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Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 710 East Second Street

400 East Second Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815

Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301 570-898-0750


E-mail: E-mail: ikblake2016@


Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology


M.A. in Developmental Psychology


M.A. in Educational Psychology


B.A. in Psychology



Institute for Educational Management (IEM), 2013

Redesigning High Schools Institute with Allentown School District, 2004

Management Development Program (MDP), 2003


Millennium Leadership Initiative (MLI) Protégé, 2004-2005, a year program.

MLI Presidential Mentor: Dr. Muriel A. Howard


Buffalo State College

Currently President of AASCU

American Association of State Colleges and Universities

1307 New York Avenue, N.W., 5th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20005

202-478-4647 (work)

Invited Participant: AASCU Task Force on Teacher Preparation (2016)

AASCU Symposium for Senior Campus Leaders: Emerging

Paradigms for Public Higher Education (2016)

Invited Presenter: “Management and Leadership Issues: Academic Affairs,”

Emerging Leaders Program, Washington, DC (2016)

Co-Founder and Facilitator: Women Provosts’ Pre-Conference Workshop (2015)

Provosts of Color Group (2009-present)

Women Provosts Group (2009-present)


Bloomsburg University Periodic Review Report (PPR, 2013-14)

Bloomsburg University Monitoring Report (2011)

PRR Reviewer for two private colleges (2010)


Executive Intern (4/2006-4/2007)

Chancellor Mentor: Dr. Judy Hample

Chancellor (2001-2008)




Harrisburg, PA.

PASSHE is comprised of 14 regional universities, four branch campuses and two multi-

university centers; serving approximately 109,000 undergraduate and graduate students;

delivering educational and administrative services with approximately 5,000 full-time

regular faculty and 13,000 salaried employees; negotiating with eight (8) collective

bargaining units; and operating with an annual budget of approximately $1.6 billion.


Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

One of the 14 PASSHE universities; serving approximately 10,000 undergraduate and

graduate students; 14% of undergraduates are underrepresented minorities and 33% are Pell recipients; delivering educational and administrative services with approximately 360 full-time regular faculty; university budget is $140M; total operating budget for Academic Affairs Division is $70M.

Provides responsible leadership for institutional visioning, strategic enrollment planning, administrative and staff professional development, policies and procedures, program review and development, accreditation activity and reports, resource allocation and investment, and administration of Academic Affairs units, which include: four colleges (Business, Education, Liberal Arts, and Science and Technology), graduate studies, sponsored research, Teaching and Learning Enhancement Center, technology services, library services, Planning and Assessment, Testing Services, Academic Achievement

Center, Academic Enrichment Department, Honors Program, and MyCore, the general education program; oversight of approximately 490 instructional faculty (21:1 ratio); 56 majors and 51 minors and 19 graduate programs.

Selective Accomplishments at Bloomsburg:

Leadership Assignments


Member, Transfer Student Policy Working Group, (2016)

Member, Steering Committee of Community Colleges and PASSHE Universities (2015-present)

Member, Special Committee on System Governance (2014-15)

Member, Chief Academic Officers Group (2009-present)

Host, PASSHE Women’s Consortium Conference, Bloomsburg University,

Bloomsburg, PA, September 25-26, 2014.

Host, PASSHE Annual Diversity Summit. Diversity: Access and Success in the

New Economic Reality, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA, October 13-14,


University Level:

Executive Staff Review and Strategic Planning (2015)

Impact 2017: Building on the Past, Leading for the Future (Extension)

Member, Strategic Planning and Resource Council (2009-10)

Impact 2015: Building on the Past, Leading for the Future

Liaison, Regional Accreditor: Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) (2009 – present)

BU Self Study Review Process (2018-19) – Underway

BU Periodic Review Report (2013-14)

BU Monitoring Report (2011)


Bloomsburg University Action Plan 2015-16

Bloomsburg University Action Plan 2014-15

Executive Summary for BU Performance in PASSHE Performance

Funding Program (2009, 2010, 2011)

Institutional and Academic Oversight

Fiscal Sustainability (2014-present): A one-time contribution of $1.5M of Academic Affairs reserve to assist with budget shortfall; contributing additional $700K to Education & General Fund to support reduced budget and appropriations/tuition gap, and facilities maintenance fund; launched first winter session in 2014, with total net revenue of $1.5M in two years.

Expanded and New Programming: Strategic objective is to leverage existing high demand programs, to develop competitive educational enrichment opportunities, and to identify new potential revenue generators, deliver at most reasonable cost while maintaining quality educational experiences; see examples of new programs, institutes and centers, and partnerships below.

Planning and Assessment (2010): Established the first university-wide planning and assessment office: oversees data collection and analysis for university strategic planning, MyCore general education program, and co-curricular learning experiences (CLEs); guides and/or supports all accreditation processes and reports, program reviews, placement examinations, and national standard testing; and provided $354K for 53 faculty Assessment Fellows across four colleges and Student Affairs Division since 2013. In 2016 became certified by National College Testing Association and promoted regionally to universities and businesses.

Faculty and Staff Professional Development in collaboration with Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and Associate Dean of Academic Achievement

Administrative Faculty Professional Development (2010-present): Succession and Human Development Program which provides high potential faculty with two years of non-instructional, administrative experience with the goal of some transitioning into administrative roles permanently. To date,

Grow-Your-Own Faculty Recruitment Program (2013): Departments with high workforce demand and low faculty availability can request to recruit master-level faculty who are committed to earning a terminal degree prior to tenure; hired faculty enroll in appropriate terminal degree programs and receive mentoring by department’s senior faculty, professional development support, and released time from full instructional workload to support their success; departments/programs include Accounting, American Sign Language/Deaf Education, Digital Forensics, Exercise Science, and Nursing; succeeded in filling a total of 10 tenure-track positions (8 in Nursing; 2 in Digital Forensics).

