Department of Environmental Protection

Commonwealth of M assachusetts Exec utive Office of Energy & Enviro nmental Affa;rs

Department of Environmental Protection

Northeast Regronal Office? 2 058 Lowell Street, W ilmington MA 01 887 ? 978?694-3200




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Carol Tucker, Branch Chief, Emergency Planning and Response Branch U.S. EPA Region 1 5 Post Office Square Mail Code: OSRR02-2 Boston, MA 02109-3912

December 22, 2014

Subject: Medford Housing Authority Willis Avenue Medford MA 02155 RTN 3-31839

Dear Ms. Tucker:

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) requests assistance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to address the documented release of hazardous materials that may present an Imminent Hazard and Significant Risk to public health and the environment at the Medford Housing Authority (Site) property located in the Willis Avenue area. The threats as currently identified are from contaminants in soil associated with historic fill material and/or dumping at the Site. The contaminants are present in Site soil at concentrations exceeding the Method 1 Cleanup Standards found in 310 CMR 40.0000. The site related contaminants include: arsenic, lead and zinc in surface soils, and at depth. The Site is located within a residential neighborhood of Medford, MA and situated within an Environmental Justice area.

Recently, field activities were conducted at the Site by the Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team (START) on behalf of EPA. The START information is summarized in the November 2014 Trip Report for the preliminary assessment/site investigation of the site. The Trip Report confirms the presence of metals at the Site. Additional information is contained within MassDEP's file (RTN 3-31839). Previous investigations at the Site include the January 2014 Immediate Response Assessment Plan conducted by Green Environmental as well as a Phase I, Preliminary Investigation Report by Green Environmental in October of 2014.

On April 7, 2014 MassDEP requested assistance from EPA to do additional sampling and analysis at the Medford Housing Authority property, and if necessary to conduct remedial activities at the Site, based on these public health and environmental threats posed by the Site and the lack of substantial funds by the Medford Housing Authority.

This information is available in alternate format. Call Michelle Waters -Ekanem, Diversity Director. at 617-292-5751. TOO# 1-866-539-7622or1-617-574-6868 MassDEP Websne wv.w.mass gov!d&p

Prtnteo on Recycled Paper


SDMS Doc ID 579343

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the letterhead address or, or 978-694-3399.

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Cc: MasssDEP database (C&E REFOTH) Gary Lipson EPA

Iris W . Davis Section Chief Risk Reduction and Enforcement MassDEP Northeast Region


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