5____ Grade Lesson Plan Teacher Name Evans Week of August ...

|____K____ Grade Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Doyle, Fallo, and Mullinix Week of September 25-29 2017 |

|Monday/Tuesday |

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|Pride ,Respect, and Excellence |

|Week 1.8 |

|Essential Questions Connected Objective # KCC4 |

|1 How can I identify characters and settings in a story? (I can name the character and the setting.) RL.K.3 |

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|2 How can I describe different meanings for the same general action? (I can act out the meaning of similar words.) L.K.5d |

|3 How can I count up in order? #6 and 7 (I can count up in order and know that each number name is one larger.) KCC3,4,5 |

|Reading: |

|Bell Ringer: September Morning Work ELA/Math 1-4, 7, 8 |

|Morning Meeting: |

|TCW participate in the morning songs about letter and the skills for the day. |

|TSW participate in the morning snap word review. |

|TTW complete the circle map/read the story of the week. |

|TSW participate in number word, counting, color and shapes songs. |

|Anticipatory Set: TSW sing the five W song from Scratch Garden. TSW infer about the displayed pictures, using the 5W’s. 1-5, 7 – 9 |

|TSW sing syllable song. (GoNoodle, Scratch Garden |

|TSW sing Five Little Ducks by Super Simple Songs; Count to 10; Number Words Songs; The 100 Dance; Count by 10’s to 100. |

|TSW use connecting cubes to decompose given number. |

|Guided Practice: TTW guide TS in identifying the setting in a story while using the 5W’s where and when (Mon) and recall the setting of the story. Jamaica’s Blue Marker (Tues.). 1 – 6, 8, 10 |

|TTW guide TS in counting objects in a group of up to 6 and 7 and find groups that show 6 or 7 (Mon.) and write the number to indicate which group is that number (Tues.). |

|Independent Practice: TSW recognize the setting in the story. (Mon.) and circle and draw the setting of the story using key details(Tues.). |

|TSW will count on to make 6 or 7. TSW compare different combinations to make the given numbers. |

|Closure: TSW use their picture and story evidence to explain what they know about the setting. (Mon.) |

|TSW share the setting of the story with their Elbow Buddies. (Tues.) |

|TSW share with Elbow Buddy how they count to 6 or 7 (Mon./Tues.) |

|Closure Assessment: TSW participate in Artie Smartie Doors RDG (PBS). TTW check Recording sheet and number groups for student comprehension. |

|Formative Assessment: Entry/Exit Quiz, Peer/Teacher Questioning, and individual assessment in centers 1 – 4; 7 – 10 |

|Speaking/Listening Activity: TSW share their illustrations to discuss characters and the beginning of the story to the partner/class. 1 – 4; 7 - 10 |


| Given daily |Teacher-Led |Teacher-Led Skill |TA Skill Center 3/4 - Tech. |Skill Center Math: |

|on weekly |Skill Center 1 |Center 2 - DI |Hands On center & Technology |RCC Lesson 9: Count 8 and 9 |

|skills |1. Project Read – |1.TSW complete |1. TSW complete letter “Pp” “Ee” activity |1 (TA) TSW complete a number book showing different ways to represent given number. |

| |Unit 3: letter “Pp” “Ee” |letter “Pp” “Ee” |2. Handwriting center |2. Hands On Shapes Cut and Paste Center |

| |2. MCCRS Lesson 3: Identifying|activity - |3. iReady/Starfall |3. TSW compose numbers 10; show two different ways to decompose the numbers using connecting cubes. |

| |Setting | | |4. (Teacher Led) TSW count up to 10 Lessing 8 Practice and Problem Solving Book |

| | | | |4. iReady Math/STMath |

|Reading Group Level: DI |Elements of Working on the Work (WOW) |

|Book Title: Stone Soup | |

|Review Fry Word List/Phrases (Daily) |1. Content/Substance 6. Affiliation |

|Fry Word List Monthly: set and met/not met in all areas |2. Organization of Knowledge 7. Affirmation of Performance |

|Fluency Check Bi-Monthly |3. Protection from Adverse Consequences 8. Novelty/Variety |

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| |4. Clear & Compelling Standards 9. Choice |

| |5. Product Focus 10. Authenticity |

|____K____ Grade Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Doyle, Fallo, and Mullinix Week of September 25-29 2017 |

|Wednesday/Thursday |

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|Pride ,Respect, and Excellence |

|Week 1.8 |

|Essential Questions Connected Objective # KCC4 |

|1 How can I identify characters and settings in a story? (I can name the character and the setting.) RL.K.3 |