Frederick Douglass Teacher Scholars Program (FDTS): Long-term PASSHE program to support faculty diversity and inclusion; increased from one to eight participants who participate in the application process for temporary faculty, and if selected, serve as temporary teaching faculty in one of the four Colleges of Business, Education, Liberal Arts, and Science and Technology; resulting in 2014 first university hire of a Latino female faculty in the College of Education (COE Department of Counseling and Student Affairs; 2016 hire of African American female faculty in College of Liberal Arts (COLA Department of Political Science); 2016 hire of a white female faculty in College of Science and Technology (COST Department of Mathematical and Digital Sciences); and two extended contracts (AY 2016-17) for an African American female faculty in COST Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and an African American male faculty in Division of Academic Achievement (Department of Academic Enrichment).

International Faculty Exchange/Domestic Faculty Study Away/Abroad: Supported eight visiting professors from Cameroon, China, and Russia; funded or supported domestic faculty teaching/research experiences in Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, England, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Russia and United States.

Faculty Professional Development and Travel Program: Provided $207K to support faculty research and scholarship through released time from instruction, conference travel; $18K budget for faculty workshops for new, probationary, and continuing faculty to support their success.

New Faculty Institute (2013): The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Center (TALE) offers the summer Institute to new and full-time temporary faculty where continuing faculty, administrators and guest speakers provide information, case studies and assignments to support organizational knowledge, professional development and ongoing success in the BU community. TALE also offers workshops, seminars and training throughout the academic year.

Provost’s Award for Research and Scholarly Activity (Instituted by previous Provost, Continued): College Deans and Associate Dean of Academic Achievement nominate high potential probationary faculty members for this award annually; up to five awardees receive plaques and $1,000 each in professional development funds.

First Endowed Faculty Positions (range $25K to $1.9M) in teamwork with Advancement Division (Capital Campaign): Provide faculty with resources to support their mentoring of students, instructional innovation, research activity, collegial collaborations for a defined period.

The Jack and Helen Evans Fellowship (College of Liberal Arts, 2016)

The Michael and Bree Gillespie Fellowship (College of Business, 2016)

The Nicholas J. Giuffre Distinguished Professor in Supply Chain Management


The Vicki and Jack Mihalik Fellowship (College of Education, 2016)

The Joan and Fred Miller Distinguished Professor of Good Work (2015)

The Breiner Professorship of Nursing (2015)

STEM Teacher Academy (2015): A university-funded summer academy for 20 high school science and math teachers to provide them with inquiry-based instructional strategies in order to support STEM Magnet School students; experience counts for Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) continuing education credits.

New Division of Strategic Enrollment Management (2016): Provided $315K to fund strategic investments to be used for recruitment, retention and completion initiatives, included membership in the EAB (formerly Education Advisory Board) Student Success Collaborative (SSC) and consultancy with Ruffalo Noel Levitz (RNL). Funded eight SSC Fellows at 25% reassigned workload for 12 months to support implementation of SSC software.

Educational Enhancement in collaboration with Advancement Division, Continuing Education & Extended Programs (now units within Strategic Enrollment Management Division), and Student Affairs:

Selected Academic Programs:

New Concentrations in B.S. in Health Sciences: Medical Genomics and

Counseling, Pre-Accelerated Nursing, Pre-Pharmacy (2016)

Certificate in Rehabilitative Justice (2016, Federal Second Chance Pell Program)

Certificate in Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing (2016, Revised)

Sub-baccalaureate certificate in Medical Genomics and Counseling (2016)

RN to BSN, Online Degree Completion (2016)

Professional MBA (2016)

Fast-Track MBA (2016)

Certificate of Management (2016)

Certificate of IntraOperative NeuroMonitoring Technology (2016)

Personal Financial Planning (CFP, 2016)

Supply Chain Management (2015)

Doctor of Nursing Practice (2014)

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Technical Leadership with Community

Colleges (BAS-TL, 2012)

Minor in Interdisciplinary Middle East Studies (2011)

MyCore (2010): Innovative point-based, outcomes-based, student-centered general education program that recognizes that learning also occurs outside the traditional classroom and across the divisions of the university; enables students to complete requirements through Co-Curricular Learning Experiences (CLEs).

High Impact Educational Programs (HIPs, 2012–present): Relocated several HIPs with faculty advisors and/or staff, as envisioned, in Students Affairs to provide students with better connectedness between learning in- and out-side of traditional classroom, including BU Good Work™ Project, Living and Learning Communities (LLCs), First Year Husky Road Trips, Sophomore Experiential Learning (SEL) Program, Academic Internships, International Education Services, Military Veterans Resource Center, and the American Democracy Project, BU Sustainable Food Systems Outdoor Classroom, Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (URSCA), URSCA Awards Summer Program, Act 101 Environmental Science Summer Program Initiative, and Global and Multicultural Education.

Institutes and Centers for Educational Enrichment in teamwork with Deans, Faculty, University Staff and Advancement Division:

Nicholas J. Giuffre Center for Supply Chain Management (2016)

Global Business Institute (2016)

The Greenly Center (2015)

Institute for Concussion Research and Services (2015)

cDNA Resource Center (2015)

Confer Radio Talent Institute (2014)

The BU Testing Center (2013)

Benner-Hudock Center for Financial Analysis (BHCFA, 2013)

Center for Undergraduate Research (2012)

Center for Community Research and Consulting (2012)

Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic (2012)

Toy Library Virtual Center of Excellence (2011)

Center for Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA, 2011)

Educational Preparatory and Pathway Programs in partnership with high schools and community colleges:

Statewide Transfer and Articulation System (2006): State legislated transfer system to support seamless articulation between 2-year and 4-year public institutions of higher education; comprised of 30 credits of foundation course equivalencies and A.A. and A.S. program-to-program articulations for 28 majors existing at community colleges and PASSHE universities.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree (BAS, 2012): The only state program-to-program articulation which enables associate-degreed technicians who aspire to higher-level leadership and supervisory positions to seamlessly transfer into BU’s bachelor degree program; currently serving 80 students from 4 of the 14 community colleges with a phased plan to expand the partnerships.

