Mater Academy Middle / High School


iMater Academy Middle/High School

A Miami Dade County Charter School

6th Grade


Mrs. Vargas

Welcome Letter

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year at iMater Academy! I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Michelle Vargas and I am very excited to be your child’s Reading teacher. This is my eighth year teaching. I will be teaching 6th grade Advanced Reading, 8th Grade Intensive Reading and 7th-8th Grade Developmental Language Arts. Teaching your child is a privilege that I take seriously. My goal is to provide your child with a loving, safe and positive learning environment. I would like to instill in my students the love of learning. I want them to become life-long learners, and responsible, respectable, and productive citizens of   their school and community. I will challenge all students to reach their highest potential and strive for academic excellence. It is important for parents and students to sit down together and read and discuss the following information. Please sign and date this form and return it back to me as soon as possible.

Attached you will find a copy of the course syllabus. If, at any time during the year, you should have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may reach me at the school, (305) 805-5722, or email me using the iMater website . I look forward to working together with you to assure that your child achieves in all aspects of their education.


Michelle Vargas

What your child will be working on in READING class:

Literacy: Your child will be exposed to a wide variety of strategies to help them comprehend, evaluate, and respond to a variety of texts.

Novels: Our class will be reading 2 novels in class throughout the year. Advanced and Gifted students will be expected to read 8 novels on their own. Students in Intensive Reading and Enrichment Reading will be expected to read a total of 4 novels on their own. Your child will be receiving a letter regarding these novels in the days to come.

Reading Logs: Your child will be expected to complete 1 reading log per week. It is imperative that you, as the parent, sign these reading logs before they are handed in.

Computer Lab: Your child will be using the computer multiple times a week. We will do a variety of tasks, but mainly focus on iReady and Achieve3000. These programs are meant to improve their reading abilities.


In order to succeed in this class, each student should know what is expected of them. The following are responsibilities that will guarantee a great year:

• Come to class regularly and ON TIME

• Have materials ready and available at ALL TIMES

• Complete and turn in assignments ON TIME


You are encouraged to be a part of your child’s learning experience. Your child will be completing a weekly Reading Log. Please make sure they are reading for at least 30 minutes each day, 4 times a week. Then, sign and return the Reading Log to school. Advanced and Gifted students will also be expected to read 4 novels on their own. Students in Intensive Reading and Enrichment Reading will be expected to read 4 novels on their own. Attached, you will find the list of novels that your child will need for this class. It is your responsibility to purchase these books or borrow them from a library. I also have a class website that will be up-to-date with assignments & announcements: (click on “Staff Directory” and search for my name). Please make sure that your child is checking my website on a daily basis.



Tardies will result in a lower conduct/academic grade. For every unexcused tardy there will be a grade cut for the day’s assignment. After three unexcused tardies, there will be a phone call home, as well as, detention.


All assignments are expected to be handed in and completed ON TIME. However, if you miss school for an excused reason, you will be expected to catch up on all assignments missed while you were out. Make-up work should be completed no later than a week after the absence occurred. A “Z” or an “F” will appear on the grade book until I have received the assignment.

*Please look to the Student Code of Conduct and Parent Contract for information on the school’s policies regarding “excused” and “unexcused” absences and tardies, along with any additional rules or details that may be of interest to you.


Students will receive a “Z” in the grade book for every missed assignment. No late work is accepted, unless the student brings a note from a parent saying why the homework is not on time.


Homework will be given on a regular basis and is expected to be turned in the next time the class meets. Any homework turned in after class has ended will be considered late.


1. Being on time is being in your seat BEFORE the bell rings; otherwise, you are tardy.

2. Ask permission to use the restroom at convenient times. I reserve the right to deny you permission.

3. Bring the necessary supplies, novels, texts etc. There are no extras.

4. Backpacks, bags, and purses are to be placed on the floor.

5. Cell phones are to be silenced and accessed ONLY IF EXPLICIT PERMISSION IS GRANTED.

6. Late work is always penalized and sometimes not accepted.

7. Print your work before it is due. If you wait until class, I will deny you permission and your work will be late. It is not enough that I see the work on your computer.


1st offense: verbal warning

2nd offense: verbal warning; detention

3rd offense: possible detention; phone call home

4th offense: possible detention; phone call home; definite parent meeting 

Further offenses: all of the above; referred to Dean of Discipline

*With each offense level conduct grade will be lowered*


1. Good Grades

2. Verbal Praise

3. Positive Parent contact

4. Prizes

5. Extra Credit


• Homework: 25% of grade

• Class work/Participation: 35% of grade

• Quizzes: 15% of grade

• Tests/Projects: 25% of grade


A: 100-90%

B: 89-80%

C: 79-70%

D: 69-60%

F: 59-0%


A: 0-2 warnings

B: 3-5 warnings

C: 6 warnings

D: 7-9 warnings

F: 10 or more warnings


1: Outstanding Effort

2: Satisfactory Effort

3: Insufficient Effort


• Pencils

• Lined Paper


• Red Pens

• Highlighters (3 different colors)

• White Out Tape

• 1 Duo-Tang Folder

• Dividers

• 1 Composition Notebook

• Markers/Crayons or Colored Pencils

• Post-its (different colors)

• Scissors


• Novels (refer to Book List attachment)

• Headphones/ Ear buds (for computer reading programs)

• Access to a computer with internet

• Access to a printer


1. New or Used Books for our Classroom Library (age-appropriate)

2. Tissue Boxes

3. Anti-bacterial

4. Paper Towels

5. Copy Paper

6. Candy (individually wrapped)

7. Construction Paper

8. File Folders

9. HP Ink 61 Black 61 Tri-color

**For every $3 you spend you get 1 hour of volunteer service for iMater Academy. Every parent needs 30 volunteer hours or $90 in teacher donation items.

