seeking to contract, e.g. location, dates and services that are required. The specific criterion under which applicants will be evaluated and contracts awarded is also outlined in the mini competition documentation e.g. experience, knowledge, skills that are required to carry out the services, award criteria and details of how contracts will be awarded. The ‘Award Criteria’ sets out questions and associated markings which must be applicants will be marked against. A deadline for the submission of responses to the mini competition is also specified in the competition.Some key points:Mini Competitions are published under the relevant DPS on the eTenders system.Invites issue to all ‘Qualified Suppliers’ under that DPS with a response deadline. Applications must be submitted online via the eTenders platform.Applications emailed or posted directly to the Department cannot be accepted and will not be considered.To ensure applications can be processed in a timely manner only the requested information should be submitted.Any applications submitted to mini competitions, can only be accessed and downloaded by VSCU staff after the closing date. Following the closing date all completed applications are sent to the Evaluation Board for review. An Evaluation Board will review applications against the award criteria responses and report the results to the VSCU.VSCU will then provide information to the candidates on the results and if relevant, offer the contract/inform candidate(s) of their panel placement.ENDS ................

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