STEM Magnet Program (2013-present): A year-round program currently serving 8 regional area high schools, provide juniors and seniors with an enriching STEM curriculum. Initial cohort, 24 students from 3 school districts; program expanded to 48 students from 8 school districts for Fall 2014.

Educational Pathways Initiative (2012-present): Launched with a Presidential Strategic Planning Grant, this university-funded summer enrichment program serves to prepare and recruit diverse students from Allentown School District; funded by Provost’s Office.

Career Development Programs:

Professional U (2013): Spearheaded new unit’s development by reassigning Academic Internships unit, budget and staff to the Advancement Division to better connect students with 67,000 alumni and career-related experiences in order to support at least one career-related experience per student per year. Since launch, 500 alumni through 2,500 volunteer hours engaged over 4,000 BU students in professional development activities. Serves as the career development umbrella for all student professional development experiences across the university.

McDowell Institute for Teacher Excellence in Positive Behavior Support (PBS) (2012): Established in College of Education, the Institute provides pre- and in-service educators with experiences to develop and reinforce strategies and practices to effectively support the academic, social and emotional growth/development of students. The Institute has trained 2,000 student teachers in PBS, including Bullying Prevention and Youth Mental Health First Aid; and offers a McDowell Speaker Series to campus and community at large.

Zeigler Institute for Professional Development (ZIPD, 2011): Established in College of Business, the Institute provides students with opportunities to build professional skills, gain an integrative understanding of the functional areas of business, and network with alumni and businesspersons.

Selected Stewardship in teamwork with Advancement Division (Capital Campaign) and College Deans:

$5M plus gift to name Zeigler College of Business (2016)

$500K gift to support Business Majors’ Expenses for Study Abroad

$2.5M blended gift to launch Nicholas J. Giuffre Center for Supply Chain Management (2016)

$1M contribution to construction and naming of downtown Greenly Center (completed 2015)

$500K gift to launch Benner-Hudock Center for Financial Analysis (2015)

$2M gift to launch McDowell Institute for Teacher Excellence in Positive Behavior Support (2012)

$1.67M gift to launch Zeigler Institute for Professional Development (ZIPD) (2010)

Emergency Response Experience:

Emergency Preparedness Functional Exercise (2016): Active Shooter simulation in an academic building.

Faculty Union Strike (2016): The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) organized the first-ever strike in the history of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), which lasted three instructional days. Member of Management Strike Response Team responsible for: monitoring climate and behavior; holding open informational forums for students; coordinating communication with PASSHE’s Academic Affairs Division and Labor Relations; developing process to recover lost instructional and non-instructional time of faculty as part of strike settlement; promoting a return-to-team, student-focused relationship with faculty post-strike.

Emergency Preparedness Table Top Exercise (2015). Airborne Chemical Scare

Runaway Military Blimp (2015): NORAD’s Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS) blimp moored in Maryland broke free and traveled into central Pennsylvania, with it 6,700 feet of mooring cable cutting through power lines. Bloomsburg University cancelled classes due to a widespread power outage. Worked with Vice President for Student Affairs to ensure food service and emergency lighting across campus.

Emergency Preparedness Functional Exercise (2014): Active Shooter simulation in an academic building.

Big Flood of 2011: Town of Bloomsburg was flooded. University closed for 7 days due to lack of potable water. Responsible for coordinated with faculty, deans and managers an Instructional Recovery Plan which all lost instructional time to be made up within two weeks, eliminating the need for additional days to be added onto the end of the fall term.

9/11/2001: Member of Kutztown University’s President’s Cabinet; supported Vice President for Student Affairs in intentional effort to calm students in their sense of helplessness regarding family and friends who worked on Wall Street; monitored actions taken to determine whether a bomb notice in an academic building was genuine. (It was not).


Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

Responsibilities included new academic program approval and review for the PASSHE Universities; assistance with grant competition for faculty professional development; management of the development and implementation of Pennsylvania legislated program-to-program (P2P) articulation framework, policies and procedures between community colleges and 4-year universities; oversight of System-level diversity conferences for underrepresented minorities and women; oversight of summer urban seminar for education majors; oversight of Pennsylvania Department of Education’s annual Education Forum and Principal’s Leadership program; assistance with review of application for System-level scholarships; supervised minority student summer interns; assisted with Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) teacher grade level preparation reform (Chapter 49-2); and served as liaison between Office of the Chancellor and Cheyney University’s Provost and Academic Affairs Division in university’s academic reorganization and strategic planning (2007-2009).

Executive Intern, Chancellor's Office

First State System Intern. Responsibilities: Shadow Chancellor as she leads and performs business of System; work individually with each Vice Chancellor and team (Academic and Student Affairs, Finance and Administration, Labor Relations and Human Resources, and Information Technology and System Research) to understand divisional responsibilities; participate in Chancellor‘s executive staff meetings; observe Chancellor’s team preparation for state legislative budget hearings; attend state senate and house deliberation on bills and resolutions affecting higher education; participate in meetings for PASSHE Board of Governors, PASSHE Council of Trustees and Executive Committee, Council of Presidents, and Council of Chief Academic Officers; become familiar with goals and operations of Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s Technology Consortium (SyTEC); and serve as member of PASSHE collective bargaining team; participate in PASSHE diversity planning and reporting.

