WEEK - Arabalicious

WEEK |Topic |Learning Outcomes |Teaching & Learning

Activities |Grammar |Resources | |1


Talking about yourself, Childhood, nationality and family

Polite requests

Asking questions |

* Progression from foundation

* Developing confidence in speaking


* Listen and responding

* Read and write: Extract personal information from texts

* Conversation: Personal information |

* The noun (masculine and feminine)

* Vocabulary learning and testing

* Joining letters

|* Teacher resources:

- Greetings L1 PP

- Worksheets

* Mastering Arabic 2:

- Pages 2-8

* Your Arabic Friend:

- Pages 90-93

| |

|2. |Greetings |* My name is … and I live in Bradford in Britain |* Listen and responding | |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* What’s you name? |* Read and write: Extract personal |* The noun (masculine and feminine) |- Greetings L1 PP |

| | |* Where do you live? |information from texts |* Vocabulary learning and testing |- Worksheets |

| | |* Introduce yourself |* Conversation: Personal information |* Sun letters and Moon letters |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* Giving your address and saying where you live | | |- Pages 2-8 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 90-93 |

|3 |Age and numbers |* Numbers 1-20 |* Listen and responding | |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Asking questions about age |* Read and write. |* The noun (masculine and feminine) |- Age and Birthday L2 PP |

| | |* How old are you? |* Pair-work speaking |* Emphatic and non-emphatic letters: ك |- Worksheets |

| | |* I am … years old |* Games to test learning |and ق |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* And you? | | |- Pages 2-8 |

| | |* Your birth date | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Birthdays Pages 96-97 |

|4 |Using superlatives |* Older than and younger than |* Listen and responding |* The noun (masculine and feminine) |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Comparing each other’s age |* Read and write. |* Superlatives |- Superlatives L3 PP |

| | | |* Pair-work speaking |* Personal pronouns 1st and 2nd person |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning |feminine and masculine | |

|5 |Countries |* Countries and nationality |* Extracting information from texts |* Countries (masculine and feminine) |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Saying where you are from |* Writing |* Case ending: nominative and genitive |- Countries & nationalityL4 PP |

| | |* Who is this |* Listening skills |* Making plurals |- Worksheets |

| | |* Is this John? Yes it is | |* Gender agreement |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* Asking questions about country and nationality | |* Sun letters and Moon letters |- Pages 2-8 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Letter to a friend abroad pages 94-95 |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|7 | My family |* Describing members of your family |* Listen and responding |* Alternatives for I |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Questioning |* Read and write. |* Connectives |- Describing personality L6 |

| |Describing character and personality |* Who has 4 sisters |* Pair-work speaking |* Antonyms |- Worksheets |

| | |* What is he/she like? |* Games to test learning |* They are (PL M, PL F, Dual) |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* Questions: Who is kind… tall… mean…? | | |- Pages 12-13 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 90-93 |

|8 |Talking about childhood |* Write a text about your childhood |* Listen and responding |* The past tense |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* I was born on the … |* Read and write. |* Using time phrases |- Childhood L7 PP |

| |Talking about your childhood |* I grew up in … |* Pair-work speaking |* Compare and contrast the Past and the|- Worksheets |

| |Revision of greetings |* My dad was… and my mum was … | |Present |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* Feelings and character |Culture: A look at an Arabic Film Star |* A look at common patterns |- Pages 14-15 |

| | | |(Egypt) | | |

|9 |Facial features and body parts | * Describing facial features and physical |* Listen and responding |* Dual (eyes) |* Teacher resources: |

| | |appearances |* Read and write. |* Colour and agreement |- Features L8 PP |

| | | |* Pair-work speaking |* He is, she is |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning |* They are (PL M, PL F, Dual) | |

|10 | Pets and animals |* Talk about pets |* Listen and responding |* Masculine and feminine |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Describing pets and giving opinions with reasons |* Read and write. |* Regular and broken plurals |- Pets L9 PP |

| | |Questioning: |* Pair-work speaking |* Adjectival agreement |- Worksheets |

| | |* Who likes…? Why? |* Games to test learning | | |

| | |* Who doesn’t like…? Why? | | | |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|12 |My House |* To say what you have in different rooms in your |* Listen and responding |* Human and Non-Human plurals (MA2: |* Teacher resources: |

| | |house |* Read and write. |30-31) |- Furniture L11 PP |

| |Furniture | |* Pair-work speaking |* Adjectives and the plural |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 20-31 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 10-11 |

