The Quilt Story


Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 18, first |Touch the exclamation point. Write the word before it. |boy |

|2. 18, 4 |Write the action verb. |shake |

|3. 18, 5 |Write the compound word |rooftops |

|4. 18, 7 |Write 2 contractions. |don’t, he’s |

|5. 18, 8 |Write 2 words that tell who the fly boy is. |Ikarus Jackson |

|6. 18, 12 |Write 2 words that tell what they whispered about. |his wings |

|7. 18, last |Write the possessive pronoun and the noun that it goes with. |his shoes |

|8. 21, first |Write the two common nouns. |teacher, kids |

|9. 21, 2 & 3 |Write 3 words that tell what his wings did. |blocked the blackboard |

|10. 21, 6 & 7 |Write the words that tells how he left the room. |quietly |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 21, 9 & 10 |Write 2 words that tell what grew into a giggle at recess. |the snicker |

|2. 21, 10 & 11 |Write 3 words that tell where the giggle spread. |across the playground |

|3. 21, 17 |Write the past tense verb. |looked |

|4. 21, 19 |Write the word that means two. |couple |

|5. 22, 2 |Write the hyphenated compound word. |slow-motion |

|6. 22, 6 |Write the word that is the opposite of everybody. |nobody |

|7. 22, 7 |Write 4 words that tell where their words sent Ikarus |drifting into the sky |

|8. 22, last 2 |Write 4 words that tell where Ikarus floated. |farther and farther away |

|9. 23, first 2 |Write one word that tells how he felt. |lonely |

|10. 23, 4 |Write 3 words that tell where I ran |through the streets |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 24, first |Write5 words that tell why he struggled. |to stay in the air |

|2. 24, 3 |Write one word that tells how he landed. |heavily |

|3. 24, 5 |Write 4 words that tell who blew his whistle. |a policeman passing by |

|4. 24, last |Write the contraction and the two words it stands for. |you’ll - you will |

|5. 25, 2-4 |What 2 reasons might the policeman put him in jail for? |flying, being too different |

|6. 25, 5 & 6 |Write 3 words that tell who exploded with laughter. |the neighborhood kids |

|7. 26, first |Wrote 3words that tell where Ikarus sailed. |closer to me |

|8. 26, 2 & 3 |Write 4 words that tell what “I” told him. |Your flying is beautiful. |

|9. 26, 4 |Write 2 words that tell what I saw for the first time. |Ikarus smile |

|10. 26, last 2 |Write 4 words that tell what Ikarus was doing. |swirling through the sky |

Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 42, first |Write the proper noun. |Earth |

|2. 42, 3 |Write 2 words that describe wonders. |amazing natural |

|3. 42, 4 |Write 1 word that tells what the deserts haven’t seen. | rain |

|4. 42, 6 |Write 3 words that tells when it’s below freezing |in the summer |

|5. 42, last |Write the possessive noun. |planet’s |

|6. 43, first |Where is the Nile River? |Africa |

|7. 43, 4 |Where is the Amazon River? |South America |

|8. 43, 9 |What is the longest river in the United States? |Mississippi-Missouri River |

|9. 44, first 3 |What is the oldest and deepest lake? |Lake Baikal |

|10. 44, last 2 |How many Great Lakes are there? |5 |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. page 45 |What is the highest mountain in the world? |Mount Everest |

|2. page 45 |What is the tallest mountain in the world? |Mauna Kea |

|3. page 45 |How many feet of Mauna Kea is above sea level? |13,796 feet |

|4. page 46 |What is the hottest desert in the world? |Sahara |

|5. page 46 |What is the highest temperature recorded? |over 136 degrees F. |

|6. page 46 |Where was the hottest temperature ever recorded in the United States? |Death Valley, California |

|7. page 47 |What is the coldest place on the planet? |Vostok, Antarctica |

|8. page 47 |Where is the coldest place in the United States? |Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska |

|9. page 47 |What is the average yearly rainfall of Tutunendo, Colombia? |463 inches |

|10. page 47 |Which state in the United States has the most rainy days each year? |Hawaii |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. page 48 |What is the driest desert in the world? |Atacama Desert |

|2. page 48 |How long has it been since it rained here? |400 years |

|3. page 48 |How much rain usually falls in Death Valley every year? |1 ½ inches |