Assignments at Chancellor’s Office:

(Division of Information Technology and System Research)

• Edited System Accountability Report: System Performance Outcomes, 2005-06

• Edited 2006 System report titled The Economic Impact of the Pennsylvania System of Higher Education (PASSHE) on the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

• Edited Returning Value to Pennsylvania: A Report on the Return to the Commonwealth of its Investment in Pennsylvania’s State-Owned Universities, 2006

• Prepared document titled Lessons Learned: Highlights of University Best Practices from 2005-2006 System Accountability Plan (SAP)

(Division of Labor Relations and Human Relations)

• Member of PASSHE collective bargaining team for 2006-07 faculty contract negotiations with Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF)

• Participated in collective bargaining between Commonwealth and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) to tentative binding contract

• Participated in collective bargaining between PASSHE and the State College and University Professional Association (SCUPA)

(Division of Academic and Student Affairs)

• Member of planning committee for 2006-07 Diversity Institutes; responsible for assembling data and charts for report on State System Diversity Performance Outcomes

• Assist with review of program review/program proposal process

• Edited juried manuscript titled Strategic Planning for Diversity & Organizational Change: A Primer for Higher Education Leadership (co-authored by Charmaine Clowney, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity & Multicultural Affairs)

• Member of selection committee for Syed R. Ali-Zaidi Award for Academic Excellence. The 14 PASSHE universities each nominate one undergraduate senior who embodies excellent academic performance and exceptional service to his/her university and community; committee selects one to receive the system wide award of distinction


6/2004-5/2006 Assistant to the President for Public Engagement

Responsible for initiating, facilitating and maintaining mutually beneficial partnerships with external constituencies; improving preparatory and access programming for public school students; and developing special projects that increase institutional visibility in service region.

Selective Accomplishments Public Engagement at Kutztown:

• Established the university’s first off-campus regional center with Lehigh Carbon Community College at The LCCC Donley Center in Allentown, PA, to provide transfer students with an alternative site for undergraduate degree completion

• Increased high school preparatory programs from one to six in two and one half years

• Helped secured $1.2 million in public and private funds for preparatory and access programs

• Hosted US Congressman Jim Gerlach twice: as a congressional fellow to speak with undergraduate students on government’s role in higher education funding and as the sponsor of A Manufacturing Summit, a regional forum on small business enhancement for global competitiveness

• Established Kutztown University/Allentown School District (ASD) Back mapping Project to identify strengths and weaknesses in ASD’s high school curriculum for college success

2/2003-6/2004 Interim Dean, College of Education

Responsible for managing $7 million budget and daily operations of the college, which employed approximately 100 full-time faculty members in seven departments and served approximately 2000 undergraduate and 450 graduate majors; monitored the operations of on-campus Children’s Learning Center; provided preparatory oversight for the 2006 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE); coordinated teacher preparation on campus; oversaw a year-long campus-wide celebration of 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, raising over $80,000 to support learning activities and events; and lead college strategic planning and implementation of institutional objectives as they could be realized through the objectives of the Academic Affairs Division and the college.

Selective Accomplishments as Interim Dean at Kutztown:

• Instituted the college’s first first-year summer text assignment for over 400 incoming freshmen, culminated with faculty panel discussion

• Completed joint Master of Teaching program with sister institution Cheyney University of Pennsylvania

• Gained Pennsylvania Department of Education provider approval for English as Second Language Program

• Completed 2+2 program articulation with Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC)

• Secured expertise of Elementary Education chair to design science lab for the LCCC partnership at the Donley Center in Allentown, PA (estimated cost of $125,000)

• Established PRAXIS Preparation program to improve student pass rate on state required knowledge test; aggregate pass rate increased to 85.96% from 80.70%

• Provided PRAXIS preparation seminars to middle level teachers of Philadelphia School District through PA State GEAR UP Project; 39 District teachers became middle level certified.

• Re-engineered major in education to include formal pre-education and education statuses to support retention and timely graduation of students; aggregate pass rate increased to 90.91% from 85.96%

• Created Teacher Intern Program

• Selected and sponsored three faculty to meet with state and federal legislators to discuss teacher preparation challenges and college’s concern about No Child Left Behind legislation

7/2001-2/2003 Assistant to the President for Enrollment Management

Responsible for developing an organizational structure that supported enhanced recruitment, retention and graduation of students; coordinated cross-divisional collaboration in resource allocation, routine operations, strategic planning, and competitive marketing to identify unit needs for support of enrollment.

Selective Accomplishments in Enrollment Management at Kutztown:

• Secured additional institutional resources ($25,000) to provide targeted marketing and additional fall faculty to support enrollment targets; targets met

• Increased cross-unit cooperation and reduced siloed enrollment-related work

• Sponsored regional Science Olympiad competition to enhance faculty relations and contact time with high school teachers and students with science interests

• Reviewed and re-structured the transfer student process and obtained residence hall set asides (50 beds) to increase enrollment of community college transfers; resulted in ten percent increase

Selected Professional


2015 Participant. Middle States, Washington, D.C., December 2-4, 2015.

Participant. Academic Affairs Forum Roundtable (EAB formerly Education Advisory

Board), Washington, D.C., November 11-12, 2015.

Facilitator. Pre-Conference Workshop for Women Provosts, Portland, OR, July 23, 2015.

Participant. Bloomsburg Emergency Preparedness Simulation, April 17, 2015.

2013 Participant. Bloomsburg Emergency Preparedness Simulation, December 12, 2013.

2012 Participant. Education Delivery Institute. Washington, D.C., May 2012.

Presenter. Faculty Entrepreneurship: Funding Source? 39th Annual National Conference:

Academic Bargaining Under Siege: Implications for a Public Good, National Center for

the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, New York City, April 1-3, 2012.

2010 Participant. Workshop on the CUE Equity Model by University of Southern California’s

Center for Urban Education, West Chester University, Mary 14, 2010.

2009 Participant. Bloomsburg Emergency Preparedness Simulation, September, 2009.

2007 Participant. PASSHE Pandemic Flu Planning Best Practices Summit, Dixon Center, Harrisburg, PA, January 26, 2007.

2006 Selected Participant. 2006 Executive Forum of the PA Chapter of the ACE Network

(PACE) on Women Leaders of the 21st Century: IDEALS, Hershey, PA, October 29-30,


Participant. PASSHE’s Center for Diversity and Educational Leadership’s

Equity/Diversity Officers’ Best Practices Retreat, Cheyney, PA, October 19, 2006.