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|2 How can I describe different meanings for the same general action? (I can act out the meaning of similar words.) L.K.5d |

|3 How can I count up in order? #8 and 9 (I can count up in order and know that each number name is one larger.) KCC3,4,5 |

|Reading: |

|Bell Ringer: September Morning Work ELA/Math 1-4, 7, 8 |

|Morning Meeting: TCW participate in the morning songs about letter and the skills for the day. |

|TSW participate in the morning snap word review. |

|TTW complete the circle map/read the story of the week. |

|TSW participate in number word, counting, color and shapes songs. |

|Anticipatory Set: TSW sing the five W song from Scratch Garden. TSW infer about the displayed pictures, using the 5W’s. 1-5, 7 – 9 |

|TSW sing syllable song. (GoNoodle, Scratch Garden) |

|Count to 10; Number Words Songs; The 100 Dance by Kiboomers. Count by 10’s to 100. TSW use connecting cubes to decompose given number. |

|Guided Practice: TTW guide TS in identifying the setting of the story Stone Soup where/when (Wed) and identify the setting for the end of the story (Thurs.). 1 – 6, 8, 10 |

|TTW guide write the number to indicate which group is that number (Wed.) |

|Independent Practice: In centers, TSW illustrate the setting of the story (Wed.) and illustrate the end of the story (Thurs.). |

|TSW will count and fill in a 10-Frame to model given numbers (Wed.). and decompose given numbers in 10-Frame (Thurs.). |

|Closure: TSW share the setting of the story with their Elbow Buddies. (Wed.) and share the setting for the end of the story with their Elbow Buddies. (Thurs.) |

|TSW share with their Elbow Buddies how they counted to 8 or 9 (Wed./Thurs.). |

|Closure Assessment: TSW participate in Artie Smartie Doors RDG (PBS). TTW check Recording sheet colored number groups for student comprehension MATH. |

|Formative Assessment: Entry/Exit Quiz, Peer/Teacher Questioning, and individual assessment in centers |

|1 – 4; 7 - 10 |

|Speaking/Listening Activity: TSW share their illustrations to discuss characters and the beginning of the story to the partner/class. 1 – 4; 7 - 10 |


| Given daily |Teacher-Led |Teacher-Led Skill |TA Skill Center 3/4 - Tech. |Skill Center Math: |

|on weekly |Skill Center 1 |Center 2 - DI |Hands On center & Technology |RCC Lesson 9: Count 8 and 9 |

|skills |1. Project Read – |1.TSW complete |1. TSW complete letter “Pp” “Ee” activity |1 (TA) TSW complete a number book showing different ways to represent given number. |

| |Unit 3: letter “Pp” “Ee” |letter “Pp” “Ee” |2. Handwriting center |2. Hands On Shapes Cut and Paste Center |

| |2. MCCRS Lesson 3: Identifying|activity - |3. iReady/Starfall |3. TSW compose numbers 10; show two different ways to decompose the numbers using connecting cubes. |

| |Setting | | |4. (Teacher Led) TSW count up to 10 Lessing 8 Practice and Problem Solving Book |

| | | | |4. iReady Math/STMath |

|Reading Group Level: DI |Elements of Working on the Work (WOW) |

|Book Title: Stone Soup | |

|Review Fry Word List/Phrases (Daily) |1. Content/Substance 6. Affiliation |

|Fry Word List Monthly: set and met/not met in all areas |2. Organization of Knowledge 7. Affirmation of Performance |

|Fluency Check Bi-Monthly |3. Protection from Adverse Consequences 8. Novelty/Variety |

| | |

| |4. Clear & Compelling Standards 9. Choice |

| |5. Product Focus 10. Authenticity |

|____K____ Grade Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Doyle, Fallo, and Mullinix Week of September 25-29 2017 |

|Friday |

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|Pride ,Respect, and Excellence |

|Week 1.8 |


|Living and Non-Living Things: |

|TSW view a video on Living and Non-Living Things |

|TSW go on Nature Walk to observe and collect living/non-living things. TSW take pictures of items found, collecting when possible. TSW place items on Tree Map: Living/Non-Living and discuss. TTW create a PPT |

|using student data and have students discuss with class how they determined the items to be categorized as either living or non-living. |

|Whole Group and Remediation: |

|Whole Group: Stone Soup – TSW will make Stone Soup and watch the story on Promethean while eating the soup they made. |

|Skill(s) for Remediation: |

|Reading: Review letters/sounds: Aa, Tt, Mm, Ss, Bb, Cc, Ff, Rr, Hh, Ii, Nn (DI- letter art center, letter writing, computers) |

|Math: Review numbers: 1,2, 3, 4, & 5; colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, brown, black, pink; shapes: circle, square, rectangle, diamond, (Circle map showing #1, 2, 3, 4,) |

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|Writing: |

|Essential Question(s): |

|What do good writers do? (I can determine my opinion or preference about a topic or a book.) W.K.1 |

|Reading Text: |

|Jamaica’s Blue Marker; Stone Soup |

|Writing Lesson: |

|TSW legibly write their first and last name. |

|TSW legibly write and illustrate a complete sentence. |


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