ELECTRONIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEETJOUR312—INTERNSHIP Assignment Title: Journal and Supervisor EvaluationStudent Name: Rachel LovedayStudent No: 3806686Assignment Submitted: Sunday October 12th 2014Declaration: by submitting this assignmentI certify that this assignment is entirely my own work, except where I have given fully-documented references to the work of others and that the material contained in this assignment has not been submitted for assessment in any formal course of study.I have read the statement in the University Calendar on “Acknowledgement Practice/Plagiarism.”N.B. My journal is sporadic in regards to dates as it was a work-from-home internship for an overseas online publication. I did not work as an intern every day as I wasn’t required to, it was a flexible internship as you will see in the hyperlink to the job advertisement. I also commenced my internship in April 2014, so all of my assessments (with the exception of the job interview) for this subject include work from April 2014 onwards rather than from the commencement of the 2014 UOW Spring session which commenced in July 2014.4537710-310515INTERNSHIP EVALUATION FORM -JOURNALISM Name of Intern: Rachel LovedayNote: Please express your professional opinion of the intern as an employee by placing a tick at some point on the five-point scale. Constructive criticisms and suggestions for further improvements are welcomed. Personal relationships: ? Harmonious, amicable AntagonisingAbility to learn on the job:? Quick to learnSlow to learnInitiative and maturity: ? Works on own, finds things to do Shirks responsibilityAbility to work independently:? Self -reliant, resourceful Needs constant supervisionPreparation for journalistic work:? Well prepared Poorly preparedAbility to communicate:? Excellent writing / verbal skills Poor communicatorWork attitude:? Enthusiastic, industrious IndifferentReliability:? Very reliable, accurate Unreliable, carelessNews judgement:? Well-trained and incisive Vague and unsureQuality of work:? Excellent PoorAbility to meet deadlines:? Excellent PoorIntern’s Attendance: (? ) Satisfactory( ) UnsatisfactoryPunctuality:(? ) Satisfactory( ) UnsatisfactoryComments: Rachel has been a fantastic intern and we have very much enjoyed having her. We required a great deal of independent work which Rachel showed she could handle efficiently and in a manner that brought both praise to herself and the company.Other Remarks: Please describe the qualifications and abilities of the intern which have been covered in the previous scaleWhat are the intern’s strong points?Punctuality, ability to work independently, self-motivation and reliability.Which abilities and/or characteristics need improvement?There is very little that needed improvement upon other than we would have like her to spend more time with us.Type of work for which the intern is best qualified:Rachel excelled with both editing and writing her own articles as well as the articles of other people. She also excelled in marketing, mostly using social media.Additional comments:N/AOverall rating:?Excellent Very Good Average MarginalPoorThis report has / has not been discussed with the intern (please circle one). Supervisor Name: Charles Bowes-Lyon______________ Title or Position: Marketing Director__________Organisation: Bowes Media Limited ( ______________________________________Signature: Date: 29/09/2014 After completion of this evaluation, please send to:Journalism Program ConvenorSchool of the Arts, English and Media, Building 25Faculty of Law, Humanities and the ArtsUniversity of WollongongWOLLONGONG NSW 2522EMAIL JOURNALMARCH 23—Saw the job advertisement for the Journalism/Editorial Intern at Tech Reviewer on the Pedestrian Jobs website. 24—Received an email detailing the job description of the Journalism/Editorial Intern position at Tech Reviewer from Charles Bowes-Lyon, Tech Reviewer’s Marketing Director and my Supervisor.MARCH 26—Received an email from Charles to register my admin account at the Tech Reviewer website so I can edit & publish my articles, as well as edit & publish the articles of Tech Reviewer’s writers. APRIL 8—Received an email from Charles with a more detailed job description of the Journalism/Editorial Intern position than the March 24 email provided.APRIL 11—Received an email from Charles detailing what to do with spam articles and where to get images to accompany stories.APRIL 17—Received an email from Charles detailing what to do with spam, draft and pending articles.APRIL 22—Received an email about how to promote articles on multiple social media websites from Jake Galbraith, Tech Reviewer’s Marketing and Operations Director.MAY 14—Received an email from Charles providing feedback about my efforts with promoting Tech Reviewer’s articles on multiple social media websites.JUNE 13—Received an email from Charles about Tech Reviewer’s new Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tool to be used to improve Tech Reviewer’s SEO rating.AUGUST 11, 18 &20—Received emails from Charles on what to do about unknown and possible spam articles, as well as editing then-pending articles. At that time, I wasn’t sure whether these particular spam and pending articles should be published.AUGUST 26—Received an email from Charles warning me about new stricter copyright laws in the UK, reminding me to only use and publish images that are “free to use or share, even commercially.” He also told me