Participant. 2006 Fall PACT Conference for presidents and councils of trustees of PASSHE’s 14 universities, Mansfield, PA, October 4-6, 2006.

Invited Participant. Fourth Annual Leadership Institute for Faculty Women, State

College, PA, August 6-11, 2006.

Fellow. Leadership Berks, Reading, PA, September 2005-June 2006. A year program.

2005 Participant. Institutional Professional Development Workshop on The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus: How to Get Big Things Done in Your “Workshop…”All Year Long. External Presenter, Paul Sims, Kutztown University, December 21, 2005.

Participant. Educational Testing Service (ETS) 2005 Invitational Conference on The Future of Assessment: Shaping Teaching and Learning, NY, NY, October 10-11, 2005.

Participant. Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Monthly Meeting, September 26, 2005.

Participant. Annual Legislative Conference, US Congressional Black Caucus, Washington, DC, September 21-24, 2005.

Participant. A Manufacturing Summit, US Congressman James Gerlach of 6th Congressional District, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, September 13, 2005.

2004 American Association of Colleges and Universities Millennium Leadership Institute

(MLI), Washington, D.C., June 26-29, 2004.

2003. Participant. Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Alumni Seminar: National Forum on Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Making Sense of the Supreme Court Decisions, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, October 31 – November 1, 2003.

Participant. Educational Testing Service (ETS) 2003 Invitational Conference on Educational Assessment, NY, NY, October 2-4, 2003.

2002 Participant. Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Alumni Seminar: Performance Measurement in Higher Education: A Catalyst for Institutional Improvement? Cambridge, MA, October 25-26, 2002.

Selected Participant. Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Management Development Program, Cambridge, MA, June 16-28, 2002. (Certificate of Completion awarded)

Participant. An Executive Workshop: A Systematic Approach to Enrollment Management: Student and Institutional Success Through Knowledge Management, The Enrollment Management Center, Inc., Washington, DC, February 12-13, 2002.

Participant. Workshop: Best Practices in Recruitment and Retention: What Successful Institutions Are Doing to Meet Their Objectives, sponsored by Noel-Levitz. Irvine, CA, January 22, 2002.

2001 Selected Participant. State System of Higher Education’s New Managers’ Orientation Program, sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor and The Academy for Leadership and Change. Dixon Center, Harrisburg, PA, November, 5, 2001. (Certificate of Completion awarded)

Participant. Race Relations Workshop, sponsored by National Coalition Building Institute, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, October 30, 2001.

Participant. Enrollment Management Services Software Workshop, ACT, Inc. Philadelphia, PA, October 23, 2001.




Institute Instructor. African New-World Studies Teachers’ Institute V, Miami, Fl and Grenada, June 14-26, 2004.

1995-2001 SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY, Selinsgrove, PA.

Associate Professor of Psychology, Tenured and Promoted, May 2001.

Assistant Professor of Psychology.

Core offerings: Principles of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology (new course, description below), and Cognitive Psychology. Electives:

Directed Research in Developmental Psychology, Independent Research, Independent Study, and Internships.

Teaching Mentor for Juliet Theoret, Visiting Professor of Mathematics, 1999-2000.

Member of 3-Faculty Team. Field Seminar for Focus Southern Africa Program. Fall 1998 (Site Visit); Spring 1999; Spring 2001.

Instructor for Interdisciplinary Course (Spring 2001) listed as History 340: US – South Africa. (Coordinator: Professor Dwayne Williams). Taught as Overload, Spring 2001.

Sponsor of student research presented at Susquehanna University Student Scholar Day, 1995-2001.

Internship Supervisor, On- and Off- Campus, 1996-2001.

1998 Advisor to At-Risk Students in Susquehanna Academic Support Program, 1996-1998.

Faculty Advisor to Multicultural House, 1997-98.

1997 Sponsor of student paper presentation at Eastern Psychological Association Conference, April 11-13, 1997.

1996 Sponsor of student research presented at Eleventh Annual Lehigh Valley Undergraduate

Psychology Conference, April 27, 1996.

1993-1995 AMHERST COLLEGE, Amherst, MA.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Black Studies.

New Course Offerings: Cross-Cultural Psychology; Black Perspectives in Psychology; Black English; Sociocultural Factors in Child Language

Honors Thesis Advisement in Department of Black Studies, Psychology Department, and Interdisciplinary Studies

Special Topics Supervisor

Student Advisement for new students and Black Studies major


Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education.

Courses: Developmental Psychology: Childhood; Cross-Cultural Developmental Psychology and the Education of Minority Children; Independent Study Supervision

Developed course in Cross-Cultural Developmental Psychology and the Education of Minority Children which focused on African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans. Course content included historical background concerning the socioeconomic and educational status of the three groups within American society; examined the theoretical and methodological issues regarding the study of each group; reviewed research studies in cognitive and linguistic domains; and explored social policy issues related to the role of preschool, intervention and alternative programs in the education of these groups.

Supervisor/Adviser: Dissertations on culturally diverse populations; Master’s Theses and Special Projects in Developmental Psychology Program.

1984 -1985 Instructor.

Core Course: Developmental Psychology: Childhood.

1980 Instructor.

Core Course: Early Language Development.



Core Course: Normal Language Development: Speech, Language, and Hearing.

Publications: Blake, I.K. (2008) Ebonics and the Struggle for Cultural Voice in U.S. School. Chapter in L. Spears-Bunton, & R. Eller-Powell (Eds.), Toward a Literacy of Promise: Joining the African American Experience. NY: Routledge.