|13 |My House |* Say what you do in different rooms in your house |* Listen and responding |* Key verbs |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Say where your house is: Country, coast, mountain, |* Read and write. |* Present tense |- House & Activities L12 PP |

| |My Area |town, village, outskirts of town … |* Pair-work speaking |* Revision: Past tense |- Worksheets |

| |Consolidate + Activities |* I watch TV in the living room |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* I do my homework in the office | | |- Pages 20-31 |

| | |* I eat in the dining room etc… | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 10-11 |

|14 |My House |* Looking at notices of types of property for rent |* Use the internet to find suitable |* Adjectives |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Describing which property would suit different |properties for different families |* Identify plurals, past and present |- House for rent L13 PP |

| |For Rent |families |* Reading: Extract information from texts |tense from texts |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Listening: Listening to property requests | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | |and extract information | |- Pages 32-33 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 10-11 |

| |* Consolidation and revision |

| |* The students to learn key words on Pages 36-37 for test |

| |* Culture: A Look at Saudi Arabia: House in Saudi Arabia |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|16 |Sports and Leisure |* Talk about what you like to do in your spare time |* Listening to people talking about what they|* Verbal nouns and participles |* Teacher resources: |

| | | |like to do in their spare time |* Active participle: Player, boxer |- Going out L16 PP |

| | | |* Extracting information from texts |* Passive participle: Preferred, |- Worksheets |

| | |Using key verbs and sports |* Write short texts about what you do |favourite (MA2, p 62-63) |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |Rowing, archery, | | |- Pages 56-72 |

|17 | Sports and Leisure |* Talking about going out |* Listen to people arranging to meet and make|* Revision: Past and present tense |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Reminder of days of the week |notes about when, where and what they will be|* The future tense |- Going out L16 PP |

| |Time phrases |* Future plans: Talk about your leisurely future plans|doing |* Subjunctive: MA2 p73 |- Worksheets |

| |Saying what, when, where and with whom | |* Reading texts and fill in the table with | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | |the right info | |- Pages 56-72 |

| | | |* Write about your plans | | |

|18 |* Consolidation and revision |

| |* The students to learn key words on Pages 72-73 for test |

| |* Culture: A Look at Morocco p 70-71 |

| | |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|20 |Hobbies and free time |* Talking about going out |* Listen to people arranging to meet and make|* Verbal nouns and participles |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Reminder of days of the week |notes about when, where and what they will be|* Active participle: Player, boxer |- Free Time L15 PP |

| |Interests and going out |* Future plans: Talk about your leisurely future plans|doing |* Passive participle: Preferred, |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Reading texts and fill in the table with |favourite (MA2, p 62-63) |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| |Vocabulary book p61,62, 63 | |the right info | |- Pages 64-65 |

| | | |* Write about your plans | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 115 |

|21 | Music instruments |* Musical instruments |Listening to people talking about what |* Revision: Past and present tense |* Teacher resources: |

| | | |musical instruments they play and why |* The future tense |- Going out L16 PP |

| | |Piano, guitar, horn, song |* Extracting information from texts |* Subjunctive: MA2 p73 |- Worksheets |

| |Vocabulary book p61,62, 63 | |* Write short texts about musical instruments| |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 66-69 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 115 |

|22 |Lifestyle |* Good health and bad health |Listening to people talking about what | |* Teacher resources: |

| |Healthy eating and exercise |* Opinions and reasons |musical instruments they play and why | |- Going out L17 PP |

| |Vocabulary book p66, 67, 68 | |* Extracting information from texts | |- Worksheets |

| | |Addicted, afflicted, balanced diet, smoking, | | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |protection | | |- Pages 186-198 |

|23 |Lifestyle |* Talking about pains and aches |* Listening to people talking about health | |* Teacher resources: |

| |Health | |issues | |- Going out L17 PP |

| |To cough, to fall, to sneeze, to swallow, to |Cold, flu, cure, clinic, first aid, ill, illness, |* Talk about health problems | |- Worksheets |

| |smoke, to suffer, to feel |medicine, operation, pain, painful, pill, protection, |* Extracting information from texts | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |to suffer, thermometer, to decide, treatment | | |- Pages 186-198 |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|21 |Work Experience |* Work and experience |* Listen and responding |* 7 Key verbs |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Applicant, able to, address, CV, advertisement, age,|* Read and write. |* Words frequency |- Daily routine L18 PP |