what to do with an article that I thought was spam and didn’t make much sense.AUGUST 27—Received an email from Charles providing further details about my responsibilities with dealing with the images that Tech Reviewer’s other writers choose to go with their articles. TASKS JOURNALPROBLEMS:AUGUST 11 to 20—Tech Reviewer’s content management system (CMS) is split into several categories—published, drafts, scheduled and pending. When writers submit articles, they are submitted to the pending section for me and other interns to edit, schedule or publish. Every day, the pending section is inundated with spam articles that have to be deleted. These are deleted by Charles Bowes-Lyon, my supervisor. During these particular days, there were two articles that I was having trouble deciding whether they were spam articles or not. They both turned out not to be spam, however one of the articles was difficult to edit as English was not the writer’s first language. This article ended up being dropped as, although I did complete some edits, it was hard to determine what the author was trying to get across in his article or what it was about. There was also an article in the pending section that was difficult to determine if it was genuine as it seemed to be self-promoting the author. However it was heavily edited and published. Details of this experience can be found in my email journal.EDITING AND PUBLISHING ARTICLES:To publish my articles on Tech Reviewer, I would have to come up with a headline, copy and paste the article into a text box, set a featured image and make sure the SEO ranking was green or good. With editing the articles of Tech Reviewer’s other writers, I would have to edit and proofread to make sure they made sense and that there were no errors, as well as set a featured image that didn’t infringe on copyright laws and make sure the SEO ranking was green or good.SOCIAL MEDIA TASKS:I regularly promote Tech Reviewer’s articles on Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and Reddit when they are published. I also do promotion/marketing in the form of previews, telling readers’ what articles will be published soon. TWITTER—I started tweeting the links to Tech Reviewer’s articles to promote them regularly from May onwards. I have tweeted all of Tech Reviewer’s articles to promote them. This Twitter account: (@LovedayJOUR312) has been set up purely to demonstrate that I have indeed promoted Tech Reviewer’s articles on my personal Twitter account (@LovedayJourno).PINTEREST—I set up a Pinterest account purely to promote Tech Reviewer’s articles. I established my account circa June 2014. I submit the links and place them on a pin board. —I set up a StumbleUpon account purely to promote Tech Reviewer’s articles. I established my account circa May 2014. I submit the links and place them in a list labelled “Tech Reviewer UK”. —I submit the links to Tech Reviewer’s articles under the category ‘technology’ on Reddit, a forum website. (Hyperlink unavailable)ARTICLE JOURNALAPRIL 13—Published my first article, “Changing the virtual locks” 18—Published my second article, “How dark it can be in blackouts” 20—Published my third article, “The virtual (dating) scene or playing the virtual dating game” 23—Published my fourth article, “SmartVend: Smartphones and vending machines” 24—Published my fifth article, “5 (obvious) things I’ve learnt about my smartphone” 26—Published my sixth article, “Music to my ears: Musical devices and nostalgia” 13—Published my seventh article, “If a life event isn’t shared did it happen?” 24—Published my eighth article, “Keeping an eye on your kids technologically” 26—Published my ninth article, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder for brick phones” 27—Published my tenth article, “South Korea brings back the flip phone” 7—Published my eleventh article, “The hilarious videos that demonstrate generation gaps with technology” 8—Published my twelfth article, “The new type of phone booth—phoneless” 19—Published my thirteenth article, “Facebook down! (Relax it’s fixed now) 20—Published my fourteenth article, “Division of virtual assets: The social media prenup” 29—Published my fifteenth article, “Cheaper chargers can come at an ultimate cost” 30—Published my sixteenth article, “Another cheap USB charger strikes again” 14—Published my seventeenth article, “E-Pill or remote-controlled contraception” 19—Published my eighteenth article, “The boomerang mood swing that Facebook caused” 20—Published my nineteenth article, “First the coffee break, now the smartphone break?” 25—Published my twentieth article, “Great films and their great mistakes pointed out on YouTube” 27—Published my twenty-first article, “The world’s first Braille mobile phone” 28—Published my twenty-second article, “Scientists finally develop phone screen you can use in the sun” 29—Published my twenty-third article, “More emojis, less words—Emoji development and news” 17—Published my twenty-fourth article, “Back to the futuristic technology” 26—Published my twenty-fifth article, “iPhone 5 batteries recalled” 28—Published my twenty-sixth article, “Back to the anachronistic technology”, a follow up to “Back to the futuristic technology” 1—Published my twenty-seventh article, “Should photos be the new passwords?” 2—Published my twenty-eighth article, “Phone Box 2.0—Phone boxes transformed” ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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