Blake, I.K. (1999). The Significance of Cognitive-Linguistic Orientation for Academic Well-Being in African American Children. In I. Okpewho, C. Davies, & A. Mazrui (Eds.), The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Self-Fashioning. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Blake, I.K. (1994). Language Development and Socialization in Young African-American Children. In P. Greenfield & R. Cocking (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Roots of Minority Child Development. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Blake, I.K. (1993). The Social-Emotional Orientation of Mother-Child communication in African American Families. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 16(3), 443-463.

Blake, I.K., & Bloom, L. (1992, December). Language Development and Learning in School. Commissioned paper for The Goals 1 Resource Group on School Readiness of the National Education Goals Panel. Washington, DC.

Blake, I.K. (1990). The Development of Ethnicity. (Review of J.S. Phinney & M.J. Rotheram (Eds.) (1987). Children’s Ethnic Socialization: Pluralism & Development. New Ideas in Psychology, 8(2).

Consultations: Project 720: Allentown School District’s Strategic Plan (under Superintendent Dr. Karen S. Angello) (2003-2006)

Multicultural Training Grant, under auspices of Harry N. Seymour, Chair, Department of Communication Disorders, University of Massachusetts/Amherst. The principal objective of project was to develop a criterion referenced assessment for determining language disorder and language difference in children who are native speakers of the dialect known as African American English (1994-1995).

“Assessing Language Behavior in Preschool Children: A Look at Language-in-Action.” The Essex County College Children with Special Needs Training Project, Newark, N J, January 17, 1991.



2012 Panelist. “Post-Colonial English Education: The New Imperialism.” National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Las Vegas, NV.

2008 Presenter. “Toward a Literacy of Promise: African American experiences.” National

Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), San Antonio, TX.

2006. Respondent. “Cinderella, Popeye, and the Marlboro Man: Exploring Stereotypes in the

Language Arts Classroom,” NCTE, Nashville, TN, November 16-21, 2006.

Chair. “Learning to Write: Technology for Struggling Writers and Teachers,” NCTE,

Nashville, TN, November 16-21, 2006.

Respondent. “The Student, the Community, and the Teacher: The Compleat Teacher,

NCTE, Nashville, TN, November 16-21, 2006.

Invited Panelist. Moving into Administration (Career Panel II), Fourth Annual

Leadership Institute for Faculty Women, The Women’s Consortium of PASSHE, State

College, PA, August 6-11, 2006.

2005. Participant. DiversityFest IV, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, September 25-28,


“The Key Lesson in Promise: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself,” Keynote Speaker, National Junior Honor Society, The Swain School, Allentown, PA, May 25, 2005.

Participant. Education’s Role in the Brain Gain, Luncheon Workshop, sponsored by Berks Economic Partnership Institute, Reading Area Community College, Reading, PA, March 21, 2005.

Invited Panelist. Panel on Women of Color in Higher Education, Conference on Women of Color in the Academy: Our Struggles, Successes and Future, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, March 17-19, 2005.

2004 Participant. Business and Community Partner Focus Group, Allentown School District, Allentown, PA, December 15, 2004.

“Moving KU Toward Tomorrow: A Five-Point Action Plan,” last in Brown Bag Lunch Series to commemorate Brown v. Board year long program at Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, Mary 17, 2004.

“The Significance of Cultural Voices in Education: Creating a Choir for Learning Through the Lyrics of Diverse Experiences,” The State of Black Studies Conference, Florida International University, Miami, FL, May 5-7, 2004.

“Authentic Leadership: Lessons Learned in the Leaderscape,” Student Leadership Recognition Reception, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, April 2, 2004.

“Don’t Let your Organization Be Sucked Up: The Importance of not Creating a Leadership Vacuum” (with Dr. Donna Burgraff), AACTE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, February 7-10, 2004. (Due to flight delay from Cuba was not present.)

2003 “The Value of Education: Lessons from a Sharecropper’s Daughter,” American Education Week at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Cheyney, PA, November 21, 2003.

“No One Left Behind: The Legacy of Mary McLeod Bethune,” Seminar on Women in Education, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, July 17, 2003.

“College of Education: An Overview for Success,” CONNECTIONS Program for First Year Students, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, June- August 2003.

2001 “Linking Admissions to Retention: Front End Practices for Better Enrollment Management,” Admissions Office Retreat, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, July 9, 2002.

“Best Practices in Retention of Diverse Students,” Office of Human Diversity Professional Development Meeting, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, June 13, 2002.

“Teaching Young Children about Race and Ethnicity,” workshop with C.W. Branch, Region V Head Start Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN, November 12-16, 2001.

Chair/Discussant. “Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize: Teaching Multicultural Literature and Exploring Critical Theories and Practices,” NCTE, Baltimore, MD, November 15-20, 2001.

“Dumb or Dangerous: Evaluating Risk Behavior during the College Experience,” sponsored by The Sisterhood, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, March 25, 2001.

“Quality Care for Children in a Complex Society: The Convergence of Research, Practice, and Policy Making,” symposium at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 19-22, 2001.

Moderator. Race Relations Discussion Forum V, sponsored by The Brotherhood, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, February 8, 2001.

2000 “Looking in from the Inside: Black Women in the Academy,” African American Women and the Creative Life: A Susquehanna University Symposium, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, November 29, 2000.

Invited Discussant. “Caring for Children in a Complex Society,” symposium at School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM, June 5-8, 2000.

“Firm Roots, Strong Wings: A Mini Handbook for Better Parenting,” workshop for parents and preschool teachers sponsored by Marshall Heights Community Development Organization, Inc., Washington, DC, March 21, 2000.

Moderator. Race Relations Discussion Forum V, sponsored by The Brotherhood, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, February 1996-2000.

1999 “Literacy of Promise, Possibility, and Power,” symposium at NCTE Conference, Denver, CO, November 18-23, 1999.

“Cultural, Learning, and Teaching Styles,” workshop (developed with Senior Education Major Jackie Doran, sponsored by Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society, Psi Beta Chapter, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, February 20, 1999.