| |Full time, part time, succeed, fail, earn, to|diploma, experience, gender and sex, nationality, to |* Pair-work speaking |* Time phrases |- Worksheets |

| |pay |need, to obtain, to send, skill, qualification, |* A day in the life of Nadim |* Possessive |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| |Vocabulary book p73, 74, 75 |driving license, situation vacant. | | |- Pages 38-52 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 12-13 |

|22 |Daily routine and domestic tasks |* Talk about your daily routine and what you do to |* Listen and responding |* Present tense |* Teacher resources: |

| | |help at home |* Read and write. |* Irregular verbs: General note |- L19 PP |

| | | |* Pair-work speaking |* Making a present verb negative by |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning |putting ‘laa’ MA2 pages 48-49 |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 38-52 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages |

|23 |School Subjects |* To talk about school |* Listen and responding |* Broken plurals |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Education, student, pupil, teacher, primary school, |* Read and write. |* Regular plurals |- L20 PP |

| |Education, |middle school, secondary school, boarding school, | | |- Worksheets |

| |Lebanese educational system VS UK |timetable, lesson, university. | | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| |Vocabulary book p71, 72, 73 |* School equipment | | |- Pages 136-150 |

| | |* School subjects | | | |

|24 |Time |* The time in Arabic |* Apply activities in all four skills |* Questions |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| |Using time and time phrases |* Saying when and using time phrases | |* Imperative |- Pages 76-77 |

| | |* Incorporate tenses | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 152-153 |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|26 |Holiday plans |* To talk about holiday plans and possibilities |* Listen and responding |* 7 Key verbs |* Teacher resources: |

| | | |* Read and write. |* Words frequency |- Holiday plans PP |

| |The future tense | |* Pair-work speaking |* Time phrases |- Worksheets |

| | | | | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 170-182 |

|27 |My Town |* To talk about your town and places in your town |* Listen and responding |* Broken plurals |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Say what you do in different places in town |* Read and write. |* Regular plurals |- Around town L20 PP |

| |Places in town |* What is available for visitors in your town | | |- Worksheets |

| |Activities | | | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| |Visitor information | | | |- Pages 74-75 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 154-166 |

|28 |Directions |* To be able to ask for directions and give directions|* Apply activities in all four skills |* Questions |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Directing people to different places in town | |* Imperative |- Directions L21 PP |

| | | | | |- Worksheets |

| | | | | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 76-77 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 152-153 |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|30 |Travel and Tourism |* Talk about the weather |* Listen and responding |* The past tense MA2 p.82-83 |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* To talk about travel arrangements |* Read and write. |* Describing the past: The use of the |- Travelling L23 PP |

| |Travel in the Arab World |* Say where you are going, how you will get there, |* Role play: Speaking |verb ‘kaana’ MA2 p86 |- Worksheets |

| | |what you will visit and what activities you will be |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |doing there | | |- Pages 81-84-85 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 264-267 |

| | | | | |- Page 171 weather |

|31 |Travel and Tourism |* Booking and finding a room |* Listen and responding |* Revision: 3 tenses |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Types of accommodation |* Read and write. |* I would like … |- At the hotel L24PP |

| |Booking a room in a hotel | |* Pair-work speaking |* Could I … |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 268-271 |

|32 |Travel and Tourism |* To write a letter of complaint about problems in a |* Listen and responding |* Writing a letter of complaint using |* Teacher resources: |

| | |hotel |* Read and write. |all 3 tenses (Present, Past and Future)|- Letter of complaint L25PP |

| |A letter of complaint |* The room was cold, dirty, noisy, no soap in the |* Pair-work speaking | |- Worksheets |

| | |bathroom, |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 87 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 274-276 |

|33 |* Consolidation and revision |

| |* The students to learn key words on Pages 90-91 for test |

| |* Culture: A Look at Tunisia p 88-89 |

| | |

| | |

| |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|36 |Food and cooking | *To say what you eat and drink for breakfast, lunch |* Listen and responding |* Verbs |* Teacher resources: |

| | |and dinner |* Read and write. |* Using time expressions |- Daily meals L27PP |

| |Daily meals and snacks | |* Pair-work speaking | |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning | | |

|37 |Shops |* Buying food in a shop and supermarket |* Listen and responding |* Measures |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Create a shopping list |* Read and write. | |- At the greengrocers L28P |