*When purchasing item(s) make sure child’s name, student ID, and teacher is listed in the bag along with the receipt.


This year, in our reading class, 6th grade students will be required to read several books. I would like to provide you with a list of these books to make sure that you have plenty of time to obtain them. The books can be purchased at your local book store, online, or can be checked out from a local library. My recommendation is to purchase the books online, as you may find them at a lower price. Some websites where you can find these books are: , , , etc.

We will be reading 2 novels IN CLASS. The two novels listed below will be REQUIRED for the class. Students NEED to have their books on a daily basis. Not having them will greatly affect their progress in the class. The following novels will be read IN CLASS throughout the year in the following order:


1. Esperanza Rising Pam Munoz Ryan Tuesday, September 8th, 2015 (A-Day)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 (B-Day)

2. The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963 Christopher Paul Curtis To be announced

Advanced Reading Students: Every quarter, you will be asked to choose ONE book from the list below (in no particular order). The books chosen by the student must be read at HOME and the book projects (found on the following page) will be assigned for each novel:

1st Quarter (choose ONE of the following books):

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

Island of the Blue Dolphins Scott O’Dell

Maniac Magee Jerry Spinelli

Taking Sides Gary Soto

2nd Quarter (choose ONE of the following books):

Call it Courage Armstrong Sperry

Incredible Journey Sheila Burnford

Marley: A Dog Like No Other John Grogan

My Side of the Mountain Jean Craighead George

3rd Quarter (choose ONE of the following books):

The City of Ember Jeanne Duprau

Shark Beneath the Reef Jean Craighead George

Sing Down the Moon Scott O’Dell

Tuck Everlasting Natalie Babbitt

4th Quarter (choose ONE of the following books):

The Danger Box Blue Balliett

Freedom’s Crossing Margaret Goff Clark

Loser Jerry Spinelli

The People of Sparks: The Second Book of Ember Jeanne Duprau

Book Projects

Written Responses to Novels

Book reports should be as varied and fun as the books you are reading. Instead of the same old written book report, why not select 1 of these for EACH book you read at home?  Guidelines for Project: (1) Must be typed and double spaced (2) size 12 font/ Arial or Times New Roman (3) All drawings must be colored. (4) Books must be chosen from the book list provided in class (5) Include a cover page (6) Must complete 1 activity per book and (7) Be creative and have fun.  

• Pretend you are a character in the book and write a diary entry. (at least 2 pages long)

• Make a timeline of the events of the story. Must include pictures in your timeline. (must include 15-20 events)

• Make a comic book based on the book. (must have 15-20 frames)

• Make a series of 5 drawings depicting the major points. Describe them. (5 pages)

• Create another character for the story. Tell how things would change with this character's presence. (2 pages)

• Design the front page of a newspaper with headlines and a story about what happened in the book. (include illustrations and 4-5 stories)

• Draw a movie poster advertising the story, and cast a real actor in each character's role. Explain it. (2 pages)

• Pretend you are a movie critic. Criticize the book as if it were a movie.  (2 pages)

• Make a map of the area where the story took place. Indicate where each event occurred and be sure to include a key. Attach a report which includes the importance of each location shown on the map. (1 page)

• Construct a scrapbook of your favorite character. Explain it. (at least 8 pages)

• Construct a mural about the book. Tell about it. (1 page)

• Write and illustrate a children's book summarizing the story for someone younger. (at least 8 pages)

• Put together a collage of the story from magazine pictures. On a separate page, explain your collage. (at least  1 full page)

• Write a letter from a character to the reader explaining his or her actions in the story.  (at least 2 pages)

• Write a letter to a character telling about your reaction to him or her in the book. (at least 2 pages)

• Create a painting of a scene from the story. Explain your painting on a separate paper. (1 page)

• Write a letter to the author giving your reactions to the book. (2 pages)

• Explain how the story would have been different if some major event had happened differently. (2 pages)



Please sign the attached form, stating that you have read and understand the terms of this letter!


Mrs. Vargas’ Reading Class

I have read and understand the terms of this Welcome Letter. I accept the responsibilities stated in this document.


Student’s Name (PRINT)


Student’s Signature




I have read and understand the terms of this Welcome Letter. I am aware of my child’s responsibilities, which are stated in this document.


Parent/Guardian’s Name (PRINT)


Parent/Guardian’s Signature


Child’s Name (PRINT)



Mrs. Vargas’ Book List Agreement

My signature below indicates that I am aware of the books and projects required for all 6th grade reading students. I understand that my child will be expected to have his/her required book in class on a daily basis. Not having the necessary books will severely affect my child’s academic success in this class.

Parent Name (print) ______________ Student Name (print) _______________

Parent Signature__________________ Student Signature__________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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