|4. page 49 |Where is Mount Washington? |New Hampshire |

|5. page 49 |What is the highest mountain range in the world? |Himalayas |

|6. page 50 |Which country has the highest waterfall? |Venezuela |

|7. page 51, top box |What is the average depth of the world’s oceans? |3 miles |

|8. page 51, bottom |Who often does the Sangay volcano erupt? |once every 24 hours |

|box | | |

|9. page 52 |Where are the most extreme tides? |Bay of Fundy |

|10. page 53 |What are masses of ice that move slowly called? |glaciers |

Rocks in His Head

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 66, first |Write the word that begins with a consonant blend. |stamps |

|2. 66, 2 & 3 |Write 5 words that tell when my father collected rocks. |when he was a boy |

|3. 66, 5 & 6 |Write the two places people said he had rocks. |in his pockets and in his head |

|4. 66, 10 |Write the 2 homophones. |no, in |

|5. 66, 12 & 13 |Write the other name for a gas station. |filling station |

|6. 66, 17 |Write one word that tells how my father painted the name over the doorway. |carefully |

|7. 67, 4 |Write the plural noun. |rocks |

|8. 67, 5 & 6 |Write words that tell what he placed on those shelves. |his rocks and minerals |

|9. 67, 8 |Write 4 words that tell who had automobiles in those days. |lots of rich people |

|10. 67, last 2 |Write the two places he bought parts. |dealers, junkyards |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 68, first |Write the opposite of right. |left |

|2. 68, 3 |Write the 3 homophones. |you, to, buy |

|3. 68, 6 |Write 2 words that tell what people came to buy. |that junk |

|4. 68, 9 & 10 |Write 3 words that tell what my father was too busy for. |the chess games |

|5. 68, 10 |Write the present tense verbs. |pumping, changing, fixing |

|6. 68, 17 |Write the 2 proper nouns. |Nevada, Connecticut |

|7. 69, first |Write 3 words that tell what fell. |the stock market |

|8. 69, 8 & 9 |Write 4 words that tell when my father would play chess. |when business was slow |

|9. 69, 9 & 10 |Write 4 words that tell what my grandfather would do when business was very slow. |mind the filling station |

|10. 69, last |Write 2 words that tell what we hunted for with my father. |more rocks |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 70, 2 |Write the irregular plural noun. |shelves |

|2. 70, 7-9 |Write 8 words that tell why people stopped coming. |They were all too busy looking for work. |

|3. 70, 10 & 11 |Write 4 words that tell where my father packed the chess set. |in a big box |

|4. 70, 14 |Write 2 words that tell what his friends brought to help us move. |a truck |

|5. 70, 19 |Write 4 words that describe the house we moved to. |old and falling apart |

|6. 70, 23 |Write 4 words that tell what he’d already built. |tiny little wooden shelves |

|7. 71, 7 |Write 5 words that tell how long most jobs lasted |only a day or two |

|8. 71, 8 |Write 3 words that tell where my father went. |the science museum |

|9. 71, 10 |Write the word that means all. |whole |

|10. 71, 11 |Write the word that is a homophone. |whole |

America’s Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 92, 2 |Write the word that names places that serve food. |restaurants |

|2. 92, 2 |What were women not allow to do in most states? |vote |

|3. 92, 6 |How many children were in Gertrude’s family? |6 |

|4. 92, 7 & 8 |Write 4 words that tell where her apartment was next to. |her father’s butcher shop |

|5. 92, last 2 |What were Gertrude’s two nicknames? |Gertie, Trudy |

|6. 93, first 2 |Write 3 words that tell when Trudy played on the sidewalks of New York. |her early years |

|7. 93, 3 & 4 |Where id Gertrude’s grandmother live? |in Germany |

|8. 93, 4 |Write 3 words that tell where Gertrude fell. |into a pond |

|9. 93, 7 & 8 |Write 5 words that tell what her father tied to her waist. |one end of a rope |

|10. 93, 10 & 11 |Write 3 words that tell who Margaret is. |her older sister |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 94, 2 & 3 |How old was Gertrude when she became a member of the New York Women’s Swimming Association? |13 |

|2. 94, 5 |Write 4 words that tell what Trudy won at fifteen. |her first big race |

