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HYPERLINK "" Dictionary of Opera and Song Themes, ML128 .V7 B3 1976: A dictionary of themes from arias and songs …what is that music they are singing in the cartoon? Or what is that piece you heard on NPR the other day? You can find it here.Musical Analysis: an annotated guide…, ML128 .A7 D5 1991: need to analyze Chopin Nocturne, Beethoven Symphony, Movement of Bach CantataReader’s Guide to Music, ML160 .R42 1999: A series of essays that describe and evaluate critical writings (in English) on a variety of musical topics.Music Titles in Translations, ML111 .H7: Who wrote and what is the English title of “Polednice” or “Pohádka”, and thousands of others.The Jazz Standards, ML128 .J3 G56 2012: Entertaining and informative. An expert provides origins, evaluations, and lots of stories about….well… the jazz standards. Lexicon of Musical Invective, ML3785 .S5: Nowhere else can you find bad reviews of the best classical music ever written. Fun.357172-1334700A Snapshot of theReference Area“We shall never become musicians unless we understand the ideals of temperance, fortitude, liberality and magnificence.”Plato“These three take crooked ways: carts, boats, and musicians.”Hindu proverb“Never look at the trombones. It only encourages them”Richard Strauss“I Loathe Divas, they are the curse of the true music and musicians”Hector Berliozfrom A Dictionary of Music Quotations, [ML66 .C86 1989]Musical AKA’s, ML105 .D76 2007: Who is known as the “Cave Man of Music” or as the “Prince of Darkness”? Find out the answers and so many others.The Book of World Famous Music, ML113 .F8 1995: Is “Johnny I hardly knew you” really an Irish folk song? Or, do you wonder exactly when and how Gounod took Bach’s prelude and made a song? Or did he?A Dictionary of Musical Themes, ML128 .I65 B3 1975: A dictionary of musical quotations…what is that music they are using in the dishwasher commercial? Or what is that piece you heard on NPR the other day? You can find it here.Subject Guide to Classical Instrumental Music, ML128 .I65 G59 1989: Need classical music that alludes to “Africa” or “Witches” and everything in between. Take a look between these covers.683505100487800 HYPERLINK "" Gleason Outlines of Music, ML161 .G522 1980: The music outline series is like class notes for music history (and other topics). If its in Gleason, you should know it for placement exams and tests. HYPERLINK "" Calendar of music and musicians, ML161 .M16: find out what happened any day (your birthday, for example…) in music history.The Annals of Music in America”, ML200 .L14: Provides important musical events from 1640-1921. View by date, or look up compositions by composer.Chronology of Western Classical Music, ML161 .H227 2002: Year by year: births, deaths, debuts, prizes & honors, literature, compositions (vocal and instrumental) and more! Use the indices to look up compositions, performers, places, prizes, etc. This could provide all the necessary information for many a research paper!Polyglot Dictionary of Musical Terms, ML108 .T4: A dictionary to look up any musical term in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Magyar, Cyrillic and find out what it means in a musical context.Music Notation, MT35 .R253 M9 1969: Looking at a score and not quite sure what the notation is trying to convey…? ................

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