| |At the greengrocers |* To talk about measures |* Pair-work speaking | |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 94-97 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 32-33 |

|38 |Food and cooking |* Talk about eating out |* Listen and responding |* Expressing time and making requests |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Reserving a table |* Read and write. |* Forms of verbs: MA2 p102-103 |- At the restaurant L29PP |

| |At the restaurant |* Asking for food and bill |* Pair-work speaking | |- Worksheets |

| | |* Arabic dishes and methods of cooking |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| |Dealing with problems | | | |- Pages 98-101 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 28-34-35 |

|39 |* Consolidation and revision |

| |* The students to learn key words on Pages 108-109 for test |

| |* Culture: A Look at Lebanon p 106-107 |

| | |

| |* General Revision: 110-117 |

|WEEK |TOPIC |LEARNING |Teaching & Learning |Grammar |Resources |


|41 |Clothes and fashions |* Describe clothes you wear and give opinions and |* Listen and responding |* Colours and adjectival agreement |* Teacher resources: |

| | |reasons |* Read and write. | |- Describing clothes L31PP |

| |Describing clothes and colour |* Describe what famous people wear |* Pair-work speaking | |- Worksheets |

| | |* Describe clothes in a fashion show |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | |* Clothes in an Arabic wedding | | |- Pages 122-123 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 141 |

|42 |Clothes and Fashion |* Buying clothes in a shop |* Listen and responding |* Relative pronouns Human: allathee, |* Teacher resources: |

| | |* Role play: Customer vs Shop keeper |* Read and write. |allatheena |- At the clothes shop L32PP |

| |At the clothes shop | |* Pair-work speaking |Non-human: Alltee, allaatee |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 124-125 |

| | | | | |* Your Arabic Friend: |

| | | | | |- Pages 141 |

|43 |Clothes and Fashion |* Describe clothes in a fashion show |* Listen and responding |* Doubled verbs |* Teacher resources: |

| | | |* Read and write. |* Irregular words referring to people |- Fashion Show L33PP |

| |Fashion Show | |* Pair-work speaking |p135 |- Worksheets |

| | | |* Games to test learning | |* Mastering Arabic 2: |

| | | | | |- Pages 130-131 |

|44 |* Consolidation and revision |

| |* The students to learn key words on Pages 134-135 for test |

| |* Culture: A Look at Iraq p 132-133 |

| | |

| |* General Revision: 110-117 |

New Arabic GCSE (Short Course) Year 1

Listening and Reading Skills

Personal information

• General interests

• Leisure activities

• Family and friends

• Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)

Out and about

• Visitor information

• Basic weather

• Local amenities

• Accommodation

• Public transport

• Directions

Customer service and transactions

• Café and restaurants

• Shops

• Dealing with problems

Future plans, education and work

• Basic language of the internet

• Simple job advertisements

• Simple job applications and CV

• School and college

• Work and work experience

Grammar and language structure:

• Nouns: Feminine and Masculine

• The definite and indefinite article (nominative, genitive and accusative)

• Basic knowledge of case ending (tanween)

• Definite article with ‘kul’ i.e

• Idaafa

• Singular – Dual – Regular Plural – Nominative – Accusative – Genitive

• Broken Plurals

• Nominative sentences including negation

• Rules for writing Hamza

• Adjectives

• Pronouns

• Possessive Pronouns

• Personal Pronouns

• Demonstratives

• Prepositions

• Verbs: Present – Past – Future – Negative forms – Question forms

• Imperative

• Negative of the Imperative

• Verbal sentences

• Root system

• Adverbs: Time – Place – Manner – Number – Frequency

• Conjunctions

• Questions Words

• Numbers


Mr Taoufiq Cherkaoui New GCSE SOW

1. Personal information. Vocab Book 61-68

2. Future plans, Education and work. Vocab 69-75

3. Out and About. Vocab 43-52

[pic]=>QXY’“µ¶¹üýÿ» Î Ñ JKLMQîãßØÍż³§³—?€si\i\i\REÅhTÇh?)CJ[?]OJQJh?)CJ[?]OJQJh~×h?)CJOJQJh?)CJOJQJh~×h?)CJ[?]OJQJh"5@h?)CJOJQJhœCJOJQJhøAxh?)5?CJOJQJaJhøAx4. Customer services and transactions. Vocab 53-60


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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