|3. 94, 7 & 8 |Write 8 words that tell where she swam. |from lower Manhattan to Sandy Hook, New |

| | |Jersey |

|4. 94, 10 |Write the compound word. |lazybones |

|5. 94, last |Write the possessive noun. |men’s |

|6. 95, 2 & 3 |Write 4 words that tell how newspapers described her. |courageous, determined, modest, poised |

|7. 95, 4 & 5 |Write 2 words that tell who said she was “just a plain home girl.” |Trudy’s mother |

|8. 95, 6 & 7 |Write 4 words that tell what she was good enough to make in 1924. |the U.S. Olympic team |

|9. 95, 10 |How many records did Trudy set by 1925? |29 |

|10. 95, last 2 |How many women had made it all the way across the English Channel? |none |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 96, 2 |Write the past tense verb. |declared |

|2. 96, 6 |Write 3 words that tell what she was going to do. |swim the Channel |

|3. 96, 7 |Write 4 words that tell what time of day she stepped into the water. |early in the morning |

|4. 96, 9 & 10 |Write 3 words that tell how long she fought the strong current. |almost nine hours |

|5. 96, 14 |Write 2 words that could be made into a contraction. |did not |

|6. 97, 2 |What two things did Trudy wear on her head? |red bathing cap, goggles |

|7. 97, 3-5 |What 2 things did Margaret coat Trudy with to protect her from the icy cold water? |lanolin, heavy grease |

|8. 97, 5 |Write 2 words that tell what took a long time. |the greasing |

|9. 98, 4 & 5 |What was the name of the tugboat? |Alsace |

|10. 98, 7-9 |Who was on the second boat? |reporters, photographers |

Fly, Eagle, Fly

Skim & Scan

Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 118, 2 |Write 4 words that tell who had come back. |the little herd boys |

|2. 118, 3 |Write 2 words that tell when there had been a terrible storm. |that night |

|3. 118, 5 |Write the compound word. |riverbed |

|4. 118, 8 |Write 2 words that describe tracks. |muddy cattle |

|5. 118, last |Write 2 words that tell what roared in the valley below. |the river |

|6. 119, first |Touch the noun calf. Write the plural form of it. |calves |

|7. 119, 4 |Write 3 words that tell what the most unusual sight was. |an eagle chick |

|8. 119, 6 |Write the irregular verb. |blown |

|9. 119, 9 |Write 6 words that tell why he was still calling. |in case the calf might hear |

|10. 119, 10 |Write 2 words that tell who ran out to meet him. |the children |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 120, 2 |Write the irregular plural noun. |children |

|2. 120, last 2 |Write 6 words that tell what it looked different from. |any chicken they had ever seen |

|3. 122, first |Write 2 words that tell when a friend dropped in. |one day |

|4. 122, 2 |Write 7 words that tell where the farmer sat. |at the door of the kitchen hut |

|5. 122, 5-7 |Name 4 things it did like a chicken. |walks, talks, eats, thinks |

|6. 122, last |What did the farmer say? |Go ahead. |

|7. 123, 2 |Write 2 words that tells how heavy the bird was. |fairly heavy |

|8. 123, 2 |Write 3 words that tell where he lifted the bird. |above his head |

|9. 123, 5 |Write 4 words that tell what the bird did. |stretched out its wings |

|10. 123, last |Write the verb. |roared |

|Page # & Line # |Question |Answer |

|1. 124, 4 |Write 7 words that tell what he struggled up. |the slippery thatch of the |

| | |tallest hut |

|2. 124, 7 |Write 6 words that tell where the friend was. |swaying on top of the hut |

|3. 124, last 2 |Write 2 words that tell what the bird belonged to. |the sky |

|4. 125, first |Write 2 words that begin with a consonant blend. |great, stretched |

|5. 125, 4 |Write 2 verbs. |scrambled, slid |

|6. 125, 7 & 8 |Write 4 words that tell what time of day the dogs began to bark. |very early next morning |

|7. 125, 9 |Write the word that is the opposite of inside. |outside |

|8. 125,15 |Write the adverb. |reluctantly |

|9. 126, 3 |Write 2 prepositions. |at, of |

|10. 126, 4 |Write the preposition. |over |


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