“What is Intelligence?” A faculty panel discussion developed and moderated with Physics Professor Richard Kozlowski, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, November 10, 1999.

“The Myths of Adolescence,” at Lutheran Youth Day, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, April 18, 1998.

“What I do Isn’t All I Really Know: Performance vs. Competence in Testing,” Lewisburg Area High School Psychology Class, Lewisburg, PA, May 22, 1998.

Invited Panelist. Forum on Diversity Proposal for Union County, PA, sponsored by C.A.R.E. Organization, Lewisburg, PA, November, 11, 1998.

1997 Co-Chair/Respondent. “More than Books: Morrison, Morality, and Mothers,” NCTE, Detroit, MI, November 20-25, 1997.

“Science: Reality or Programming? Subtitle “Is Science a Social Construct?” A faculty panel discussion developed and moderated with Physics Professor Richard Kozlowski, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, October 15, 1997.

Moderator. “Africans in America,” International Student/Faculty Panel, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, February 25, 1997.

1996 “The Significance of Cognitive-Linguistic Orientation for Academic Well-Being in African American Children,” The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Self-Fashioning, Binghamton, NY, April 11-13, 1996.

1995 “Mother-Child Communication in African American Families,” The 103rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, NY, NY, August 11-15, 1995.

Invited Panelist. “African American Vernacular English,” Annual AAVE Conference, Amherst, MA, April 1-2, 1995.

“The Factive Orientation of the Speech of Euro-American Preschool Children” (With Leah Lin), poster presentation, Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 28-April 2, 1995.

1993 “Learning Styles and Academic Barriers,” workshop at the First Annual Affirmative Action Office Open House Celebration Conference, Amherst, MA, January 20-21, 1993.

“The Cultural Construction of Language and Learning;” and Workshop Presenter: “Networking the Home and School Language of Minority Students. The Rhode Island College Lecture Series in Education, Providence, RI, April 29-30, 1993.

1992 “Distinguishing Between Child-Centered Schools and Child-Based Curricula,” workshop on Educating the Inner City Child: Paradigms for Success, The Partnership School, New York, NY, May 1, 1992.

1991 “The Socio-Political Context of Literacy,” National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA, December 3-7, 1991.

“Assessing Language Behavior in Preschool Children: A Look at a Language-in-Action Framework,” Program in Applied Educational Psychology: Schooling and Reading Annual Workshop on Observing and Assessing the Preschool Learner, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, November 15, 1991.

“Making or Breaking Them: The Effects of Teacher Expectations on Minority Students,” Teacher Opportunity Corp Seminar, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, September 30, 1991.

“The Social-Emotional Orientation of Mother-Child Communication in African-American Families,” Eleventh Biennial Meetings of International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Minneapolis, MN, July 3-7, 1991.

“Managing Social Relationships: The Social-Emotional Orientation of African-American Mother-Child Interaction,” ADAMHA Workshop on Continuities and Discontinuities in the Cognitive Socialization of Minority Children, Washington, DC, June 29- July 2, 1991.

“The Socio-Emotional Orientation of African-American Mother-Child Communication,” The Kentucky State University Arts & Science Lecture Series, Frankfort, KY, February 19, 1991.

1989 Ginsburg, H.P., Lopez, L., Chung, E., Netley, R., Chao-Yuan, C., McCarthy, C., Cordero, M., Blake, I., Song, Myung-ja, Baroody, A. & Jaegers, R.: “Early Mathematical

Thinking: Role of Social Class, Racial, and Cultural Influences,” Society for Research in

Child Development Biennial Conference, Kansas City, MO, April 28, 1989.

1984 “Language Development in Three Working-Class Black Children,” Workshop on

“Language, Culture, and the Family,” Teachers College, Columbia University, New

York, NY, May 23, 1984.

“Language as Process in Black Children: A Look at Why What’s Happening When,” The 35th Annual Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, D.C., March 15-17, 1984.

1983 “Language Development in a Black Working-Class Population: Form and Function,” New York Child Language Group, New York, NY, December 9, 1984.

1979 “Language Use and the Black Child: A Speech Act Analysis of Mother-Child Inputs and Outputs,” Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Conference, San Francisco, CA, March, 1979.

“Analysis of a Language Sample Using the Bloom-Lahey Developmental Cognitive Linguistic Approach,” The Forman School Conference on Language: Assessment and Intervention in the Schools, Litchfield, CT, June 24-27, 1979.

1978 “Language Development in Black Children: A Comparison of Home vs. Playroom,” workshop on “Language Acquisition in a Family Setting,” Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.

“Language Development in Young Black Children.” Infant Development Course, Martin Luther King Community College, New York, NY.


Service: Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (All current)

President’s Executive Staff

Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee, Co-Chair

Bloomsburg University Meet & Discuss, Co-Chair

Planning and Budget Committee, Co-Chair

Strategic Enrollment Management Steering Committee, Member

Student Success Collaborative, Member

The Forum, Member

The Secretariat, Member

Council of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee, Executive Staff Representative

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Provost Search Committee, 2005-2006

Media Relations Manager Search Committee, Chair, 2005-2006

Alumni of Color Planning Committee, 2005-2006

Education and Community Garden Planning Group, 2005-2006

The LCCC Donley Implementation Team, 2004-present

Off-Campus Strategic Planning Working Group, 2005-2006

Registrar Search Committee, Chair, 2004

President’s Cabinet, Member, 2001-2003, 2005-2006

President’s Joint Cabinet/Deans’ Council, Member, 2004

Council of Trustees’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 2001-2003, 2004-2006

