IDOE Releases Third Grade Reading Test Results

Press Release EMBARGOED until 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 15, 2012 Monday, May 14, 2012

Media Contact: Stephanie Sample (317) 232-6615 ssample@doe.

IDOE Releases Third Grade Reading Test Results

84 percent of third graders show grade-level reading skills

Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett today announced the results of the first administration of Indiana's third grade reading assessment, called the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination for grade 3 (IREAD-3). Statewide, 84 percent of students assessed during the March 19-21 testing window demonstrated foundational third grade reading skills.

"Our goal is to make sure all students in Indiana gain the reading skills they need to be successful in school and life," Bennett said. "We know students who do not have these skills by the end of grade 3 rarely catch up to their peers. The IREAD-3 assessment helps educators and parents ensure all children receive the support they need before moving forward with more challenging reading instruction."

The IREAD-3 assessment is part of a series of exams created to support early reading instruction in grades K-3. These tests were developed as part of the implementation of legislation (P.L. 109) passed in the 2010 legislative session that puts a strong focus on early reading development by requiring third graders to demonstrate grade level reading proficiency before moving on to grade 4 reading instruction. This law also requires elementary schools to submit reading plans to the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) to outline comprehensive plans for reading instruction and assessment for all students.

Further, schools are required to implement scientifically-based reading instruction--unless 90 percent of a school's third graders pass the IREAD-3 assessment in the initial March testing window. Around the state, 36 percent of school corporations (103 total) met or exceeded the 90 percent benchmark. Thirty-three percent of schools (347 schools) hit the 90 percent goal, with 21 schools achieving a 100 percent pass rate.

Students who did not pass IREAD-3 during the March testing window will have another chance to do so this summer (June 13 through July 28). IDOE shared student-level scores with schools in early April so they could begin intensive remediation for those students who did not pass. Students who do not pass IREAD-3 (in two administrations) this year will take the third grade ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 next year--to ensure they are adequately prepared for fourth grade reading instruction.

"I am proud that so many of our students demonstrated proficiency in reading this first year of IREAD-3, but I'm more hopeful about what these test results will do to help those students who did not pass," Bennett said. "For the first time ever, we have policies in place that allow us to identify those students who cannot read proficiently and that require us to do something about it. Instead of passing these kids along to the next level before they're ready, we are making sure we target instruction to meet every kid's unique learning needs so all our students learn to read."

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Highlighting Excellence

Bennett invited and recognized five Indiana schools for their extraordinary IREAD-3 results at a press conference in his Statehouse office Tuesday.

Padua Academy Charter School in Indianapolis ? With an English Language Learner (ELL) student population of 95.7 percent and 95.7 percent of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch (F/RL), Padua Academy saw 93.1 percent of its third graders pass the IREAD-3. Ernie Pyle Elementary School of Indianapolis Public Schools ? Ninety-five percent of Ernie Pyle's third graders passed the IREAD-3 assessment in March. The school has an ELL population of 25.1 percent and a F/RL population of 97.4 percent. Lincoln Elementary of LaPorte Community School Corporation - Ninety-three percent of Lincoln's third graders passed the IREAD-3 assessment in March. The school has an ELL population of 16.7 percent and a F/RL population of 90.5 percent. Washington Elementary School of Fort Wayne Community School Corporation - Ninety percent of Washington's third graders passed the IREAD-3 assessment in March. The school has an ELL population of 10 percent and a F/RL population of 93 percent. Child's Elementary of Monroe County Community School Corporation ? One hundred percent of the third graders at Child's Elementary School passed the IREAD-3 assessment in March--84 students total.

About IREAD IREAD is a suite of new reading tests (i.e. IREAD-K, IREAD-1, IREAD-2 and IREAD-3) used to ascertain basic reading proficiency in grades K-3. The administration of IREAD-K, IREAD-1, and IREAD-2 is optional and can be used to guide educators and inform parents prior to IREAD-3.

IREAD-3 is an assessment used to determine whether Indiana's third grade students have the foundational reading skills they will need to succeed beyond third grade. IREAD-3 measures phonics, vocabulary and comprehension based on the academic standards students master through grade 3.

There are three exemptions included in the rules implementing P.L. 109 for students taking the IREAD-3.

1. A student who has been previously retained twice 2. A student with disabilities whose case conference committee has determined promotion to grade 4 is

appropriate 3. An English Language Learner whose Individual Learning Plan (ILP) committee has determined promotion is


For more information about IREAD-3, visit doe.achievement/assessment/iread-3.



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