Kutztown University Foundation Grant Committee, Member, 2003-2004

Enrollment Management Team, Chairperson, 2001-2003; Member, 2003-2004

University Enrollment Management Committee, Member, 2001-2005

Strategic Resource and Planning Committee, Member, 2003-2004, 2005-2006

Administrative Council, Member, 2001-2006

Retention Team, Chairperson, 2002-2003

Transfer Process Working Group, Chairperson, 2002-2003

PULSE Committee, Member, 2001-present; Chair, 2002-2003

Kutztown University – College of Education

Executive Committee, Chair, 2003-2004

Council of Teacher Education, Chair, 2003-2004

Teacher Education Advisory Council, Chair, 2003-2004

College of Education Curriculum Committee, Member, 2003-2004

Deans’ Council, Member, 2003-2004

Susquehanna University

Board of Directors Observer, 2000-2001

Curriculum Committee, Member, 2000-2001

Faculty Research and Development Committee, Chairperson, 1997-present; Secretary,


The Central Pennsylvania Lecture Series in Psychology, Coordinator, 1995-2001

Sigmund Weiss School of Business Search Committee, Member, 2001

Sociology Department Search Committee, Member, 2000

Long-Range Strategic Planning Committee, Member, 1996-97

Physics Department Faculty Search Committee, Member, 1998

Susquehanna 2000: The Next Challenge. Capital Fund Volunteer, 1996-97.

Re engineering Task Force for Student Advising, 1996.


Memberships: The Swain School Board of Directors, Member, Allentown, PA

Education and Personnel Committee, Chair

Technology Committee, Member

Kidspeace Board of Directors, Schnecksville, PA (Current)

Governance Committee, Chairperson

Programs and Services Committee, Chairperson

Management Compensation Committee, Member

Audit Committee, Member

PA State GEAR UP Advisory Panel, Member, Harrisburg, PA

PA State GEAR UP Scholarship Committee, Kutztown President’s Designee,

Harrisburg, PA

Allentown School District Project 720 Advisory Committee, Member, PA

Allentown School District High School Oversight Committee, Member, PA

Allentown School District Diversity Committee, Kutztown President’s Designee, PA

Lehigh Carbon Community College Community Committee, Member, Schnecksville,


Right from the Start Advisory Committee, Member, United Way of Berks County

Boy Scouts of America, Appalachian District, Chair of Membership Committee, Reading, PA

Boy Scouts of America, Hawk Mountain Executive Council, Member, Chair of Learning

for Life

The Sisterhood of Reading


Grants: Kutztown University

$1M Department of Education Grant for 4-year renewal of Student Support Services

Program (AY2006-2010)

PASSHE grant ($100,000) for Urban Education Initiative for Allentown School District,


US Congressional Earmark ($50,000) for Reading Academic Alliance, 2005

PHEAA grant ($24,000) for Reading Academic Alliance, 2004, 2005

Agere Corporation grant ($30,000) for Allentown Academic Alliance, 2004-05

Morning Call Foundation grant ($10,000) for Allentown Academic Alliance, 2005

Allentown School District Grant ($10,000) for Allentown Academic Alliance, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07

Kutztown University Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education: State System of Higher Education Social Equity Grant ($12,500), Spring 2004

Diversity Scholars Grant (2 grants totaling $3,000), Kutztown University, Spring 2004

Kutztown University Foundation Grant ($5,333), Fall 2003

Susquehanna University

The Sky is Nice, the Sky is Blue: Ethnicity and Class as Factors in Language Socialization. A naturalistic investigation of the functions expressed in the language of middle-class and lower-class African American preschoolers, Spring 2001(Internal University Grant, based on external review)

Translating Research into Practice: Bridging Home Language and School Instruction Workshop for teachers based on Blake research regarding preferred language functions in traditional school settings and African American homes, Spring 2001 (Internal Faculty Research Grant)

Research Support Award from The Lutheran College Washington Consortium Faculty

Research Assistance Program, Summer 1998 (External Grant)

Grant for Instructional Innovation, Fall 1998 (Internal Grant)

Instructional Technology Grant (in collaboration with D. Williams (History) and R.

Tober (Music), Spring 1999 (Internal Grant)

Grant for Instructional Innovation (in collaboration with History and Music professors),

Fall 1998 to use multimedia and the internet, and to develop a web page for Focus Southern Africa study abroad program (Internal Grant)

Teachers College, Columbia University

Graduate Fellow of National Fellowships Fund

Recipient of the National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant

Research Grantee of Institute for Urban Minority Education


Reviewer: National Science Foundation

Society for Research in Child Development

International Journal of Behavioral Development

Journal of the American Speech and Hearing Association

Journal of Speech and Hearing Research

Memberships: American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) (Current)

American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers

American Psychological Association

EAB (formerly Education Advisory Board) (Current)

The Association of Black Psychologists

Berks County Association of African-American Faculty and Administrators

Honorary Member of Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society for Freshmen


National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

PA Deans of Education Forum

PA Transfer Articulation Oversight Committee (Current)

Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education (PBCOHE) (Current)

PASSHE Women’s Consortium (Current)

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

References: Dr, David L. Soltz, President

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

400 East 2nd Street

Bloomsburg, PA 17815

570-389-4526 (office)

570-204-7893 (cell)

Dr. John C. Cavanaugh, President & CEO (former Chancellor of PASSHE)

Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area

1100 H. Street, NW

Suite 500

Washington, DC 20005


202-331-8080, Ext 150 (office)


Dr. James D. Moran III (former Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in PASSHE)

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

University of South Dakota

Slagle Hall, Room 102

414 East Clark Street

Vermillion, SD 57069

605-677-6497 (office)

717-991-3858 (cell)

Mr. Tom Fletcher

Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management &

Dean of Extended Programs

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Greenly Center

50 East Main Street

Bloomsburg, PA 17815

570-389-5161 (office)

570-573-2400 (cell)

Mr. Erik Evans

Vice President for Advancement

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Greenly Center, 4th Floor

50 East Main Street

Bloomsburg, PA 17815

570-389-4047 (office)

570-660-8128 (cell)


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